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Name: __________________________________________________________ Date: ________________ Period: ______ Biology Notes: Organelles of the Cell Directions: Fill in as we cover the topics in the PowerPoint. Corresponds to pages 73 – 79 in your textbook. Three Sections of the Cell 
All cells take in ________________, rid waste, and ___________________ 
3 main sections: 1.
Plasma ____________________ 2.
Nucleus 3.
____________________ Cytoplasm 
______________‐like material __________________ of the cell 
Most organelles __________________ within 
Nucleus o
__________________ o
Vacuoles o
Mitochondria o
___________________ o
ER o
Golgi body o
____________________ Job: Help dissolve _________________ & ______________ materials around Plasma Membrane 
AKA: _______________ membrane 
Composition: Bilayer of lipids & _______________ 
Job: Allow materials to _______________/_______________ 
Semi‐Permeable: only ___________________ materials may enter and exit through ______________ and protein _________________ Nucleus 
Job: Controls cell ____________________ 
Inside 1.
Chromatin 
Long strand of ___________ 
Holds information to make ___________________ Nucleolus: makes ____________________ Additional Information
Endoplasmic Reticulum 
Receives ________________ from the ________________ 
Job: ________________ system that ________________ protein making ________________ 
Smooth ER: makes ___________ & breaks down _______________ (no _______________) Ribosomes 
Created by ______________________ 
Transported by the _________________ ER 
Job: _______________ proteins Golgi Apparatus (Body) 
Job: _______________, sorts, & _______________ proteins 
Proteins _______________ inside a protective _______________ Protein Shipment 1) Nucleolus makes _______________ 2) Ribosome _______________ through _______________ ER making _______________ 3) Golgi Body _______________ & _______________ the _______________ 4) Vesicle _______________ the _______________ from the _______________ Discuss with your neighbor: Answer the following questions. 1) Which organelle builds proteins? ________________ 2) Stores DNA? _____________________ 3) Produces ribosomes? ___________________ 4) Creates fats and breaks down toxins? ____________________ 5) Packages and releases proteins from a cell? _______________________ 6) Allows material to enter/exit a cell? ______________________ 7) Links chains of amino acids together? ________________________ Discuss with your neighbor: Place the following steps of protein creation in order from start to finish. A. Golgi body packages and exports the finished proteins in a vesicle ________ B. Ribosomes travel along the rough ER and create proteins ________ C.
Nucleolus makes ribosomes ________ D. Ribosomes exit the nucleus ________ Additional Information
Mitochondria Additional Information
Job: Create ______ (energy molecule) in a process called cellular ___________ 
Endosymbiosis theory: were once ___________ living organisms that became _____________ of modern cells o
Evidence: 
Own ______________ & ribosomes 
Make ________________ 
___________________ Lysosome 
Contains digestive _____________________ 
Jobs: 1.
Break down __________________ 2.
Kill _______________________ 3.
Autolysis: destroy __________________ cell Cilia & Flagella 
Job: ______________________ 
Cilia: short _____________‐like extensions (numerous) 
Flagella: long ____________‐like extensions (very few) Cell Wall 
_________________ layer of plant, fungi, & _________________ cells 
Job: Add _________________ for growth 
Made of tough ____________________ o
Hard to __________________ Witnessed by Robert _________________ in 1665 Chloroplast 
Job: perform ________________________ 
Chlorophyll molecules absorb ________________ & convert _______________ and __________ into sugars 
Endosymbiosis theory: were once free‐________________ organisms that became parts of _______________ cells 
Evidence: o
Own DNA and ___________________ o
_____________ proteins o
___________________ Vacuole Additional Information
Job: Stores food, ________________, waste, ________________ pigments 
Plant cells: Large _________________ vacuole 
Animal cells: Scattered ___________________ vacuoles Review 1) Pick an organelle…any organelle. Describe its function. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2) Name 7 organelles that can be found within the cytoplasm. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3) Describe the pathway that proteins travel from creation to exportation. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4) List various reasons to help support the theory of endosymbiosis. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5) Name two organelles that plant cells have and animal cells do not: ______________________________________________ 6) Which organelle creates ATP energy for cells? _______________________________________________________________ 7) Which organelle converts sunlight into sugar? _______________________________________________________________ 8) Which organelle creates ribosomes? _______________________________________________________________________ 9) Which organelle fuses with the cell membrane to release proteins? ______________________________________________ 10) Which molecule holds the information to make a protein? _____________________________________________________ 11) Identify the organelles in the figure below (write their name next to the letter):