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Inheritance and Genetic Diseases
Introduction: the History of Genetics
Gregor Mendel considered father of genetics 1800’s monk
Experiments on pea plants- self- pollinating flowers could easily be cross fertilized= hybrid
HYBRID: new types of plants formed by cross fertilizing varieties of the same species
He first grew many varieties of pea plants- made sure each was purebred (when it pollinates
itself the successive generation always looks like the parent plant)
Mendel began to cross purebred plants that differed in only one characteristic=
MONOHYBRID CROSS and always chose contrasting traits (height of plant)
To cross two plants, pollen was spread from the stamen of a tall plant to the stigma of a
short plant
SCIENTISTS AT THE TIME thought that offspring were a blend of their parents- Mendel
disproves this
Mendel’s Results
All the offspring of a cross look the same- show characteristics of only one parent
Let the offspring self- fertilize= one or other trait showed in a 3:1 ratio
This Proved That:
Genes that control characteristics occur in pairs
If the genes are different, one will be DOMINANT and the other RECESSIVE
During the formation of gametes, the paired genes separate and each gamete receives one
of the genes
Chromosomes, Genes and Alleles
25 000 genes on a chromosome (carry hereditary genes)
GENE: small piece of DNA in the chromosome which carries info about characteristic in the
LOCUS: a particular position of a gene
ALLELE: different forms of the same gene, found in the same position on the corresponding
homologous chromosome- one allele from mother and one from father
HOMOZYGOUS= alleles for particular characteristic are the same- gene is either TT or tt
HETEROZYGOUS= two alleles for same characteristic are different- gene is Tt
Genetic Diagrams
GENOTYPE: genetic factors present in organism
PHENOTYPE: visible expression of the genotype- way organism looks is due to genotype
MONOHYBRID CROSS: only one hereditary trait is investigated at a time
Symbols used in Genetic Diagrams
a. P- parent generation
b. F1- first Filial- first generation of offspring
c. F2- second Filial- second generation of offspring
2. ALLELES OF A GENE represented by capital and small letters
a. DOMINANT TRAIT= capital letter eg tall plant: T
b. RECESSIVE TRAIT= small letter eg dwarf plant: t
3. As there are 2 alleles for each trait (one on each chromosome in homologous pair) we write
a. Homozygous (purebred) tall plant= TT (both alleles tall)
b. Homozygous (purebred) dwarf plant= tt (both allele dwarf)
c. Heterozygous (hybrid) tall plant= Tt
(one allele dwarf, one tall)
4. DURING MEIOSIS in the formation of gametes, homologous chromosomes separate. Each
gamete receives only 1 allele of pair. Eg if parent is Tt, gamete receives either T or t
NOTE: always include key
In Genotype say the literal genes present eg TT; tt; Tt; Tt
In Phenotype, say the result of these genes eg Tall, Tall, Tall, Short (3 tall 1 short ) and say the
percentage (75% tall, 25% short)
The Inheritance of Sex
The two gonosomes (23rd chromosome/sex chromosome) carry info that determine whether
offspring m/ f
Female chromosome(X) never swops info with male chromosome (Y)
o Therefore info pertaining to sex including traits of that sex is inherited by offspring
as a complete set of info
Y dominant over X, therefore all males carry XY all females carry XX
This means father determines sex as mother donates X and father donates X or Y
X chromosome is much longer and can carry many alleles
Only small part of X and Y chromosomes can pair up during meiosis and no crossing over
Alleles carried on the non-homologous part of X chromosome are called x linked/sex linked
Men only have one X chromosome so will have one of each sex linked allele, this is why
certain genetic diseases are present more in males than females
- If gene on X chromosome mutates/gene for disease male will express it, female only
express it if gene is recessive on both X chromosomes
Genes, Alleles and Mutations
When do MUTATIONS occur?
DNA strand of a gene changes forming a new allele. Change in DNA structure changes
information allele gives to the cell
o Chromosomal- damage to chromosome due to UV, cosmic rays, X ray, Radiation
o Point- single pair of nucleotides in certain point in DNA replaced by different base
 Substitution- wrong nucleotide
 Deletion- less
 Insertion- extra
Somatic Mutations
Occur in somatic body cells- kidney/ bone skin
Damage/ kill/ convert into tumour cells= cancerous
when mitosis happens, Mutation transferred to daughter cells in tissue/ organ
METASTASIS(spread of disease from part to another non-adjacent part.) occurs when cancer
cells spread through body
Somatic mutation dies when cells die/ tumour cells are killed
Occurs after conception/ will not be passed down
Germline Mutations
Occur in egg/ sperm- passed onto zygote which will have mutation present in all cells
Next generation of gametes will carry mutation= FIXED MUTATION/ DRIVES EVOLUTION
Beneficial/ Harmless/ Harmful
Beneficial Mutations
Natural selection based on principle that genes mutate & form new alleles
Depending on environmental changes, mutation can become harmful/ beneficial
Harmful Mutation
Change gene so that allele cannot function (albinism) change message gene gives (extra
Cause disease/ death
LETHAL ALLELE- gene is not coding for production of important substance
Also called neutral/ changes physical characteristics without affecting body function
Cystic Fibrosis- a Genetic Disorder
Lethal allele- cannot produce protein in cells of lungs to transport salts/ water across
membrane into cells
Salt/ water collect in air passages= sticky mucous blocking air passage in/ out of lungs
O2 deprived/ CO2 poisoning/ lung infections/ organ failure
Children of 2 carrier parents have a one in four chance of being sufferers (25%)
Sex Linked Allele
Certain characteristics/ genetic diseases more prominent in m than f
o Due to structure of sex chromosomes (heterosomes)
X CHROMOSOME- many genes on it/ Y CHROMOSOME- smaller/ few genes on it
If a gene on X mutates, mutation will be seen in male because he has only one gene for that
trait (on his X)
If mutation is recessive, it will only be seen in female if both X chromosomes have that trait
Muscular Dystrophy
Duchenne muscular dystrophy occurs when gene on X fails to make muscle protein
Begins in early childhood- progressive loss of muscle strength- die in 20’s of respiratory/
cardiac muscle failure
Colour Blindness
Red green both recessive and sex linked
Recessive gene for colour blindness found on X, Y doesn’t carry gene for colour distinction
Carrier female will be normal as dominant normal gene on other X will dominate
BUT if she has a son, he can inherit her recessive X in which case he will be colour blind
If a girl receives a recessive gene from both Barents, she will be colour blind
Genetic Counselling
Couple who want kids but have genetic disease in family go for genetic counselling
Family tree drawn up to find chance of child inheriting disease
Mother goes for genetic screening- find if she has defective allele
DNA placed in solution with radioactive DNA that attached to mutant gene GENEPROBE
If they are at risk, counsellor discusses % chance of having sufferer child, effects of disorder
on child, other children/ own lives
Couples RELIGIOUS/ MORAL/ CULTURAL beliefs about abortion discussed
No children
Have pregnancy and abort if foetus is affected
Have child regardless of outcome