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Recombinant DNA
Biochemistry Laboratory
Chemistry Laboratory
Brawijaya University
Aulani "GE" Presentation 8
To put DNA from one organism into the DNA of bacteria
Aulani "GE" Presentation 8
Method: Transformation
The modification of the genotype of a cell (usually
prokaryotic) by introducing DNA from another source
The uptake of DNA from an organism’s environment
The uptake and expression of DNA in a bacterium
Aulani "GE" Presentation 8
Method: Transformation
elements required
Suitable host
2. Self-replicating vector
3. Means of selecting of host cell that have taken up
the gene
 Plasmids
Small, circular, extra-chromosomal DNA
molecules found in bacteria which can replicate
on their own outside of a host cell
 Rapid growth rate
 Cloning limit 0.1-10 kb
Aulani "GE" Presentation 8
Method: Transformation
Plasmid (cont.)
Fertility-(F-)plasmids, which contain only tra-genes. Their
only function is to initiate conjugation.
Resistance-(R-)plasmids, which contain genes that can build
a resistance against antibiotics or poisons.
Col-plasmids, which contain genes that code for (determine
the production of) colicines, proteins that can kill other
Degrative plasmids, which enable the digestion of unusual
substances, e.g., toluole or salicylic acid.
Virulence plasmids, which turn the bacterium into a
Aulani "GE" Presentation 8
Method: Transformation
The modification of the genotype of a cell (usually
prokaryotic) by introducing DNA from another source
The uptake of DNA from an organism’s environment
 Cosmids
Extrachromosomal circular DNA molecules that
combines features of plasmids and phage
 Cloning limit 35-50 kb
Aulani "GE" Presentation 8
Method: Transduction
 Process
of transfection with phage
introduction(equivalent to
 Phages
Derivatives of bacteriophage lambda
Virus which infects E. coli
Linear molecules
 Transformation efficiency 100X greater than
plasmid vector
 Cloning limit 8-25 kb
Aulani "GE" Presentation 8
Method: Conjugation
 Bacterial
 Based
Artificial Chromosomes
on bacterial mini-F plasmids
Small pieces of episomal bacterial DNA that
give the bacteria the ability to initiation
conjugation with adjacent bacteria
 Cloning limit 75-300 kb
Aulani "GE" Presentation 8
Definitions for rDNA process
 Restriction
 Natural
to protect bacteria by cutting and
inactivating the DNA of infecting viruses
 rDNA
Recognize specific base sequences and cleave
the DNA molecule
EcoR1 cuts at GAATTC
Aulani "GE" Presentation 8
Definitions for rDNA process
 “Sticky
 Cloning
 Single
stranded extensions of DNA
created from a restriction enzyme
DNA molecule that carries foreign
DNA into a host cell, where it replicated
 Plasmid
 Cosmid
Aulani "GE" Presentation 8
Definitions for rDNA process
 Donor
 Cell
supplying the snippet of DNA
 Recipient
 The
cell supplying the cell as well as the
rest of the bacterial chromosome
 Enzyme
used to bind sticky ends
Aulani "GE" Presentation 8
rDNA Steps
Plasmid isolated and cut with enzyme
DNA isolated from donor cell and cut
with same enzyme
Donor and plasmid DNA mixed and
sealed with DNA ligase
rDNA introduced into a bacterium
Replication of plasmids
Aulani "GE" Presentation 8
 Cells
that lack plasmids (picked up human
 Cells that contain plasmid that do not
contain a foreign gene (picked up plasmid
 Cells that contain plasmid that have picked
up a foreign gene (picked up rDNA)
Aulani "GE" Presentation 8
Distinguishing rDNA
Antibiotic resistance marker(s) added to
plasmid (ex. Ampicillin and tetracycline
Human DNA only – sensitive to both
Plasmid DNA only – resistant to both
rDNA –resistant to ampicillin but sensitive to
tetracycline (the human DNA is inserted into
the tetracycline coding sequence, thus
disrupting the gene)
Aulani "GE" Presentation 8
Other info
 Gene
 Genomic
collection of recombinant bacteria that harbor
pieces of a genome
probe (gene sequence in question)
A labeled short sequence of DNA that
corresponds to a specific gene.
 Emits a signal when it binds to its complement
in a bacterial cell that contains a recombinant
Aulani "GE" Presentation 8
Epidermal growth factor
Accelerates healing of wounds and burns
treats gastric ulcers
Allows cells to take up glucose in treatment of
type I diabetes mellitus
Renin inhibitor
Lowers blood pressure
Treats kidney cancer
Aulani "GE" Presentation 8