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This is the Final Exam from last year. I’m sorry, but I don’t have an
answer key set up for this.
1) ____ Most of our cells could be said to be totipotent because they have the same:
C) proteins
D) membranes
E) ribosomes
2) _____ The fruit fly Pax6 gene and the human Pax6 gene are:
A) paralogs
B) alleles
C) orthologs
D) mutations
E) analogues
3) _____ The Z scheme shows energy flow during:
A) the Light Reactions
B) the Citric Acid Cycle
C) Fermentation
D) Glycolysis
E) the Calvin Cycle
4) _____ Where does glycolysis take place?
A) thylakoid membrane
B) chloroplast
C) mitochondrial matrix
D) cytoplasm
E) inner membrane of mitochondria
5) _____ How much does the [H+] (the hydrogen ion concentration) change between
pH 7 and pH 8?
A) no difference
B) two times
C) 10 times
D) 75 times
E) 1,000 times
6) _____ What do eukaryotic cells have that prokaryotic cells don’t have?
A) ribosomes
B) cell membrane
D) cell wall
E) nucleus
7) _____ Transcription factors bind to:
A) the promoter
B) specific DNA sequences
C) response elements
D) part of every gene
E) all the above
8) _____ The drawing above would be used to help explain which of the following?
A) cellular respiration
B) DNA replication
C) phagocytosis
D) meiosis
E) transcription
9) _____ The drawing above would be used to help explain which of the following?
A) cytoskeleton
B) cilia
C) nucleus
D) mitochondria
E) rough ER
10) _____ The drawing above would be used to help explain which of the following?
A) DNA polymerase
B) LDL receptor
C) ATP synthase
D) aquaporin
11) _____ In class, we learned from Patrick that achondroplasia is dominant. We also
learned from Kevin that sickle cell anemia is recessive. Which of the following is true?
A) Two parents with achondroplasia could give birth to a normal child.
B) A parent with sickle cell could only have children with the sickness
C) A person with achondroplasia could have two normal parents
D) A parent with both achondroplasia and sickle cell could have a normal child
E) If child has sickle cell, then all their brothers and sisters must have it too
12) _____ In our example in class of the person with skin cancer, what part of the
PDGF gene was included as part of the mutated gene?
A) introns
C) coding region
D) promoter
E) ribosome
13) _____ In the above graph, which letter is next to the transition state for the reaction
in the absence of enzyme?
14) _____ In the above graph, which letter is next to the activation energy in the
presence of enzyme?
15) _____ In the above graph, which letter is next to value that determines the final
equilibrium of the reaction?
16) _____ In the above graph, which letter is next to the value that determines whether
this is an exergonic reaction?
17) _____ In the above graph, what is the activation energy of the reaction in the
absence of enzyme?
A) + 7 kcal/mole
B) - 7 kcal/mole
C) + 4 kcal/mole
D) - 11 kcal/mole
E) - 4 kcal/mole
18) _____ Which of the following diseases is caused by a mutation in hemoglobin that
causes the red blood cells to be misshapen?
A) cystic fibrosis
B) arthritis
C) sickle-cell disease
D) Von Willebrand disease
E) achondroplasia
19) _____ If a mutation changes the amino acid sequence of the hemoglobin protein, in
what part of the hemoglobin gene is the mutation located?
A) enhancer
B) proximal promoter
C) coding region
D) intron
E) poly-A tail
20) ____ Which of the following is most electronegative?
A) C carbon
B) N nitrogen
C) H hydrogen
D) He Helium
E) O oxygen
21) _____ Which is the correct order of events for the cell cycle?
A) G1 G2 S M
B) G1 S M G2
C) S G2 M G1
D) M S G1 G2
E) G2 S G1 M
22) _____ Where does RNA transcription occur?
A) cell membrane
B) smooth ER
C) ribosome
D) nucleus
E) lysosome
23) _____ Where does protein translation occur?
A) cell membrane
B) smooth ER
C) ribosome
D) nucleus
E) lysosome
24) _____ Where does DNA synthesis occur?
A) cell membrane
B) smooth ER
C) ribosome
D) nucleus
E) lysosome
25) _____ In the drawing above of two solutions separated by a phospholipid bilayer
membrane, what will happen to the water over time?
A) water will flow both ways but more will flow in than out.
B) water will flow both ways but more will flow out than in
C) water will only flow inward
D) water will only flow outward
E) water will flow both ways equally
26) ____ In the drawing above, what will happen to the sugars over time?
