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Mr. Murdoch
Unit 7 test Preview
1. Which sequence of terms is in the correct order from simplest to
most complex?
Liv Env '14 to '15
7. Which letter in the diagram below indicates the structure that is
most closely associated with excretion?
cells ® tissues ® organs ® organ systems
tissues ® organisms ® cells ® organ systems
cells ® tissues ® organ systems ® organs
organs ® organisms ® organ systems ® cells
2. The invention of the compound light microscope enabled
scientists to observe cells, helping them to
determine the number of atoms in a molecule
discover a basic similarity among organisms
study the behavior of chordates
develop techniques for growing plants in a laboratory
1) A
3. Which letter indicates a cell structure that directly controls the
movement of molecules into and out of the cell?
2) B
3) C
4) D
8. A structure that performs a specialized function within a cell is
known as
1) a tissue
3) an organ
2) an organelle
4) a system
9. Base your answer to the following question on
the diagram below which represents the fluid-mosaic model of a
cell membrane.
1) Q
2) R
3) S
4) T
4. In a cell, all organelles work together to carry out
1) diffusion
3) information storage
2) active transport
4) metabolic processes
5. Which cell organelle is most directly involved with the bonding
of amino acids?
1) mitochondrion
3) cell wall
6. One difference between plant and animal cells is that animal
cells do not have
1) a nucleus
3) a cell membrane
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The arrow points to a component of the membrane that is best
described as a
2) endoplasmic reticulum
4) ribosome
2) chloroplasts
4) centrioles
1) sugar floating in lipids 2) protein floating in lipids
3) lipid floating in proteins 4) lipid floating in sugars
10. Which statement regarding the functioning of the cell
membrane of all organisms is not correct?
1) The cell membrane forms a boundary that separates the
cellular contents from the outside environment.
2) The cell membrane is capable of receiving and
recognizing chemical signals.
3) The cell membrane forms a barrier that keeps all
substances that might harm the cell from entering the cell.
4) The cell membrane controls the movement of molecules
into and out of the cell.
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Mr. Murdoch
Unit 7 test Preview
Liv Env '14 to '15
11. Which structure is most directly responsible for maintaining
homeostasis in all cells?
1) chloroplast
3) centriole
2) cell membrane
4) cell wall
12. Base your answer to the following question on In the diagram
below, the dark dots indicate small molecules. These
molecules are moving out of the cells, as indicated by the
arrows. The number of dots inside and outside of the two cells
represents the relative concentrations of the molecules inside
and outside of the cells.
ATP is being used to move the molecules out of the cell by
1) cell A, only
3) both cell A and cell B
2) cell B, only
4) neither cell A nor cell B
13. Base your answer to the following question on The diagram below represents movement of a large molecule across a
Which process is best represented in this diagram?
1) active transport
2) diffusion
3) protein building
14. An environmental change causes the contractile vacuoles of a
paramecium to stop functioning, while most of the other cell
structures appear to be unaffected. Which environmental
change would most likely produce this result?
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temperature change from 20ºC to 25ºC
pH change from 7.0 to 6.5
large decrease in the amount of light
slight increase in salt concentration in the environment
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4) gene manipulation
Mr. Murdoch
Unit 7 test Preview
15. A cell is represented in the diagram shown below.
Which statement about the cell is correct?
1) Structure A synthesizes and secretes cellular products.
2) Structure B contains nucleotides involved in transmitting
genetic information.
3) Structure C utilizes carbon dioxide in the process of
4) Structure D is the site of aerobic respiration.
16. Which organelle is the site of cellular respiration?
1) endoplasmic reticulum 2) mitochondria
3) ribosomes
4) chloroplast function
17. Which organelle is correctly paired with its function?
nucleus — provides carbohydrates for fermentation
chloroplast — serves as a site for photosynthesis
centriole — synthesizes digestive enzymes
lysosome — packages cellular products
18. Base your answer to the following question on Which process
accomplishes the movement of gases illustrated by the arrows
in the diagram below?
1) transpiration
3) phagocytosis
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2) diffusion
4) osmosis
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Liv Env '14 to '15
Mr. Murdoch
Unit 7 test Preview
Base your answers to questions 19 and 20 on the graph below. The graph shows the relative concentrations of different
ions inside and outside of an animal cell.
19. Name the process responsible for maintaining high concentrations of K+ ions inside the cell.
20. Write the symbol of the ion that is closest to equilibrium inside and outside of the cell.
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Liv Env '14 to '15
Mr. Murdoch
Unit 7 test Preview
21. Identify a specific structure in a single-celled organism. State
how that structure is involved in the survival of the organism.
22. Just like complex organisms, cells are able to survive by coordinating various activities. Complex organisms have a
variety of systems, and cells have a variety of organelles that work together for survival. Describe the roles of two
organelles. In your answer be sure to include:
a the names of two organelles and the function of each
b an explanation of how these two organelles work together
c the name of an organelle and the name of a system in the human body that have similar functions
23. Base your answer to the following question on Base your answer to the following question on the diagram below, which
shows some of the specialized organelles in a single-celled organism.
a Write the letter of one of the labeled organelles and state the name of that organelle.
b Explain how the function of the organelle you selected in part a assists in the maintenance of homeostasis.
c Identify a system in the human body that performs a function similar to that of the organelle you selected in part a.
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Liv Env '14 to '15
Mr. Murdoch
Unit 7 test Preview
24. Base your answer to the following question on The diagram below represents a cell viewed using a compound light
Select one of the lettered parts from the diagram. Record the letter of the part chosen in the space provided on your
answer paper and, using one or more complete sentences, state the function of the part.
25. Base your answer to the following question on A plant cell is represented in the diagram below.
Select one of the lettered structures. Record the letter of the structure chosen and, using one or more complete sentences,
state the function of the structure.
Base your answers to questions 26 and 27 on the two sets of cell organelles in the chart below and on your knowledge
of biology.
26. Select one set of organelles and record the letter of the set. Identify a cellular process that is accomplished by organelle
1 in the set you selected.
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Liv Env '14 to '15
Mr. Murdoch
Unit 7 test Preview
27. Explain how the two organelles in the set you selected interact to carry out the cellular process you identified in the
previous question .
28. Base your answer to the following question on the diagram
below, which represents a unicellular organism in a watery
environment. The s represent molecules of a specific
Arrow A represents active transport. State two ways that active
transport is different from diffusion.
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Liv Env '14 to '15
Mr. Murdoch
Unit 7 test Preview
Base your answers to questions 29 and 30 on the diagram below of sugar in a beaker of water.
29. In lab setup B, structure Z prevents the movement of sugar molecules into side 1. Which part of a living cell serves the
same purpose as structure Z?
30. What process accounts for the change shown in lab setup A?
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Liv Env '14 to '15
Mr. Murdoch
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Unit 7 test Preview
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Liv Env '14 to '15