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Teacher: Robinson
Day 1-2
(Add dates)
A: 11.14
B: 11.15
Day 3-4
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A: 11.16
Learning Target
Bell Ringer
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Learning Target
Bell Ringer
B: 11.17
Day 5-6
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A: 11.18
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A: 11.29
Dates: 11.14-12.2
Course: Biology
I can differentiate between plant and animal cells
How is a prokaryote different from a eukaryote?
Workbook review cell test 177-192
How is the cell’s efficiency improved by having organelles?
166-192 unit review
I can explain the differences between the Endoplasmic Reticulum and the Golgi
How many ATP molecules are produced by glucose via aerobic & anaerobic respiration
Test on Intro to the Cell Unit
(test covers cell structures & cell theory)
Introduction to cell division – (brief definitions)
A. Binary fission (asexual reproduction)
B. Mitosis
i. Mitosis for Growth
ii. Budding for Asexual reproduction
C. Meiosis & fertilization (sexual “reductional division)
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Learning Target
Bell Ringer
B: 11.28
Day 7-8
Lesson Plans
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Learning Target
Bell Ringer
Binary Fission
-advantages and disadvantages
-single celled organisms
-process of binary vision
What are the advantages and disadvantages of binary fission?
I can explain the mitotic cell cycle and outline the major aspects of each of the steps of mitosis.
What is the structure of DNA in a prokaryotic cell?
Mitosis – the process of mitosis and meiosis will be briefly compared by outlining the difference between diploid cells versus haploid
cells to identify the GOALS of mitosis and meiosis.
Each stage of the mitotic cell cycle will be explained…with pictures and labels to identify the key parts and changes throughout the
Summarize as briefly as possible the main change in each step of mitosis
I can explain the MAIN differences between mitosis & meiosis.
How many cells are produced in mitosis? Are they haploid/diploid?
Review of the mitosis cell cycle and stages of division. 193-196
Intro to meiosis cell cycle.
What are 3 primary differences between mitosis and meiosis?
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Day 9-10
Learning Target Compare and Contrast Mitosis and Meiosis
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Are cells produced by mitosis and/or meiosis identical or is there genetic variation?
Bell Ringer
Review workbook assignment questions and make revisions as needed
A: 12.1
What topic did you do best on in the workbook and which topic do you need to study more?
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Justification corrections in section reviews
B: 12.2
Why is the process of meiosis necessary for sexual reproduction but not necessary for growth?
CCSS/ MS Framework Competency/Objective:
B: 11.30
4. Analyze
and explain the structures and function of the levels of biological organization.
a. Differentiate among plant and animal cells and eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. (DOK 2)
• Functions of all major cell organelles and structures (e.g., nucleus, mitochondrion, rough ER, smooth ER, ribosomes, Golgi bodies, vesicles, lysosomes, vacuoles, microtubules,
microfiliaments, chloroplast, cytoskeleton, centrioles, nucleolus, chromosomes, nuclear membrane, cell wall, cell membrane [active and passive transport], cytosol)
• Components of mobility (e.g., cilia, flagella, pseudopodia)
c. Describe and differentiate among the organizational levels of organisms (e.g., cells, tissues, organs, systems, types of tissues.) (DOK 1)