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Chapter 6: A Tour of the Cell
Review Sheet
Chapter 6
6.1 All Organisms are made of Cells
1. What are the three components of the cell theory?
2. Compare (similarities) and contrast (differences) prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
3. Compare and contrast animal and plant cells.
6.2 Cell membrane
1. Know all terms.
2. Draw the cell membrane and label and briefly describe the function of the following parts:
phospholipids (hydrophobic / hydrophilic), protein, carbohydrate chains,
3. The cell membrane is known to be fluid. What does that mean?
4. What are the three roles of proteins embedded in the cell membrane?
6.3 Membranes Regulate Traffic
1. Know all terms.
2. What does it mean for a cell to be selectively permeable?
3. What is the difference between passive and active transport? Describe using terms:
concentration gradient, energy
4. What are three examples of passive transport?
5. Relate diffusion and equilibrium.
6. What is osmosis?
7. Explain what happens to a cell in a hypotonic vs a hypertonic solution. Include an
illustration for your response.
8. What makes water balance in animal cells different from water balance in plant cells?
Briefly explain what happens to each type of cell when placed in a hypotonic solution.
9. How are large molecules transported across the membrane? Describe the process.
6.4 Cell Builds Diversity of Products, 6.5 Energy, 6.6 Structure
1. Identify and describe the function of organelles listed in web activity handout:
Nucleus (chromatin and chromosomes, nucleolus, nuclear envelope),cytoskeleton,
ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, vacuoles, chloroplasts,
2. What is the function of an endomembrane system? What organelles belong to it?