Download Chitin is a component of ______ cell walls

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Mr. Egenrieder’s Biology Class
Cell Structure Study Guide
1. Chitin and protein are component of ____________________ , which don’t exist in animal cells.
2. Which of the following organisms do not have cell walls?
a. plants b. fungi c. monerans d. animals.
3. Which of the following is NOT true of membranes?
a. Folded membranes increase surface area for efficiency.
b. Folded membranes do not form compartments in the cell.
c. Endoplasmic reticulum is made up of folded membranes.
d. Ribosomes are sometimes attached to folded membranes.
4. Folded membranes are an advantage to a cell because _______.
a. cell processes can be more efficient.
b. the membranes provide a large surface area.
c. the membranes form interconnected compartments.
d. all of these.
5. All living things are made up of ________________.
a. cells b. cork c. wastes d. cellulose.
Circle the best answer:
6. Cell structure that contains digestive enzymes are ( Plastids, Lysosomes).
7. In a cell, the sites of protein synthesis are the ( ribosomes, nucleolus).
8. The small, membrane-bound structures inside a cell are ( chromatin, organelles).
9. The movement of materials into and out of the cells is controlled by the ( cytoplasm, plasma
10. An organism with a cell that lacks a true nucleus is a(n) (prokaryote, eukaryote).
11. In a cell, the breakdown of molecules in order to release energy occurs in the (mitochondria, Golgi
12. In a typical animal cell, the cytoplasm occupies the area (inside, outside) the nucleus.
13. Cells that have the same function are organized into (tissues, organs).
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Mr. Egenrieder’s Biology Class
Fill in the Blank
Complete the statement with the best word.
14. In plants, the structure that transform light energy into chemical energy are called
15. The network of tiny rods and filaments that forms a framework for the cell is called the
16. The pigment that gives plants their green color is _____________.
17. The folded system of membrane that forms a network of interconnected compartments inside the
cell is called the _____________________.
18. In a cell, the tangles of long strands of DNA form the ______________.
19. The functions of a eukaryotic cell are managed or controlled by the __________.
20. A structure outside the plasma membrane in some cells is the ______________.
1. ____
2. ____
3. ____
Outermost layer of an animal cell
Cell with no true nucleus
Cell with nucleus, DNA, and organelles
Contains DNA and its genetic information
Control center
Fills space inside the nucleus
Fills space outside the nucleus
Folded membrane that packages and delivers
materials released by ER
Liquid portion of the cytoplasm
Makes energy for the cell
Manufacture proteins outside the nucleus
(often attached to the rough ER)
Manufactures proteins inside the nucleus
Membrane that surrounds the nucleus
Network of folded membranes that transport
materials through the cell.
Passageway through the nuclear envelope
Produces enzymes
Proteins on the cell surface that attract
specific molecules
Storage area of the cell
9. ____
10. ____
11. ____
12. ____
13. ____
14. ____
15. ____
16. ____
17. ____
18. ____
a. Cell membrane
b. Nucleus
c. Nuclear
d. Nuclear pore
e. Nucleolus
f. Chromatin
g. Nuclear sap
h. Cytoplasm
i. Receptors
j. Mitochondria
k. Golgi complex
l. Vacuole
m. Eukaryotic cell
n. Prokaryotic cell
o. Cytosol
p. Lysosome
q. Ribosomes
r. Endoplasmic
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Mr. Egenrieder’s Biology Class
Cell Structure Identification
On the attached animal cell diagram, please label all components.
Extra Credit (awarded to Chuck automatically for allowing me to use his name):
Underline all the verbs in the following question:
If Chuck Wood had a wood truck, and if Chuck Wood found a wood chuck chucking wood from his
wood truck, would Chuck Wood chuck the wood chuck from his wood truck? And exactly much of
Chuck Wood’s wood could a wood chuck chuck from Chuck Wood’s wood truck if a wood chuck
could chuck Chuck Wood’s wood?
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