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Greece: 428 – 348 BC
Socrates: Introspection
Look inside/within to learn more about the self, feelings and
Aristotle: More scientific approach. “Human behavior is
governed by certain universal rules and laws.
Ex. We are motivated to seek pleasure and avoid pain.
Origin of Psychological Problems:
Greeks attributed to “supernatural forces” Punishment by the gods.
Hippocrates: Greek Physician. Said that behavioral problems were
caused by brain abnormalities. Ahead of his time.
Middle Ages: Europeans felt possession by demons caused
abnormal behavior. Punishment by God for sins and deals made
with the devil.
Water Float Test: If sink, innocent (but drown and die)
If float, impure and float. Then executed.
Modern Science and Psychology: 1500’s – 1700’s
1700: John Locke said that knowledge is learned and not innate.
Scientific approach to behavior lead to the modernization of
psychology in the1800’s.
** Human behavior and mental processes must be evidenced**
Psych.Labs: late 1800’s
Wilhelm Wundt: German. Established the first Psych. Lab.
School of Structuralism. The Father of Psychology
Break down conscious experience into two parts:
1. We can objectively observe our sensations through our
senses and the environment.
2. Through introspection, we can figure out our subjective
feelings through our emotional responses and mental images.
Examine and measure one’s own thoughts and mental
Example: Place and object in one’s hand and explain
everything you are sensing about it. Every experience can be
broken down into individual emotions and sensations. Used
introspection on thoughts as well.
Died out by early 1900’s
Edward Titchener: one of Wundt’s students: Cornell
University; Ithaca, NY. Also a structuralist.
J. Stanley Hall in United States: founded first Psych Lab in the
U.S. Taught first Psychology classes in America at Harvard.
Wrote Principles of Psychology textbook 1890.
Functionalism: Our experiences are fluid, not broken down.
There is a relationship between our experiences and our behavior.
a. Mental processes help us adapt to our environment.
b. We apply these processes to all of our activities.
Focus is on the function of our behavior and mental processes.
How does the mind help us function in everyday life. Since our
behavior is purpose driven, it is learned. Roots in Darwinism;
natural selection. Our behavioral traits help us to survive.
We now see more in educational and organizational psychology
Behaviorism: John B. Watson
He placed little credence in the unconscious because it was not
observable. There must be observable and measurable behavior to
be scientific. “Scientific Inquiry”
Little Albert and Classical Conditioning Phobias: Fear is learned
All behavior is the result of a stimulus / response relationship
B.F. Skinner and Reinforcement:
Reinforcements = Rewards.
When we are rewarded for a behavior, it is more likely that it will
occur again
Ivan Pavlov: Russian physiologist / gastroenterology
Dogs > Food> Tone > Salivate
Gestalt: Max Wertheimer / Kurt Kofka / Wolfgang Kohler
Gestalt means “an organized whole”
Perception is key. Context affects everything. What we perceive is
based on the context in which we find “it”. We can only
understand perception as a “whole” of the entire concepts or event.
Not in parts and pieces.
“Gestalt” means shape or form in German. Thus, our perceptions
are more than just the sums of parts. It is the whole shape, the
whole form that gives the “parts” their meaning.
Learning occurs because of insight. Basically, we reorganize
our perceptions of things to help us solve problems.
An “Ah Hah” moment; the Light Bulb goes off the instant
those pieces connect.
Cognitive Psychology uses Gestalt principles. Thought processes,
memory, learning and problem solving all work together as a
whole to create the perception.
Psychoanalysis and Freud: (1856 - 1939)
Viennese Physician (Austrian Neurologist)
Psychoanalysis emphasizes the importance of our unconscious
motives AND internal conflicts. This is what determines our
Ex. “Slip of the tongue” and “dream analysis” related to Freud.
Patient Consultations constitute the research done by Freud and
psychoanalysis. This is a type of psychotherapy in which a
trained psychotherapist helps the patient gain insight into and
change their unwanted behaviors.
Conflict between our socially unacceptable sexual and aggressive
urges AND our desire to be good and appropriate.
Freud attempted to determine the “conflict” and find alternative,
acceptable ways to fulfill these urges and needs.
Worked with patients having physical symptoms (abnormal
behaviors) with no organic cause. Therefore, the unconscious, the
place we banish our undesirable, unacceptable and threatening
urges and desires to, harbors all until these urges try to surface in
the form of “nervous disorders”. Hysteria
Freud believed that our personality and any future psychological
problems formed during our first 6-10 years of life (psycho-sexual
Personality Development)
His followers were Carl Jung, Alfred Adler and Anna Freud.