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Lecture PowerPoint to accompany
Molecular Biology
Fifth Edition
Robert F. Weaver
Chapter 11
General Transcription
Factors in Eukaryotes
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.
Transcription in Eukaryotes
• Eukaryotic RNA polymerases, unlike their
bacterial counterparts, are incapable of
binding by themselves to their respective
• Eukaryotic RNA polymerases rely on
proteins called transcription factors to
show them the way
• Two classes: general transcription factors
and gene-specific transcription factors
11.1 Class II Factors
• General transcription factors combine with
RNA polymerase to form a preinitiation
– This complex is able to initiate transcription
when nucleotides are available
– Tight binding involves formation of an open
promoter complex with DNA at the
transcription start site that has melted
• The assembly of preinitiation complexes
involving polymerase II is quite complex
The Class II Preinitiation Complex
• Class II preinitiation complex contains:
– RNA Polymerase II
– 6 general transcription factors:
• The transcription factors (TF) and
polymerase bind the preinitiation complex
in a specific order (as studied in vitro)
Four Distinct Preinitiation Complexes
• Transcription factors bind to class II promoters in
the following order in vitro:
• TFIID with help from TFIIA binds to the TATA box
forming the DA complex
• TFIIB binds next generating the DAB complex
• TFIIF helps RNA polymerase bind to a region
from -34 to +17, now it is DABPolF complex
• Last the TFIIE then TFIIH bind to form the
complete preinitiation complex = DABPolFEH
• In vitro, the participation of TFIIA seems to be
Model of Formation of the DABPolF
Structure and Function of TFIID
TFIID contains several subunits
– TATA-box binding protein (TBP)
• Highly evolutionarily conserved
• Binds to the minor groove of the TATA box
– Saddle-shaped TBP lines up with DNA
– Underside of the saddle forces open the minor
– The TATA box is bent into 80° curve
– TBP-associated factors (TAFs) specific for
class II
Structure of the TBP-TATA box complex
The Versatility of TBP
• Genetic studies have demonstrated TBP
mutant cell extracts are deficient in:
– Transcription of class II genes
– Transcription of class I and III genes
• TBP is a universal transcription factor
required by all three classes of genes
• Required in transcription of at least some
genes of Archaea, single-celled organisms
lacking nuclei
The TBP-Associated Factors
• These are also called TAFs (TAFIIs is written to
denote transcription of class II genes)
• 13 TAFs have been identified and associated
with class II preinitiation complexes
• The core TAFs were first named according to
their molecular mass but have now been
renamed according to their sizes, from largest to
• Several functions discovered:
– Interaction with the core promoter elements
– Interaction with gene-specific transcription factors
– When attached to TBP extend the binding of TFIID
beyond the TATA box
Model for the Interaction Between TBP
and Promoters
Roles of TAF1 and TAF2
• The TAF1 and TAF2 help the TFIID bind to
the initiator and DPE of promoters
• They enable TBP to bind to TATA-less
promoters that contain elements such as a
GC box
• Different combinations of TAFs are
required to respond to variosu activators,
at least in higher eukaryotes
• TAF1 has two enzymatic activities:
– Histone acetyltransferase (HAT)
– Protein kinase
Transcription Enhancement by Activators
Exceptions to the Universality of TAFs
and TBP
• TAFs are not universally required for
transcription of class II genes
• Even TBP is not universally required
• Some promoters in higher eukaryotes respond
to an alternative protein such as TRF1 (TBPrelated factor 1)
• The general transcription factor NC2:
– Stimulates transcription from DPE-containing
– Represses transcription from TATA-containing
Structure and Function of TFIIB
• Structural studies have revealed that TFIIB
binds to TBP at the TATA box via its Cterminal domain and polymerase II via its
N-terminal domain
• The protein provides a bridging action that
effects a coarse positioning of polymerase
active center about 25 –30 bp downstream
of the TATA box
• Plays an important role in establishing the
transcription start site
TFIIB Domains
• A loop motif of the N-terminal domain in
TFIIB effects a fine positioning of the
transcription start by interacting with
template ssDNA near the active center
• TFIIB N-terminal domain, finger and linker
domains, lies close to the RNA
polymerase II active center and to largest
subunit of TFIIF in preinitiation complex
• TFIIH is the last general transcription factor to
join the preinitiation complex (contains 9
• Separates into 2 complexes
• Protein kinase complex of 4 subunits
• Core TFIIH complex of 5 subunits with 2 DNA
helicase/ATPase activities
• Plays two major roles in transcription initiation:
– Phosphorylates the CTD of RNA polymerase II
– Unwinds DNA at the transcription start site to create
the “transcription bubble”
Phosphorylation of the CTD of RNA
Polymerase II
• The preinitiation complex forms with
hypophosphorylated form of RNA
polymerase II (IIA)
• Then TFIIH phosphorylates serines 2 and
5 in the heptad repeat in the carboxylterminal domain (CTD) of the largest RNA
polymerase subunit
– This creates the phosphorylated form of the
polymerase enzyme (IIO)
– This phosphorylation is essential for initiation
of transcription
Phosphorylated Polymerase IIO During
• During the shift from initiation to elongation,
two serines of the CTD are phosphorylated
(serines 2 and 5 - and sometimes serine 7)
• Evidence exists that transcription
complexes near the promoter have CTDs in
which serine 5 is phosphorylated but that
this phosphorylation shifts to serine 2 as
transcription progresses
• TFIIH phosphorylates serine 5 and CTDK-1
(in yeast) phosphorylates serine 2
Role of TFIIE and TFIIH
TFIIE and TFIIH are not essential for the
formation of an open promoter complex or
for elongation
• Required for promoter clearance
• TFIIH has DNA helicase activity that is
