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May 01, 2012
Section 5.2 - Cells: The Basic Unit of Life
Cell Membrane
- entire cell is covered with the cell membrane.
- acts like a gatekeeper, controlling the movement of materials
into and out of the cell.
- acts as the control centre, directing all of the cell's activities.
- genetic information is organized into threadlike structures
called chromosomes - each chromosome contains many different
- genes are units of genetic information that determine the
specific characteristics of an individual.
- area of the cell where the work is done.
- nutrients are absorbed, transported, and processed within the
- contains a number of different organelles that each have a
specific form and function - an organelle is a specialized
structure inside the cell.
May 01, 2012
Chromosomes are thread-like
structures that carry genetic
information. Chromosomes are found
in the nucleus of every cell.
Genes are units of genetic
information that determine the
specific characteristics of an
The nucleolus is the darker area found
inside the nucleus. Ribosomes build proteins that are
necessary for cell growth and
The endoplasmic reticulum is
a series of canals that
transports materials to
different parts of the cell.
Mitochondria provides the
cell with energy.
Centriole is a small protein
structure critical for cell
Vacuoles are fluid-filled
storehouses that contain
water, food, wastes and
other materials.
May 01, 2012
May 01, 2012
Golgi bodies store proteins
until they are needed by
the cell.
Lysosomes are saclike
structures that contain
proteins that break down
food and digest wastes and
worn-out cell parts.
Comparison of Plant and Animal Cells
May 01, 2012
Plant cells contain all the organelles found in animal cells plus a few
other structures.
Cell Wall
- surrounds the cell membrane.
- composed of rigid material called cellulose.
- protect and support plant cells.
- organelle containing chlorophyll used in
- both animal and plant cells contain vacuoles, but in plant cells
the vacuole is much LARGER.
Cell Parts Assignment
Pages 142 & 143
May 01, 2012
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