A) glucose will flow inward
B) glucose will flow outward
C) sucrose will flow inward
D) sucrose will flow outward
E) nothing
27) _____ The fastest method to search for the chicken insulin gene using
the human insulin gene is:
C) microarray
D) DNA sequencing
E) genetic modification
28) _____ The transgenic glowfish Alex described in class is most similar to which of
the following:
A) the Flavr Savr tomato Zack described
B) the ant pheromones Jaime described
C) the collagen and arthritis Morgan described
D) the color blindness Sam described
E) the fainting goats Danielle described
29) _____ Imagine that nucleotides can be tagged so they will fluoresce (glow in the
dark). If tagged dCTP and dGTP are added to a stem cell during S phase and then
the extra nucleotides are washed out after the stem cell divides into two cells, which
of the following would be true?
A) only one cell will glow
B) one cell will glow more than the other
C) the cells will both glow equally
D) neither cell will glow
E) none of the above
30) _____ In the above drawing, what is next to #1?
A) sugar
B) oxygen
C) water
D) CO2
31) _____ In the above drawing, what is next to #2?
A) sugar
B) oxygen
C) water
D) CO2
32) _____ In the above drawing, what is next to #3?
A) sugar
B) oxygen
C) water
D) CO2
33) _____ In the above drawing, what is #4 on?
A) thylakoid
B) nucleus
C) Golgi apparatus
D) motochondria
E) lysosome
34) _____ In the above drawing, what is next to #5?
A) sugar
B) oxygen
C) water
D) CO2
35) _____ One big concern about using induced pluripotent stem cells is:
A) cancer
B) harming embryos
C) RNA interference
D) they’re missing some genes
E) transplant rejection
36) ________ What happens to any insulin that happens to be in food we eat?
A) it binds to liver cells
B) it is absorbed by the pancreas
C) it stimulates glucose uptake
D) it is broken down to amino acids
E) it stimulates glucose uptake
37) _____ Which of the following correctly lists atoms in order from the one that prefers
to make the fewest covalent bonds to the one that makes the most:
A) O, C, H, N
B) O, H, N, C
C) H, O, N, C
D) N, H, O, C
E) H, C, O, N
38) ______ Which of the following is most likely to be used if DNA polymerase makes a
A) 5' 3' polymerase activity
B) 5'  3' exonuclease activity
C) 3'  5’ exonuclease activity
D) 3'  5' polymerase activity
E) DNA polymerase doesn’t make mistakes
39) _____ Lectures in this course emphasized all but which of the following:
A) All living things are composed of cells.
B) All cells are greater than the sum of its parts.
C) All cells exist in a water environment.
D) All cells have membranes.
E) All cells come from pre-existing cells.
40) _____ Below are the chemical structures for ethanol and butanol. Why does
ethanol dissolve better in water?
A) because it less dense
B) because the hydroxyl group is hydrophilic
C) because it is less hydrophobic
D) because it is more similar to an amino acid
E) because it is smaller
41) _____ An insulin protein is composed of long chains of:
A) amino acids
C) calories
D) sugars
E) methane
42) _____ Since the electronegativity of oxygen and hydrogen atoms are different, the
covalent bonds in a water molecule are:
A) ionic
B) polar
C) hydrophobic
D) hydrogen bonds
E) isotopes
43) ______ What are the entire genetic instructions that an organism inherits
A) domain
B) genome
C) systems
D) inheritance
E) phenotype
44) ____ Which of the following is not destroyed when a protein gets denatured?
A) primary structure
B) secondary structure
C) tertiary structure
D) quaternary structure
E) all get destroyed
45) _____ Water flowing downhill:
A) is losing potential energy
B) has kinetic energy
C) can be harnessed to do work
D) is warming up slightly
E) all of the above
46) _____ The most likely reason that insulin protein is only made in the cells of our
pancreas is:
A) the coding region for the insulin gene is not present in other cells
B) the promoter for the insulin gene is not present in other cells
C) the transcription factors that bind the insulin gene promoter are not present in other
D) the tRNAs that bind the insulin gene mRNA are not present in other cells
E) the ribosomes that bind insulin mRNA are not present in other cells
47) ____ In the symbol for chlorine above, what does the -1 refer to:
A) ionic charge
B) atomic number
C) atomic mass
D) element number
E) neutron number
48) ____ In the symbol for chlorine above, what does the 35 refer to:
A) ionic charge
B) atomic number
C) atomic mass
D) element number
E) neutron number
49) ____ How many protons are in an atom of chlorine shown above?
