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BIO101 Objectives Unit 2
Chapter 14
Describe the work of Gregor Mendel (1800s)
Explain the characteristics of Pisum sativum that make this plant a useful genetic model
Differentiate between a character (gene) and a trait (allele)
Explain how Mendel’s ability to cross fertilize or self fertilize pea plants enabled him to control matings
Distinguish between a true-breeding parental, an f1, and an f2 generation in a Mendelian monohybrid cross
Discuss the principle of dominance
Compare the expression of recessive and dominant alleles
Examine phenotypes that result from particular genotypes
Contrast between homozygous recessive, heterozygous, and homozygous dominant genotypes
Discuss the principle of random segregation of alleles into gametes
Employ the Punnett square in one gene crosses
View two gene crosses to illustrate the principle of independent assortment of genes into gametes (assumes the
genes are on different chromosomes)
Use a dihybrid cross to illustrate independent assortment. Construct a Punnett square to examine genotypic and
phenotypic frequencies of offspring
Complete a series of homework assignments that include problems in one gene and two gene crosses
Use the C allele to illustrate incomplete dominance in flowering plants and examine the relationship between
phenotypic and genotypic ratios when two heterozygous plants are crossed
Explain the codominant relationship between the IA and IB IB alleles in humans
Examine the blood alleles IA IB and i alleles in humans to illustrate multiple alleles. Use the Punnett square to
determine frequencies of blood types in offspring given two parental blood types.
Contrast single gene traits with polygenic traits and provide examples of each
Examine blood type and skin color to contrast between a trait that has no norm of reaction and one that has a
norm of reaction range
Learn pedigree symbols
Examine pedigrees to determine if a genetic trait is inherited in a dominant or in a recessive fashion
View albinism as an example of a recessively inherited trait
View achondroplasia as an example of a dominantly inherited trait
List examples of disorders that have a multifactorial component (genetics + environment)
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BIO101 Objectives Unit 2
Chapter 15
1. Describe the chromosome theory of inheritance and how it differs from Mendel’s work
2. Provide rationale for using Drosophila as a model genetic organism
3. Outline Morgan’s experiments with Drosophila eye color at Columbia U. that showed the w allele is located on
the X chromosome
4. Examine the use of mutant and wildtype allele symbols in Drosophila genetics (genetic nomenclature)
5. Explain why most sex-linked genes are located on the X chromosome rather than the Y
6. Describe the human XY sex determination system including gestational age, SRY region, rudimentary gonads,
differentiated gonads and the female default pathway to ovary development
7. Compare heterozygous and homozygous females for X-linked traits with hemizygous males
8. Complete problems in X-linked gene transmission
9. Examine colorblindness as an example of an X-linked gene and compare its prevalence in males and females.
10. Compute the expected number of Barr bodies in a somatic cell nucleus and explain the relationship between X
inactivation and this structure
11. Use the calico cat as an example to show the Lyon hypothesis that females heterozygous for X-linked traits are
genetic mosaics
12. Explain why male cats are either black, or orange, but not calico (or tortishell)
13. Contrast linked and unlinked genes and why unlinked genes assort independently into gametes
14. Explain why males have 24 linkage groups while human females exhibit 23 groups
15. Understand that linkage maps have been created for Drosophila, corn, and other organisms
16. Relate crossing over between homologous non-sister chromatids during meiosis to genetic recombination
17. Understand that the closer two genes are to each other on a chromosome the less frequency of recombination
is observed
18. Examine a chromosomal genetic map and note map units (centimorgans)
19. Correlate non-disjunction of chromatids during meiosis to chromosomal number changes in offspring
20. Provide an example of a viable human monosomy (2n-1)
21. Provide an example of a viable human trisomy (2n +1)
22. Contrast duplications, deletions, inversions, and translocation events chromosome structure
23. Detail the maternal inheritance of extranuclear mitochondrial DNA (and mitochondria)