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BIOLOGY Y11 Patterns in Nature CLOZE PASSAGE No 2 Food Diffusion and Osmosis Complete the following sentences using appropriate words or short phrases a) Water dissolves other substances and is said to be a s……………… Solvent b) Organic compounds that are composed of C H and O Carbohydrates c) Organic compounds that are composed of C H and O and N Proteins d) Name of the simple sugar with formulae C6H12O6 Glucose e) The name of a common double sugar Sucrose (table sugar) f) Scientific name for a fat or oil Lipid g) The building blocks of proteins are called Amino acids h) The amino acids are held together by what type of bond Peptide i) To test for glucose you would use what chemical reagent Benedicts solution j) What colour change would you predict for the above reaction Blue to orange k) Iodine is used to test for ………………….. Starch l) Yellow to Blue/black The observed colour change for the starch test m) To test for a fat or oil brown paper should turn ……………………. Translucent n) To model the process of diffusion we used ……………………… tubing dialysis o) The red dye that remained in the tubing was called ………………… Congo red p) Osmosis involves the movement of ………………… through a ………………. membrane Water, semi permeable q) Water will always move from here it is the p………….. to where it is the s…………. Purest , saltiest r) Diffusion occurs because of the r………………….. movement of particles random s) Gases will diffuse …………………. than liquids faster t) If water moves out of a cell, the cell is said to become p………………… Plasmolysed u) Water moving into a cell will cause the cell to become t……………… Turgid v) Movement of materials in and between cells that requires energy is called ………… transport and if it does not require energy is called ……………..transport Active , passive w) The latest model for the structure of the cell membrane is called the ………….. Fluid Mosaic model x) A group of cells with similar structure and function are called t………………… Tissues y) Groups of tissues make up o………………….. organs z) Groups of body organs make up body s……………….. Systems