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Teacher Notes
• Slides 12,13, 14,17,19,22- are not tested
TEK organelles.. You can review if you
want to, but they will not be tested over
Cell Theory:Review
• all living material is made of cells
• cells are the basic unit of structure
and function in living organisms
• all cells come from preexisting
cells other cells
Every cell in your body is a living thing,
and must eat (digest), breathe (respirate), and waste
To do all these things,
the cell (like you)
has different parts
to do each task.
Plant Cell
Animal Cell
All but 2 parts are the same in plant
and animal cells, but plant cells tend to
be rectangular, and animal cells vary!
Cell Wall (plants only!):
The cell wall is rigid cellulose
that gives shape, support and strength to plants.
Cell Membrane:
The cell membrane is selectively-permeable outer layer
that protects cells from the environment; allows some
things to go in (food energy) and out (waste).
Which do you think is more
A. Cell wall B. Cell membrane?
The nucleus is the control center for the
cell’s activities; contain chromosomes that
carry genes that are composed of DNA!
This info determines your inherited traits.
Mom’s Traits (DNA)
Dad’s Traits
Puppy’s Inherited
Traits (DNA)
Nuclear Membrane:
The nuclear membrane protects the
nucleus and regulates the flow of
materials in and out of the nucleus.
Chromatin contains genetic material
for making chromosomes (instructions
for making a duplicate cell).
The nucleolus is where ribosomes are
made, which produce proteins.
Cytoplasm is the jelly-fluid space in the cell
outside the nucleus. It contains many
Organelles. Help in the transport and movement
of materials.
The mitochondria is a rod-shaped organelle. They are the cell's
power producers. Produce most of the cell’s energy needed to
carry out the cell’s function.
It is the “powerhouse” of the cell.
Endoplasmic Reticulum:
The endoplasmic reticulum is a maze
of passageways that carry proteins and
other material from the nucleus to the
organelles in the cytoplasm.
Ribosomes are tiny organelles that
make protein for the cell.
Golgi Bodies:
Golgi bodies are organelles shaped like
stacks of flattened tubes. They are the
“mailroom”, receiving proteins from
ribosomes to distribute around the cell.
Chloroplasts (plants only! Not in Animal Cells!):
Chloroplasts: Food Producers! are green organelles
that have chlorophyll. The function is to capture
sunlight energy and convert it into (food) -chemical
Vacuoles are storage space organelles
that store food, water, or waste.
They connect to pores to be emptied or
filled. Plant vacuoles are HUGE!
Lysosomes are small organelles that
contain chemicals that break down
large food particles and old cell parts.