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Chapter 11.1 & 11.2 ~ VOCABULARY
Punnett Square
Chapter 11.3 ~ VOCABULARY
Independent Assortment
Incomplete Dominance
Multiple Alleles
Polygenic Trait
Chapter 11.4 ~ VOCABULARY
Crossing Over
Cool Heredity Website:
Chapter 11 ~ GENETICS
Terms to know before we start
_____________________ – crossing of two species
Allele – form of a __________________________
Gene – Ice Cream
Alleles – vanilla vs. chocolate
Dominance – allele that is _____________________________shown with _______________ letter
 Recessive – allele that is ___________________________; shown with ________________ case
Homozygous – two same alleles – _______________________________
Heterozygous – two different alleles - __________________
Gregor Mendel
Responsible for monastery garden
Worked with ___________ plants
Reproduce by Sexual (2 parents ) and asexual ( 1 parent ) reproduction
 Father of Genetics
Studied genes
Gregor Mendel’s Peas
• Cross ____________________ different varieties of true breeding pea plants
___________________ means both genes are the __________ (BB or bb).
Ex. Yellow pods X
Green pods
Mendel’s Pea Experiment
Crossed yellow pod and green pod ________________________________
Two conclusions:
Individuals carry two ____________ for each trait, but pass down
only one
One factor (gene) is ______________________ over the other.
Mendel’s Pea Experiment
________________________- _________generation
Think of your parents
________________________- _________generation
Think of you and your siblings
________________________- _________generation
Think of any kids you may have
Genes and Dominance
When present ______________________ alleles will always show up
______________________________ alleles will only show up if there
are ________________________________________________
Tall dominant over short
Yellow seeds dominant over green seeds
Genes and Dominance
Reappearance of __________________ trait showed that the alleles must separate somehow
Concluded that the separation must be in the formation of sex cells or _________________
Each gamete carries a _____________________________ of each gene
• Ex. Either tall or short
Chapter 11.2 – Probability / Punnett Squares
Mendel’s Crosses
Whenever Mendel made the same cross he came up with the same results.
He used ________________________________ to explain the results of his genetic crosses.
Genetics and Probability
Probability–The __________________________________ that a certain event will happen.
Flip a coin
–Two possible outcomes:
50% of the time heads
50% of the time tails
Genetics and Probability
If you flip a coin twice the probability of getting heads both times:
Flip 3 times, all heads:
–(½)3= 1/8
Flip 5 times, all heads:
–½ x ½ x ½ x ½ x ½ = 1/32
–(½)5 = 1/32
Punnett Squares
______________________ used to determine the possible _____________
__________________________________ in a mating.
Parent __________________________ are shown along top and left side
Possible offspring combinations are shown in the box
Punnett Squares
________________________________–Same alleles for a trait ~ ________________________
________________________________–Different alleles for a trait ~ _______________________
Punnett Squares
_____________________________–Genetic makeup
–TT, Tt or tt
–Physical characteristics
–Tall or short
Probability and ____________________________________
Mendel’s crosses showed the following trend:
–¾ dominant trait
–¼ recessive trait
–Showed that alleles segregate: 1 to each gamete
Probabilities Predict Averages
Probabilities useful with _____________________________ samples
Cannot predict precise outcomes
The ___________________________ the number of offspring, the
___________________________________ comes to Mendel’s findings
Chapter 11.3 ~ Exploring Mendelian Genetics
Mendel Law’s
Showed that alleles _____________________________ during formation of __________________
Mendel’s First Law:
Parent will only pass _____________________________on to offspring.
Independent Assortment
Mendel performed crosses of _________________ _________________ genes
Known as a ______________________ cross – 2 factor (gene) cross
ry ry
ry ry
Crossed round, yellow peas (RRYY) with wrinkled, green peas (rryy)
R – round, r – wrinkled
Y – yellow, y - green
RY RrYy RrYy RrYy
All offspring displayed the dominant round and yellow phenotype
Used the F1 to make an F2 generation
EX. ( 2 + 3 )( 4 + 5 )
EX. RrYy  ( R r )( Y y )
RrYy RrYy RrYy
RY RrYy RrYy RrYy
RY RrYy RrYy RrYy
All are round, yellow
Independent Assortment
F2 generation produced the parental phenotype, but also produced new combinations
In a ratio of ____________________________________________
This showed that the alleles do segregate on their own
Independent Assortment
This became the basis for Mendel’s second law:
Genes for different traits can ___________________________ (separate ) independently during the
formation of ______________________________.
Helps create the ________________________________________ in the world around us.