A) 1
B) 15
C) 20
D) 35
E) 50
50) _____ Which of the following produces the most carbon dioxide during metabolism
of glucose?
A) glycolysis
B) citric acid cycle
C) fermentation
D) chemiosmosis
E) oxidative phosphorylation
51) _____ When we say the Aquaporin protein looks like a donut, we are referring to:
A) tertiary structure
B) secondary structure
C) quaternary structure
D) primary structure
E) denatured structure
52) ____ Aquaporin is called an integral or transmembrane protein because it:
A) changes shape
B) spans the membrane
C) cannot move
D) uses ATP
E) pumps water
53) _____ When does the DNA in a cell get replicated?
A) S
B) M
C) G1
D) G2
E) G0
54) _____ Where are membrane proteins like aquaporin first synthesized?
A) rough ER
B) cell membrane
C) Golgi apparatus
D) secretory vesicle
E) chromosome
55) _____ Which of the following help pull chromosomes apart during mitosis?
A) intermediate filaments
B) microtubules
C) flagellins
D) centrosomes
E) microfilaments
56) _____ Which of the following are involved in signal transduction between PDGF
and proteins that regulate the cell cycle?
A) ATP synthase
B) electron transport
C) collagen
D) protein kinase
E) chromosomes
57) _____ Chlroroplasts and mitochondria differ in that:
A) chloroplasts use chemiosmosis to produce ATP
B) chloroplasts contain ATP synthase
C) chloroplasts require ATP to drive some reactions forward
D) chloroplasts are found in autotrophs
E) chloroplasts require CO2
58) _____ Which of the following is false:
A) photosystem I produces oxygen
B) photosystem I includes a primary electron acceptor
C) photosystem I is in the thylakoid membrane
D) photosystem I includes chlorophyll
E) photosystem I requires light
59) _____ How do alcohol fermentation and lactic acid fermentation differ?
A) lactic acid fermentation produces more energy
B) lactic acid fermentation takes place in the cytoplasm
C) lactic acid fermentation recycles NADH without any energy gain
D) lactic acid fermentation makes pyruvate as an intermediate
E) none of the above
60) _____ The drawing above could be used to help explain which of the following?
A) pinocytosis
B) exocytosis
C) receptor-mediated endocystosis
D) autophagy
E) phagocytosis
61) _____ The drawing above could be used to help explain which of the following?
A) cholesterol
C) ATP synthase
D) transcription
E) microtubules
62) _____ What does the big arrow in the drawing above point to?
A) RNA polymerase
B) ATP synthase
C) clathrin
D) ribosomes
E) Rubisco
63) _____ What is the term for cells that live in harsh environments (e.g., hot springs)?
A) microbe
B) extremophile
C) archaea
D) generalist
E) thermoclines
64) _____ The MW of ethanol is 46. How many grams of ethanol would be in one liter
of a 2 M glucose solution?
A) 2
B) 23
C) 46
D) 48
E) 92
65) ____ The Light Reaction of photosynthesis produce all but which of the following?
C) sugar
D) oxygen
E) all of the above
66) _____ What are the four essential elements that make up 96% of living matter?
A) Bromine, Calcium, Zinc, Iron
B) Oxygen, Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen
C) Iron, Calcium, Carbon, Potassium
D) Carbon, Hydrogen, Sodium, Potassium
E) Magnesium, Chlorine, Sodium, Carbon
67) _____ Which of the following solutions could cause a cell to burst by lysis?
A) isotonic
B) hypertonic
C) catatonic
D) hypotonic
E) ionic
68) _____ Entry into mitosis is controlled by:
A) ATP synthase
C) Rubisco
D) Cdk 1
E) DNA polymerase
69) _____ What is the name of the enzyme that synthesizes mRNA?
A) ATP synthase
B) RNA polymerase
C) transcription factor
D) amino acyl tRNA synthetase
E) TATA factor
70) _____ During meiosis II, sister chromatids:
A) separate
B) recombine
C) remain together
D) cannot be seen
E) are not yet formed
71) _____ Which of the following methods would be used to amplify DNA purified from a
fruit fly eye that formed on its wing?
A) DNA sequencing
B) microarray
C) cloning
D) gel electrophoresis
72) _____ An allele that functions at less than 100% is called:
A) hypermorph
B) spontaneous
C) wild-type
D) loss of function
E) point mutation
73) _____ Where does RNA splicing occur?
