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35. Define binomial nomenclature.
Scientists way of assigning every organism an universally accepted name:
1st word is genus and 2nd word is species
1st word: capitalized and 2nd word is lower case
36. Define cladogram and draw an example of one:
A tree-like diagram showing evolutionary relationships. Any two branch tips
sharing the same immediate node are most closely related. All taxa that can be
traced directly to one node (that is they are "upstream of a node") are said to be
members of a monophyletic group.
37. Every living organism has a scientific name. The first word is the genus and the second
word is the species. Example: Crotalus atrox (diamond back rattlesnake)
38. How do you properly write the scientific name?
The first word is capitalized and the second word is lower case. The name is italized
or underlined.
39. What is the order of hierarchy for classification?
Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species
(Kings Play Chess On Funny Girls Stomach)
40. Who is the father of Genetics?
Gregor Mendel
41. Define the following:
a. Haploid: half the number of chromosomes in a cell. Symbol is 1N
b. Diploid: Full set of chromosomes in a cell. Symbol is 2N
c. Gamete: sex cells: sperm or egg: haploid
d. Homozygous: The alleles of each chromosome are identical: TT or tt
e. Heterozygous: Contain an allele for each trait: Tt
f. Monohybrid cross: one trait such as fur color: black BB or Bb or white bb
g. Dihybrid cross: punnett square showing outcome of two traits found on same
chromosome. BbRr
h. Dominant:The trait that will be expressed phenotypically (physically)
i. Recessive: The trait masked or hidden in the presence of a dominant allele
j. Allele: genes located on homologous chromosomes; alternate forms of a gene
or trait.
k. Codominant: When neither trait is dominant. You get a blending
l. Incomplete Dominant: When both traits will be expressed: checkered chickens
m. Karyotype: a chart of chromosomes arranged from longest to shortest.
n. Mutation: When the gene code is changed in any way.
o. Sex-Linked: traits found on the “X” chromosomes such as color blindness
42. Who determines the sex of the offspring? The male: sperm is either X or Y
43. Place the following in the correct sequence: DNA,protein,chromosome, gene
a. Chromosome ⇒gene ⇒DNA⇒
⇒ Protein
44. A useful device for predicting the possible offspring of crosses between different
genotypes is the Punnett Square
45. If an individual has the genotype Bb they are Heterozygous Dominant
46. What is a genotype?The actual gene pair of the indivdual
47. What is a phenotype? What you physically see. Tall, short
48. Give the chromosome example for females: _XX males XY.
49. What is a “carrier”? Heterozygous for a trait or disease such as sickle cell anemia
50. Define DNA: Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid which is composed of deoxyribose sugar,
phosphate group and one of four bases: thymine, guanine, cytosine, adenine.
51. What is the subunit of DNA called? nucleotide
52. A DNA nucleotide may be made up of a phosphate group, along with
deoxyribose and nitrogen base: A,T,G, or C.
53. Name the two types of gametes: _sperm (X) or (Y) and egg (X)
54. Name the four types of nitrogen bases found in DNA:
A= Adenine
T= Thymine
C= Cytosine
G= Guanine
55. What is Chargoff’s rule about the nitrogen bases?
A=T and C=G
56. Name the process in which DNA copies itself. replication
57. What is transcription?
The copying of DNA to make mRNA. Happens in the nucleus
58. What is translation?
⇒ ribosomes ⇒ tRNA ⇒bringing amino acids⇒
⇒ rRNA lines up the
The mRNA⇒
amino acids⇒
⇒ Protein
59. What is a codon and where is it found?
3 base sequence from DNA to RNA that codes for an amino acid
60. What is an anti-codon? And where is it found?
The complementary base sequence for a codon found on the tRNA
61. Name the three types of RNA and function of each.
mRNA- messenger rna that brings code from DNA in nucleus to the ribosomes
rRNA assembles the amino acids to build the protein on the ribosome
tRNA finds and brings the amino acids to the ribosomes
62. During DNA replication, A DNA strand that has the bases CTAGGA produces a
complementary strand that will be:
63. On what chromosomes are the sex-linked genes located on?
23RD Pair of chromosomes. The “X” only
64. If an insect is heterozygous for red eyes (XRXr) crossed with a white eyed male (XrY)
What percent of their offspring will have red eyes? (show your work) 50%
a. Xr
R r
67. Xr Xr
68. XrY
69. The process of making changes in the DNA code of a living organism is called
70. A DNA molecule produced by combining DNA from different sources is known as
recombinant DNA.
71. A recombinant plasmid gets inside a bacterial cell by transformation.
72. Define palindrome.
The base sequence a restriction enzyme reads to cut. It reads the same forward and
backwards. AAGCTT
73. How did you know if you were successful in transforming the glow gene into the E. Coli
If the bacteria grew on the plate containing ampicillin and glowed under the UV
74. DNA fingerprinting is based on what fact?
That no two people have the same DNA sequence; exception identical twins
75. Who was Charles Darwin?
Founder of the current theory of evolution based on natural selection
76. Define abiogenesis and biogenesis
Abiogenesis- spontaneous generation that life came from non-living matter
Biogenesis- all living organisms come from other living organisms
77. Define adaptation.
Evolution of structural, internal, or behavior features that help an organism better
survive in the environment.
78. Define natural selection
The organisms that are best suited or adapted for the environment at the time
reproduce and dominate the next generation
79. Define evolution.
Change over time; involves populations not individual