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Name _______________________________________________ Date _________ Period _____
Chapter 3 Cell Structure
Section 1: Looking at Cells
Cells Under the Microscope
Measuring Cell Structures
________________ is the quality of making an image appear larger than its actual size.
___________________ is a measure of the clarity of an image.
Both high magnification and good resolution are needed to view the details of extremely
small objects clearly.
_______________ microscopes have much higher magnifying and resolving powers than
______________ microscopes.
Parts of a Light Microscope
Types of Microscopes
Light microscopes form an image when ____________________________ through
one or more lenses to produce an enlarged image of a specimen.
Electron Microscopes
Electron microscopes form an image of a specimen using a _____________________
__________________ rather than light.
The electron beam and specimen must be in a __________________ so that the
electron beam will not bounce off of gas molecules.
______________________________________ be viewed with an electron microscope.
Transmission Electron Microscope
An electron beam is directed at a very ___________________ of a specimen stained
with __________________. Some structures become more heavily stained than others.
The ___________________________ parts __________________________, those that
are ________________ stained allow ___________________ to __________ through.
The ______________________________through strike a fluorescent screen, ________
Scanning Electron Microscope
An electron beam is focused on a specimen coated with a very ___________________
The electrons that _______________________ the specimen _____________________
on a fluorescent screen.
The image shows __________________________ details of the surface of a specimen.
Scanning Tunneling Microscope
A ______________________________ measures ______________________________
caused by electrons that leak, or tunnel, from the surface of the object being viewed.
A computer tracks the movement of the probe _______________________________ of
the object.
The image shows ________________________________ of the surface of a specimen.
______________________________ and objects as small as atoms can be viewed.
Section 1 questions
1. What are the two important factors that are needed to view the details of extremely small
objects clearly?
2. What is the major difference between a light microscope and an electron microscope?
List the 4 different types of microscopes.
Name: _________________________________________ Period: _______________
Chapter 3 Section 2: Cell Features
The Cell Theory
The Cell Theory has three parts:
1. All living things are made of ________________________________.
2. Cells are the ________________________________________________ in organisms.
3. All cells _______________________________________.
Cell Size
____________________ function ___________________________ than large cells. If
a cell’s surface area–to-volume ratio is too low, substances cannot enter and leave the
cell well enough to meet the cell’s needs.
Common Cell Features
Cells share common structural features, including:
an outer boundary called the ____________________________,
interior substance called _________________________,
structural support called the __________________________,
genetic material in the form of _____________,
cellular structures that make proteins, called _________________________.
Prokaryotes are __________________________ organisms that _____________________
and other internal compartments. They have a ____________________, may have cilia or
flagella, and have a ________________ circular molecule of DNA.
Eukaryotic Cells
Eukaryotic cells have:
A _____________________ which contains the cell’s DNA
Other internal compartments called _________________________.
Comparing Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes
Ex :
Eukaryotic Cells
The ____________________ provides the interior _________________ of a cell. There
are three basic kinds of cytoskeletal fibers.
1. _____________________: long slender filaments made of the protein actin
2. _______________________: hollow tubes made of the protein tubulin.
3. Intermediate fibers: thick ropes made of protein.
The cytoskeleton’s network of protein fibers
______________________________________ and other components of the cytoplasm.
The Cell Membrane
The cell membrane is a ___________________________________ barrier that
_____________ which substances ___________________________ the cell.
The selective permeability of the cell is mainly caused by the way phospholipids
interact with water.
A _______________________ is a lipid made of a phosphate group and two fatty acids.
Cell membranes are made of a ___________________ of phospholipids, called a
Name ____________________________________ Date ____________ Period _____
Chapter 3-3: Cell Organelles
Describe the role of the nucleus in cell activities.
Analyze the role of internal membranes in protein production.
Summarize the importance of mitochondria in eukaryotic cells.
Identify three structure in plant cells that are absent from animal cells.
The Nucleus
The nucleus is an internal compartment that houses the cell’s _____________. Most
functions of a eukaryotic cell are controlled by the cell’s nucleus.
The nucleus is surrounded by a double membrane called the _____________________
Scattered over the surface of the nuclear envelope are many small channels called
Ribosomal proteins and __________ are made in the nucleus.
Ribosomes are partially assembled in a region of the nucleus called the ____________.
Ribosomes and the Endoplasmic Reticulum
Ribosomes are the cellular structures on which
___________________ are made.
The Endoplasmic Reticulum or ER is an
extensive system of ________________________
that move proteins and other substances through
the cell.
The part of the ER with attached ribosomes is
called the _______________________.
The rough ER helps transport proteins that are
made by the attached ribosomes.
New proteins ______________ the ER.
The portion of the ER that contains the completed protein pinches off to form a
A vesicle is a small, ____________________________________ that transports
substances in cells.
The ER ______________________ and other substances __________ eukaryotic cells.
Packaging and Distribution of Proteins
Vesicles that contain newly made proteins move through the cytoplasm from the ER to
an organelle called the _________________ apparatus.
The Golgi apparatus is a set of flattened, membrane-bound sacs that serve as the
________________________________________ center of the cell.
Function: _______________________________________________________________
Mitochondria are organelles that ______________________________ from organic
compounds to make ATP.
____________ is the main energy currency of cells. Most ATP is made inside the
Mitochondria have _________________________. The outer membrane is smooth.
The inner membrane is greatly _________________, and has a large surface area.
Mitochondria have their ___________________. Mitochondria _________________
_______________________ of the cell. Mitochondrial DNA is similar to the DNA of
__________________________ cells.
Mitochondria are thought to be descendents of primitive prokaryotes.
Mitochondria have an inner and an outer membrane.
Structures of Plant Cells
Plants have three unique structures that are not found in animal cells:
o Central ______________
The cell membrane of plant cells is surrounded by a thick ______________________,
composed of proteins and carbohydrates.
The cell wall
helps ______________ and ____________
____________________ of the cell
________________ the cell from damage
o ________________ the cell with adjacent
Chloroplasts are organelles that use _____________________________ to make
carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water.
Chloroplasts, along with mitochondria, supply
much of the _________________ needed to
power the activities of plant cells.
Chloroplasts, like mitochondria, have their _____
___________ and ____________________
________________________ of the plant cell.
Chloroplasts, like mitochondria, are thought to be
descendents of ancient ___________________.
Central Vacuole:
Most of a plant cell’s volume is taken up by a large, membrane-bound space called the
The central vacuole stores water and may contain ions, nutrients, and wastes.
Found in plant and animal cells:
Found only in plant cells:
1. ______________________
1. ______________________
2. ______________________
2. ______________________
3. ______________________
3. ______________________
4. ______________________
5. ______________________
6. ______________________
Summary of Organelles