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Lab #6 – Cellular Structures
De Stigter
Period ____________
Introduction: In chapter 4 we learned about the outer shell or plasma membrane of a cell.
We investigated how particles move in and out of a cell by osmosis, facilitated diffusion and
active transport. Now we are ready to investigate the organelles (inside structures of a cell) and
how each of them function and work together as basic units of life.
Objective: To better understand the organelles found inside of a cell, we are going to make a
“salt dough model” of an animal cross sectioned cell. Use the recipe found below to help build a
model. With this model you will implement, identify, label, and report about different organelle
structures found in common cells. Use page 135 in your text, other textbooks, the poster found
in the back of the room, and any credible internet resources.
Pizza Dough Recipe  2 cups flour + 1 cup salt + 3 Tablespoons Oil + 1 1/8 Cup of Water
Mix and Kneed together
Part I – Making the Model: (15pts)
1. Use the salt dough formula given above to make a sample of dough. Using a small
sheet of wax paper, flatten the salt dough into a circular/oval shape. Your salt dough
represents a cross section of your cell.
2. Give your cell to your teacher so it can be put into an oven/incubator. This will
harden your salt dough. (This process will take at least ½ of a day)
3. The following day, add a toothpick to each cellular structure. Next, add small name
tags to your toothpicks identifying each structure. Use a hot glue gun if necessary to
glue the name tag on each toothpick.
4. Using the internet, books, and other resources, implement the following structures
into your cell: Golgi body, plasma membrane, lysosome, vacuole, nucleolus,
nucleus, centriole, microfilaments, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, free
ribosomes, microtubules, nuclear membrane, chromatin, and cytoplasm using
the items provided at your teacher’s desk. Try to match the items provided with the
general shape of each organelle.
Part II – The Flashcards: (15pts)
1. Make a set of flashcards for each cellular organelle. Include the following on each
a. Structure: What does this organelle look like?
b. Location: Where is this organelle usually found in the cell?
c. Function: What is so important about this organelle?