A) ribosome
B) nucleus
C) chromosome
D) cell membrane
E) mitochondria
74) _____ What do eukaryotic cells have that prokaryotic cells don’t have?
A) ribosomes
B) cell membrane
D) cell wall
E) nucleus
75) _____Which of the following has an acidic pH?
A) nucleus
B) Golgi apparatus
C) rough endoplasmic reticulum
D) lysosome
E) smooth endoplasmic reticulum
76) _____ Transcription factors regulate:
A) ribosomes
B) RNA splicing
C) DNA synthesis
D) RNA transcription
E) recombination
77) _____ Where do transcription factors do their job?
A) rough ER
B) lysosome
C) cytoplasm
D) ribosome
E) nucleus
78) _____ All genes are composed of what two parts?
A) DNA and RNA
B) RNA polymerase and transcript
C) promoter and transcription unit
D) mRNA and protein
E) transcription and translation
79) _____ Where are the enzymes for the Calvin Cycle located?
A) cytoplasm
B) mitochondria outer membrane
C) thylakoid membrane
D) chloroplast inner membrane
E) chloroplast stroma (strudel)
80) _____ An unfertilized egg cell is:
A) haploid
B) diploid
C) tetraploid
D) polyploid
E) euploid
79) _____ Where do the light reactions take place during photosynthesis?
A) cytoplasm
B) thylakoid lumen
C) thylakoid membrane
D) chloroplast stroma
E) chloroplast inner membrane
71) _____ Where is PDGF made?
A) skin
B) liver
C) bone marrow
D) muscle
E) all of the above
72) _____ Where does PDGF do its job?
A) skin
B) liver
C) bone marrow
D) muscle
E) all of the above
73) _____ Which is the correct order of events for the cell cycle?
A) G1 G2 S M
B) G1 S M G2
C) S G2 M G1
D) M S G1 G2
E) G2 S G1 M
74) ____ Which of the following is not destroyed when a protein gets denatured?
A) primary structure
B) secondary structure
C) tertiary structure
D) quaternary structure
E) all of the above
75) _____ Where are membrane proteins like aquaporin first synthesized?
A) rough ER
B) nucleus
C) Golgi apparatus
D) secretory vesicle
E) peroxisome
77) _____ Since the electronegativity of oxygen and hydrogen atoms are different, the
covalent bonds in a water molecule are:
A) ionic
B) polar
C) nonpolar
D) hydrogen bonds
E) isotopes
79) _____ If there is a 100 mM glucose solution inside an artificial membrane bubble
and a 200 mM sucrose solution outside the membrane, the sucrose solution is:
A) isotonic
B) hypertonic
C) catatonic
D) hypotonic
E) ionic
80) _____ Photosynthesis occurs in the:
A) mitochondria
B) nucleus
C) chloroplast
D) peroxisome
E) smooth endoplasmic reticulum
54) _____ The drawing would be used to help explain which of the following?
9) ________ What happens to insulin that is in food we eat?
A) binds to target cells
B) absorbed by the pancreas
C) stimulates glucose uptake
D) broken down to amino acids
E) blocks glucose uptake
21) ____ Which of the following contribute to the three dimensional structure of one
insulin molecule?
A) covalent bonds
B) Van der Waals forces
C) hydrogen bonds
D) ionic interactions
E) all of the above
24) _____ Which of the following would increase a cell’s surface area?
A) phagocytosis
B) exocytosis
C) pinocytosis
D) endocytosis
E) all of the above
27) _____ When table salt is dissolved in water, the sodium atoms become cations
because they lose:
A) a proton
B) a neutron
C) an electron
D) a covalent bond
E) a hydrogen bond
28) _____ What usually happens when DNA polymerase makes a mistake and adds the
wrong nucleotide?
A) it backs up and fixes it
B) a permanent mutation is created
C) cancer begins to form
D) an incorrect mRNA is formed
E) it doesn’t make mistakes
46) _____ The word ectopic means:
A) recessive
B) damaged
C) too much
D) not enough
E) the wrong place
52) ________ What term is the opposite of our textbook’s term, Emergent Properties?
A) feedback
B) heritability
C) reductionism
D) cellular
E) evolution
For the next two questions, imagine hamster fur color is due to a single gene.
