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Cell Lab Makeup Assignment
 To identify cellular structures of prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms.
 To use evidence from the provided pictures to identify each cell type.
Part 1: Using ch. 7 in your textbook as a reference, please draw a eukaryotic and prokaryotic
(choose either plant or animal) cell. Label the following structures on the cells to which they apply:
Cell membrane, cell wall, nucleic acids, ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, nucleus, nucleolus,
golgi apparatus, lysosomes, chloroplast, vacuole, mitochondria, cytoplasm, cytoskeleton,
chromatin. This section will be graded on neatness and accuracy of the drawings. Feel free to add
Part 2: Observe the following pictures of cells, and identify each type as prokaryotic or eukaryotic.
Provide reasoning for your answer. This section will be graded on ability to provide detailed
answers, and clarity of reasoning (does your answer make sense based on the evidence you
A. This is a picture of living cells; they do not show any signs of movement.
1. What cell structures, if any, can you observe?
2. Would you think this cell type is eukaryotic or prokaryotic?_________________________
3. Explain why….
1. What cell structures, if any, can you observe?
2. Would you think this cell type is eukaryotic or prokaryotic?_________________________
3. Explain why….
C. This is a picture of human cheek cells.
1. What cell structures, if any, can you observe?
2. What do you think the darkened spot in the center of the cells is?
3. Would you think this cell type is eukaryotic or prokaryotic?_________________________
4. Explain why….
D. This organism can move freely; it is commonly found in water environments.
1. What is unusual about the cell structures of this organism?
2. Would you classify this organism as single-celled or multi-celled and why?
3. Do you think this cell is plant, animal or protist? Provide reasoning for your answer (**Hint:
there is a chapter on Protists in your book).
3. Would you think this cell type is eukaryotic or prokaryotic?_________________________
4. Explain why….