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2nd Semester Exam Review packet
Regular Biology
Period #______
1. Give three reasons why cells divide
2. List three reasons why cell size is limited.
How many sex chromosomes are present in a gamete?______
How many autosomes are present in a gamete?________
How many sex chromosomes are in somatic cells?_________
How many autosomes are present in somatic cells?________
How many pairs of chromosomes are present in a human male’s sperm cell?______
8. List the stages of cell cycle in order. Next to each stage write the defining characteristic.
9. What is the longest stage of the cell cycle?____________________________ the shortest
10. Contrast cytokinesis in animal cells vs. plant cells.
11. Explain the significance of mitosis.
12. Contrast the terms haploid and diploid.
13. Contrast the end products of meiosis in males vs. females.
14. What is synapsis? When does it occur? What also MIGHT happen during synapsis?
15. The final products of meiosis are _____ sperm in males, or ______ egg(s) and _____ polar
bodies in females.
16. What is a karyotype?
17. Make a T-chart contrasting mitosis and meiosis. Give at least 5 differences between the two.
18. During ________________, tetrads are separated.
19. Paired chromosomes line up at the equator as tetrads during _________________.
20. Individual chromosomes line up at the equator in two cells during _______________.
21. During which phase of the cell cycle is DNA duplicated (replicated)?
22. List all 8 phases of meiosis and the main event for each phase.
23. Look at the worksheet in your binder with the pictures of mitosis. Be able to identify
interphase, prophase, metaphase and telephase.
24. What is a biopsy?
25. List the three most common treatments for cancer
26. List the components of a DNA molecule.
27. Which nitrogen bases is found in RNA, but is not commonly found in DNA?
28. If adenine makes up 44% of the DNA base sequence, what percentage is guanine?
29. The sides of the DNA “ladder” are made up of _________________________ and
___________________________________, while the rungs of the DNA molecule are made up
of paired ______________________________________________________.
30. Name and contrast the bond types that hold nitrogen base pairs together vs. those which hold
sugars and phosphates of the DNA molecule together.
31. The left strand of a DNA molecule has the following order of bases: CGTACA. What would
the right side of the same DNA molecule look like?_____________________
If the left side of the DNA molecule were used for protein synthesis, what would the mRNA
molecule look like?______________________________
What would the tRNA look like? _____________________________________
32. Another name for a chain of amino acids is a _________________________________.
The amino acids are bonded to each other by a ______________________________ bond.
33. What does the DNA nucleotide sequence code for?
34. What is a point mutation?
35. What is nondisjunction? When might it occur?
36. What does DNA stand for?
37. Complete the table below.
Nitrogen bases found
38. Be able to accurately label a diagram of protein synthesis. See the last page of your review
packet for the DNA unit or your notes on protein synthesis (this is the diagram that will appear on
the exam). (Look for the diagram with the ribosome.)
39. What is the difference between a triplet, a codon and an anticodon?
40. If two hybrid plants are crossed in a monohybrid cross, what proportion of the offspring will
have at least one dominant gene?_______________ What percentage will show the recessive
41. Recessive traits appear only when an organism is ________________.
42. State Mendel’s Law of Dominance.
43. Contrast homozygous and heterozygous.
44. A couple has 3 girls. What is the chance that the couple’s next child will also be a
45. Give 4 reasons why peas were a good choice for a genetic study.
46. In snapdragons, red flowers are incompletely dominant over white flowers. Cross a pink flower
with a white flower and show the genotypic and phenotypic ratios that would result.
45. State Mendel’s Law of Segregation.
46. In gerbils, brown coat color is dominant over white color. Long tails are dominant over short
tails. Cross a gerbil that is hybrid for both traits with a gerbil which possesses both recessive traits.
Show the Punnett square and give the genotypic and phenotypic ratios.
