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Final Exam—What to Study
Behaviorism, and the definition of learning (learning = behavior change)
Differences between classical (reflexive, involuntary behavior triggered by a stimulus) and operant
conditioning (voluntary behavior shaped by consequences)
Identify elements of classical conditioning (UCS, UCR, CS, CR) and be able to identify them in examples
John Watson and the Little Albert Experiment
Identify elements of operant conditioning (+/- reinforcement and punishment), and applications
Reinforcement schedules (fixed/variable, ratio/interval)
Observational Learning, Social Learning Theory (Bandura and the Bobo doll experiment)
Describe Freud’s view of personality (Id, Ego, Superego)
Identify important aspects of Freud’s developmental stages (Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency, Genital)
Describe Freud’s view on how people defend themselves against anxiety (Defense mechanisms)
Neo-Freudians and which of Freud’s ideas they accepted or rejected
Know how Freud’s theory is viewed in psychology today—what are the criticisms?
Projective vs. objective tests—pros and cons of each and know what they look like (Rorschach, TAT, Big
5, Typology)
Know the key symptoms of psychopathy, its prevalence, and some of the issues we discussed in class
Attribution theory (how we explain others’ and our own behavior), and the fundamental attribution
Do attitudes affect behavior, or does behavior affect attitude? Explain both sides of that question
Understand conformity (Asch), social norms, and obedience (Milgram), and situational influences
(Zimbardo’s prison study)
Describe how the presence of others influences behavior (social loafing, bystander effect, social
facilitation, group polarization, groupthink, deindividuation)
Understand the cognitive roots of prejudice (just-world phenomenon, in-group bias, self-fulfilling
Love/Attraction—know the five factors of attraction and Sternberg’s relationship theory (passion,
intimacy, commitment)
Norms for helping/complying with others (foot-in-the-door, door-in-face, norms of reciprocity)
Discuss how we draw the line between normality and disorder
Understand the pros and cons of diagnostic labeling
Understand the history of mental illness (treatments, discrimination, where are we now?)
Medical model vs. Biopsychosocial approach to understanding mental illness