Download Cell City Project Name: Introduction: Cells, the basic unit of life, can

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Cell City Project
Name: _____________________
Introduction: Cells, the basic unit of life, can be compared to a school, factory, or even
an entire city. These cells are busy with the business of life. They are at work releasing
energy from foods, using that energy to make needed cell parts. Together, your cells
function to make your body operate like a well-run business.
Your Task: You will plan, design, and construct a 3-D “Cell City” based on information
gathered from research, this unit, your science notes, and your own research. Note: You
may choose to create a plant or animal cell city but be sure to make it clear which cell
type your city represents. (HINT: The animal cell should be roundish and the plant cell
should be rectangularish.)
The Process:
1. RESEARCH: Before you construct a “Cell City” you must understand the function of
each organelle and how each works. Information is in your science journal about this.
See the back of this handout for a list of the plant and animal cell organelles required in
your “Cell City”. You may use more than the required cell parts if you choose to research
more deeply.
2. PLAN:
• Once you have researched the functions of the required organelles decide how the
organelles you have researched would fit into an actual city. Example:
mitochondria could represent a power plant since it provides the cell with its
energy. You must decide on the best placements for your cell structures based on
your research.
• Give your city a name and also name the parts of your city (companies or
businesses) that correspond to the actual cell structures. Example: mitochondria
could be called the “The Mighty Power Plant”.
• Your city can be anywhere in our world, another planet, an amusement park or
even a land of your own creation.
• Once you have decided on the placement of structures in your city, you will make
a final drawing (blueprint) of the city. Make sure you show differences in sizes,
etc. Sketch everything you plan to use including all the extras (trees, people, etc.).
Use your imagination and be creative!
3. BUILD: Make a list of items and materials you need to build your city. You may not
use any food products! Use your blueprints and the materials you have gathered to build
your 3-D city. Your blueprint sketch and city must match or points will be deducted.
Cell City Checklist:
___Your name is clearly labeled on your city.
___Your cell city has a name and is labeled on your city.
___Blueprint/Drawing/Plan of city is neat, matches the actual 3-D city, has been shown
to the teacher by the due date and then is stapled to the back of this checklist/rubric. The
blueprint may need to be redone if it does not meet with teacher approval.
___No food items are used in the city – no dry pasta, no pretzels, none!
___The planning guide on the back of this direction sheet is filled out completely, and
was approved before you built!
___All of the required organelles/structures are used in the city (see the back of the
___City parts correspond to cell organelles’ function in the cell.
___City parts and organelles are labeled with job/function of each and company names.
___3-D cell is neat, well organized, and sturdy (foam board or heavyweight
posterboard makes a strong base)
Cell City Project
This project has a due date of February 19, 2015. It would be wise to begin planning
as soon as possible. The following are a series of smaller “due dates” to help keep this
project on track for completion! I will check each one off as they are completed, so
please keep your checklist handy!
1/21 ___ The student will choose whether they would like to create a plant or
animal cell city.
1/27 ___ The student will bring in their completed cell city blueprint to be
___ The student will show the teacher their planning guide.
2/9 ___ The student will complete a progress report signed by their
parent/guardian showing that they are close to completion of their project.
If you have any questions, please email me to ask for help! Have fun!
Detach the following portion below and return to school by Wednesday, January 21.
-----------------------------------------------------I have received and reviewed the “Cell City Project” information. I am aware of
upcoming due dates.
My child will be creating a plant/animal cell city.
(Circle one)
Parent Signature
Student Signature
Cell City Planning Guide
My name: _____________
Reminder: Be sure to complete your blueprint/planning before you begin to build your model!
Cell Part/Function
Cell City part that corresponds to
cell part and why chosen
Name of the city part
City Power Plant because it creates The Mighty Power Plant
energy for the city
Breaks down food and releases
energy for the cell
Cell Membrane
Material I will use to make this in
my city
Small box and marker to decorate
and label the box
*Cell Wall
**Golgi Bodies
**Endoplasmic Reticulum
*Required only if you choose to build a plant “cell city”
**Optional unless you have spoken with the teacher directly, or would like to include these organelles.