47. In turkeys, if bronze is dominant over red, and two hybrid bronze turkeys are mated, what is
the resulting genotype and phenotype ratio. Show the key, cross, square, GR, and PR.
48. The inheritance of blood groups in humans involves_________________________ alleles.
49. What is a carrier?
50. If one child has a recessive trait that neither of his parents has, each parent must be
51. A man and a woman each have blood type B. What blood types are not possible in their
52. Colorblindness is recessive sex-linked trait. Cross a man who is colorblind with a woman who
is a carrier of the colorblind gene. Show the Punnett square and phenotypic ratio which would
53. When red cattle and white cattle are mated, the result is roan cattle. This is an example of
______________________ .
54. When red four o’clock flowers are crossed with white four o’clock flowers, the result is pink
flowers. This is an example of __________________________________.
55. In guinea pigs, smooth coat is dominant over rough coat and black coat is dominant over white
coat. Complete the following cross SsBb x ssbb. Give the phenotype ratio.
56. How many letters represent a genotype in a dihybrid cross? ______________
57. What would be the genotypes of parents with a colorblind daughter? Remember that colorblindness is sex-linked.
58. Which type of blood is the universal donor (can be given to anyone)? ______________
59. Which type of blood is the universal recipient (can take any blood type)? _____________
60. Show the cross between an individual who is heterozygous for type A and an individual who is
heterozygous for type B. Give both the genotype and phenotype ratios.
61. Give a one-line definition of natural selection.
62. State the 5 principles of the theory of natural selection.
63. State the theory of descent with modification.
64. Contrast homologous structures with analogous structures.
65. Give an example of a vestigial structure.
66. What is convergent evolution?
67. How does divergent evolution differ from convergent evolution?
68. What is adaptive radiation? Give an example of adaptive radiation.
69. What was the name of Lamarck’s theory? Give his key example.
70______________________ evolve; __________________ don’t.
71. Look at your flashcard for the following terms:
directional selection
disruptive selection
stabilizing selection
punctuated equilibrium
geographic isolation
genetic drift
reproductive isolation
72. The members of Kingdom ___________________________ may cause tooth decay or food
73. The members of Kingdom ___________________________ are eukaryotic, multicellular,
and autotrophic.
74. The members of Kingdom___________________________ include rust, mold, and
75. The members of Kingdom___________________________ have complex tissues, are
heterotrophic, and are mobile.
76. The members of Kingdom___________________________ absorb nutrients rather than
ingest them.
77. The members of Kingdom___________________________ include algae, Euglena, and
78. The members of Kingdom _______________________ include moths and other insects.
79. Draw and label the graphs showing the 3 types of selection.
80. As one proceeds to key out an organism on a dichotomous key, the characteristics become
81. List the characteristics of Linnaeus’ classification system.
82. List the order of taxonomic groups from most inclusive to least inclusive.
83. What is the highest level (most inclusive) of biological organization?
the lowest?_________________________________
84. Give an example of an abiotic density-independent factor.
85. Give an example of a biotic density-dependent factor.
86. Contrast endoparasites with ectoparasites. Give an example of each.
87. As you proceed from one trophic level to the next, what happens in terms of energy transfer?
Be specific.
88. Define commensalism. Give an example.
89. Define mutualism. Give an example.
90. Why are food webs more accurate than food chains?
91. What do the arrows of a food web represent?
92. What are omnivores?
93. What are herbivores?
94. What are carnivores?
95. Contrast scavengers and decomposers.
96. Which model, the exponential or logistic model, describes a population that increases rapidly
after only a few generations?
*For #75-80, state which biome is being described.
hot and humid, lots of animal
many animals here only active at
cold, treeless land
elephants, zebras, lions, tigers
4 seasons, trees lose leaves in fall
Northern Illinois is a part of this
103. What is the area from the top of the atmosphere to the bottom of the ocean anywhere that life
can exist?
104. What is the carrying capacity refer to?
105. What biome does Crystal Lake belong to?