White fur has incomplete dominance to and brown fur so a heterozygote has tan
53) _____ What are the chances that two white furred parents will have a white furred
A) 0%
B) 25%
C) 50%
D) 100%
E) need more information
54) _____ What are the chances that two tan furred parents will have a white furred
A) 0%
B) 25%
C) 50%
D) 100%
E) need more information
55) _____ Proteins like insulin that are going to be secreted have a short region of
amino acids at the beginning called:
A) initiator
B) signal peptide
C) start codon
D) acceptor site
E) phenylalanine
67) _____ The above reaction could take place in a fireplace or in our bodies. What’s
the difference?
A) more energy is released in the fireplace
B) it is a redox reaction in our bodies
C) there is a bigger ΔG in the fireplace
D) there is lower activation energy in our bodies
E) there is a bigger increase in entropy in the fire
74) _____ Oxidative phosphorylation occurs in the:
A) nucleus
B) mitochondria
C) chloroplast
D) lysosome
E) Golgi apparatus
75) ____ Which of the following is not destroyed when a protein gets denatured?
A) primary structure
B) secondary structure
C) tertiary structure
D) quaternary structure
E) all of the above
76) _____ Where are membrane proteins like aquaporin first synthesized?
A) rough ER
B) nucleus
C) Golgi apparatus
D) secretory vesicle
E) peroxisome
77) _____ Which of the following are involved in signal transduction between PDGF
and proteins that regulate the cell cycle?
A) ATP synthase
B) electron transport
C) collagen
D) protein kinase
E) chromosomes
78) _____ Since the electronegativity of oxygen and hydrogen atoms are different, the
covalent bonds in a water molecule are:
A) ionic
B) polar
C) nonpolar
D) hydrogen bonds
E) isotopes
79) _____ What happens in the lumen of a lysosome if the pH is decreased by one
A) a two-fold increase in H+ concentration
B) a ten-fold increase in H+ concentration
C) a two-fold decrease in H+ concentration
D) a ten-fold decrease in H+ concentration
E) none of the above
80) _____ Water flowing downhill:
A) is losing potential energy
B) has kinetic energy
C) can be harnessed to do work
D) is warming up slightly
E) all of the above
38) _____ Which of the following prevent a cell from entering mitosis?
C) damaged DNA
15) _____ Newly synthesized aquaporin is first found in the:
A) cell membrane
B) Golgi apparatus
C) rough endoplasmic reticulum
D) cytoplasm
E) a vesicle
28) _____ Radioisotopes have unusual numbers of:
A) electrons
B) protons
C) neutrons
D) ions
E) bonds
29) _____ Our textbook author says the unifying theme for all of Biology is:
A) Evolution
C) Cells
D) Genetics
E) Live Long and Prosper
31) _____ When table salt is dissolved in water, the sodium atoms become ions
because they lose:
A) a proton
B) a neutron
C) an electron
D) a covalent bond
E) a hydrogen bond
47) _____ The DNA code gives what information for a protein?
A) primary structure
B) secondary structure
C) tertiary structure
D) quaternary structure
E) none
C = 12
O = 16
63) _____ What is the molecular weight for glucose (C6H12O6):
A) 24
B) 30
C) 36
D) 180
E) 360
56) _____ When we say a chemical reaction has a negative ΔG, it means:
A) the reaction will occur spontaneously
B) the reaction cannot be used to do work
C) the products have higher free energy than the substrates
D) the reactants have lower potential energy than the products
E) all of the above
57) _____ Carbon and nitrogen are different elements because the atoms have different
numbers of:
A) protons
B) neutrons
C) electrons
D) all of the above
E) none of the above
60) _____ When we say an Aquaporin molecule looks like a donut, we are referring to:
A) tertiary structure
B) secondary structure
C) denatured structure
D) primary structure
E) quaternary structure
61) _____ What gives rough endoplasmic reticulum its rough appearance?
A) ribosomes
B) aquaporin
C) exocytosis
D) phospholipids
E) vesicles
Stem cells
Expresed a pesticide protein in the leaf of the Colorado Potato Beetle
2) _____ A genetically modified potato was described in class that killed a beetle that
ate the leaves.
2) _____ The products of the Light Reactions during photosynthesis are:
2) _____ The fastest method to search for the chicken insulin gene using
the human insulin gene is:
C) gene amplification
D) crystallography
E) DNA purification
3) ________ A controlled experiment is one that:
A) proceeds slowly so careful measurements can be taken
B) includes experimental and control groups
C) is repeated many times
D) is done by an experienced scientist
E) keeps all variables constant
3) _____ Height, weight, and skin color in humans are all examples of:
6) _____ An insulin protein is composed of long chains of:
A) glucose
B) nucleotides
C) calories
D) amino acids
E) lipids