essential for transcription, presumably
because it causes full melting of the DNA
at the promoter and thereby facilitates
promoter clearance
Participation of General Transcription
Factors in Initiation
polymerase II form a minimal initiation
complex at the initiator
• Addition of TFIIH, TFIIE and ATP allow
DNA melting at the initiator region and
partial phosphorylation of the CTD of
largest RNA polymerase subunit
• These events allow production of abortive
transcripts as the transcription stalls at
about +10
Expansion of the Transcription Bubble
• Energy is provided by ATP
• DNA helicase of TFIIH causes unwinding
of the DNA
• Expansion of the transcription bubble
releases the stalled polymerase
• Polymerase is now able to clear the
Transcription Factors in Elongation
• Elongation complex continues elongating
the RNA when:
– Polymerase CTD is further phosphorylated by
– NTPs are continuously available
• TBP and TFIIB remain at the promoter
• TFIIE and TFIIH are not needed for
elongation and dissociate from the
elongation complex
Model for the participation of GTFs in initiation,
promoter clearance, and elongation
The Mediator Complex and the RNA
Polymerase II Holoenzyme
• Mediator is a collection of proteins also
considered to be a general transcription
factor as it is a part of most class II
preinitiation complexes
• Mediator is not required for initiation, but it
is required for activated transcription
• It is possible to assemble the preinitiation
complex adding general transcription
factors to RNA polymerase II holoenzyme
Eukaryotic Control of Transcription
• Eukaryotes control transcription primarily at the
initiation step
• There is also some control exerted during
elongation, which can involve overcoming
transcription pausing or transcription arrest
• RNA polymerases do not transcribe at a steady
rate as they pause, sometimes for a long time,
before resuming transcription
• Tend to pause at pause sites or DNA sequences
that destabilize the DNA-RNA hybrid and cause
the polymerase to backtrack
Promoter Proximal Pausing
• A sizable fraction of genes contain specific pause
sites lying 20-50bp downstream of the
transcription start site
• Two protein factors are known to help stabilize
RNA polymerase II in the paused state - DRB
sensitivity inducing factor (DSIF) and negative
elongation factor (NELF)
• The signal to leave the paused state is delivered
by the positive elongation factor-b (P-TEFb), which
is a protein kinase that can phosphorylate
polymerase II, DSIF, and NELF
TFIIS Stimulates Proofreading of
• TFIIS stimulates proofreading, the
correction of misincorporated nucleotides,
likely by stimulating RNase activity of the
RNA polymerase
• This would allow polymerase to cleave off
a misincorporated nucleotide and replace
it with a correct one
11.2 Class I Factors
• The preinitiation complex that forms at
rRNA promoters is much simpler than the
preinitiation complex for class II RNA
• It involves polymerase 1 plus two
additional transcription factors:
– A core-binding factor, SL1 or TIF-IB
– A UPE-binding factor, upstream-binding factor
(UBF) or upstream activating factor (UAF)
The Core-Binding Factor
• The core-binding factor, SL1, was
originally isolated on the basis of its ability
to direct polymerase initiation
• SL1 also shows species specificity
• This factor is the fundamental
transcription factor required to recruit
RNA polymerase I
Upstream-Binding Factor (UBF)
• This transcription factor is an assembly
factor that helps the core binding factor to
bind to the core promoter element
• It works by bending the DNA dramatically
• Degree of reliance on UBF varies
considerably from one organism to another
• Human UBF is a transcription factor that
stimulates transcription by polymerase I
and can activate the intact promoter, or the
core element alone, and it mediates the
activation by the UPE
Structure and Function of SL1
• Human SL1 is composed of TBP and three
TAFs (TAFI110, TAFI63, TAFI48) which
bind TBP tightly
• These TAFs are completely different from
those found in TFIID
• Yeast and other organisms have TAFIs
that are different from the human group
11.3 Class III Factors
• In 1980 a transcription factor was found
that bound to the internal promoter of the
5S rRNA gene and stimulated its
transcription – TFIIIA
• Two other transcription factors TFIIIB and
TFIIIC have also been studied
• Transcription of all classical class III genes
requires TFIIIB and TFIIIC
• Transcription of 5S rRNA genes requires all
• TFIIIA was the first eukaryotic transcription
factor to be discovered
• First member of the family of DNA-binding
proteins that feature a zinc finger to be
– Zinc finger is roughly finger-shaped protein
domain that contains 4 amino acids that bind
a zinc ion
– Has nine zinc fingers that appear to insert into
the major groove on either side of the
promoter for the 5S rRNA gene
• Both of these transcription factors are
required for transcription of the classical
polymerase III genes
• They depend on each other for their
• TFIIIC is an assembly factor that allows
TFIIIB to bind to the region just upstream
of the transcription start site
• TFIIIB can remain bound and sponsor
initiation of repeated transcription rounds
Scheme for Assembly of the Preinitiation
Complex on a classical class II promoter
• TFIIIC binds to
internal promoter
• TFIIIC promotes
binding of TFIIIB with
its TBP
• TFIIIB promotes
polymerase III binding
at start site
• Transcription begins
Model of Preinitiation Complex on
TATA-Less Promoter
• Assembly factor binds first
• Another factor, containing
TBP, is now attracted
• Complex now sufficient to
recruit polymerase except
for class II
• Transcription begins
The Role of TBP
• Assembly of the preinitiation complex on each
kind of eukaryotic promoter begins with binding
of an assembly factor to the promoter
• TBP is this factor with TATA-containing class II
and class III promoters
• If TBP is not the first bound, it still becomes part
of the growing preinitiation complex and serves
an organizing function
• Specificity of TBP depends on associated TAFs