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End of the Year Test Review
1. What plant cell organelle changes carbon dioxide, water and sunlight into glucose?
A. Chloroplasts
C. Vacuole
B. Mitochondria
D. Nucleus
2. Which statement best explains the reason muscle cells have more mitochondria than brain cells? Muscle cells:
A. Have fewer proteins than brain cells
C. Use more energy than brain cells
B. Have a smaller nucleus than brain cells
D. Have more excess water than brain cells
3. The function of a cell wall is to:
A. Give the cell energy
B. Let things go in and out of the cell
Store genetic material
Provide structural support
4. Melanin is the pigment that gives humans skin color. What is the pigment makes plants green?
A. Cytoplasm
C. Carotene
B. Chlorophyll
D. Phycobilin
5. Which cell organelle allows things to pass in and out of a cell?
A. Cell wall
B. Cell membrane
6. You want to compare the shapes of different bacterial cells. What tool can you use to observe the shapes of the
A. Telescope
C. Microscope
B. Petri dish
D. Hand lens
7. This illustration of a cell has a label. If there were no label, how could you tell that this is a plant cell and not an
animal cell?
A. The cell has a nucleus.
C. The cell is surrounded by a cell wall.
B. The cell is surrounded by a cell membrane.
D. The cell contains cytoplasm.
8. Which structure in this cell contains the genes that control inheritance?
A. Nucleus
C. Mitochondrion
B. Cell membrane
D. Nuclear membrane
9. Vacuoles store water and nutrients and are found in plant and animal cells. In plant cells, vacuoles are larger and also:
A. Are the site of photosynthesis
C. Control the functions of the cell
B. Help maintain turgor pressure
D. Provide energy for the cell
10. In the cell above, what organelle is the arrow pointing to?
A. Vacuole
B. Nucleus
11. A stray dog was taken to a veterinarian. What cell organelle would help the veterinarian determine the breed of the
A. Vacuole
C. Cytoplasm
B. Chloroplast
D. Nucleus
12. Cell theory states that all organisms:
A. Are composed of cells
B. Reproduce asexually
Reproduce sexually
Have a cell wall
13. Organelle X in the animal and plant cells above have a similar structure. What can you conclude about the function
of these organelles? They perform:
A. Respiration
C. The same functions
B. Photosynthesis
D. Different functions
14. The skeletal system of humans supports the body and gives it shape. What structure carries out this same function
in the plant cell shown above?
A. Cell wall
C. Vacuole
B. Cell Membrane
D. Nucleus
15. Which elements, represented by their chemical symbols are contained in most organic compounds?
A. Ch, O
C. C, H, O
B. Ca, H, O
D. C, Hg, O
16. Every organic compound contains which element?
A. Water
B. Carbon Dioxide
17. Which of these is the MAIN source of the chemical changes to food as it enters the digestive system?
A. Bile
C. Saliva
B. Teeth
D. Tongue
18. How do enzymes aid digestion of carbohydrate in the digestive system?
A. Enzymes bind carbohydrates together so they become
C. Enzymes convert carbohydrates into proteins.
more complex.
D. Enzymes transform carbohydrates into forms that can
B. Enzymes break carbohydrates down into simple
bind to cells.
19. According to the graph above --‐
A. Eggs contain the least amount of protein.
B. The body absorbs Beef protein the fastest.
Protein source
Soy protein contains the least soluble type.
Beef is the least soluble of all the protein sources.
20. Where does mechanical digestion begin during the process of digestion?
A. Teeth
C. Stomach
B. Saliva
D. Small intestine
21. Which of the following statements accurately compares chemical and physical (mechanical) digestion systems?
A. They are similar because they both are needed for
C. Mechanical digestion requires acids and enzymes,
while chemical digestion uses churning and grinding
B. Mechanical digestion breaks down food to smaller
to break food into smaller piece
particles, while chemical digestion changes food into
D. Chemical digestion only occurs in the stomach, while
different substances
mechanical digestion occurs in the moth, stomach
and intestines
22. Lipids are large organic compounds that are broken down during digestion into smaller units called--‐
A. Oil
C. Proteins
B. Amino acids
D. Fatty acids
23. pH is a measure of how acidic or alkaline something is. Enzymes work best under certain pH conditions to aid the
chemical digestion of food. According to the graph above:
A. This enzyme works best with a pH of 6.
D. The enzyme is most active under basic conditions (pH
B. This enzyme activity is optimal at a pH of 7.
C. The enzyme has no best pH level.