Exception to Mendel’s findings
There are exceptions to his principles.
Not all genes are __________________________/___________________________
More than two alleles
Traits can be controlled by more than one gene
Incomplete Dominance
__________________ alleles
Produces _______ _____________________________________________
Four o’clocks
Palomino horses
__________________________ contribute to phenotype:
EX. ChickensBlack allele is codominant with white allele
(both show without blending)
Produces speckled chicken
Multiple Alleles
More than two possibilities
Coat color in rabbits
Single gene- 4 alleles
CFull color
c Chinchilla
c Himalayan
Polygenic Trait
Interaction of ___________________________________
Wide range of ___________________________________
Skin colors in humans
More than 4 genes
Genetics and the Environment
Characteristics not only determined by genes
Can be determined by _____________________________________________________________
Genes affect sunflower height and color
Sun or water also affect these characteristics
Temperature determines color of siamese cats
Applying Mendel’s Principles
___________________________ used Mendel’s work on ________________________________:
Scientific name- Drosophila melanogaster
Easy to keep
Able to ___________________________ large numbers in a short period of time
Chapter 11.4/11.5 ~ Meiosis
Mitosis vs. Meiosis
Remember Mitosis…….
–Makes _________________________________________________
•Same # of chromosomes as mother cell
–Used in growth and repair
–Seen in somatic cells (body cells)
•MAKES ___________________ _______________________ (gametes)
– Homologous Chromosomes – each chromosome in a cell that comes from mother
has a corresponding chromosome that comes from the father
– Crossing over – When chromosomes pair up with their HOMOLOGOUS partner
and exchange portions of their genes. They now form a structure called
– Diploid – A cell with ______________ pairs of chromosomes
– Haploid – A cell with ______________ set of chromosomes
 ____________________________ the steps
–PMAT phase 1
–When crossing over occurs during MEIOSIS
–PMAT phase 2
•Easy to see how genes on different chromosomes assort independently
–Genes on same chromosome?
–Should be inherited together?
Mitosis vs. Meiosis Comparison
Used for:
– Growth / Repair
- gamete formation
– Daughter cell
– ________________ to mother cell
– 2 cells created
- gametes (sex cells)
- __________________ from mother cell
- 4 cells created
- 2N
What is created?
Chromosome #
Producing 4 viable sperm
Producing 1 egg & 3 polar bodies
Polar bodies that will be
reabsorbed into the body
Guided Reading 11-1 and 11.2
1. Every living thing has a set of _____________________________ inherited from its parents.
2. Define genetics: ______________________________________________________.
3. After becoming a _______________, Mendel spent several years studying
____________________ and mathematics at the University of Vienna.
4. During sexual reproduction, male and female reproductive cells join, a process
known as ___________________________________________.
5. Pea flowers are normally ______________________________, which means
that sperm cells in pollen fertilize the egg cells in the ________________
6. Define true-breeding: _____________________________________________________________.
7. When Mendel crossed plants with _________________________ characters for the same trait, the
resulting offspring had only one of the characters.
8. A __________________________ is a specific characteristic, such as seed color or plant height, that
varies from one individual to another.
9. Filius and filia are the Latin words for _______________ and _______________.
10. The offspring of crosses between parents with different traits are called ______________________.
11. To Mendel’s surprise, all of the offspring had the character of only __________ of the parents.
12. Mendel’s first conclusion was that biological inheritance is determined by _______________ that are
_______________ from one generation to the next.
13. Scientist calls the chemical factors that determine traits ______________________________.
14. Define an allele:
15. Mendel’s second conclusion is the ______________________ _____ ______________________.
16. The principle of dominance states that some alleles are _____________________ and others are
17. When Mendel allowed the F1 plants to reproduce by self-pollination the traits controlled by
_______________ alleles reappeared in about _________ of the F2 plants in each cross.
18. Define segregation: _______________________________________________________________.
19. A gamete is a __________ cell.
20. A capital letter T represents a __________________________________ allele.
Section 11-2 Probability and Punnett Squares
21. Mendel realized that the principles of probabilities could be used to ___________________ the
results of genetic crosses.
22. The likelihood that a particular ______________ will occur is called ______________.
23. That individual probabilities are _______________ together illustrates an important point – past
outcomes do not affect _______________ ones.
24. Punnett squares can be used to _______________ and compare the genetic variations that will
results from a cross.
25. Organisms that have two identical alleles are called __________________________________
26. Organisms that have two different alleles for the same trait are called
27. A _________________________________is a physical characteristic.
28. A plant with the genotype Tt will have what phenotype? __________________________
29. A plant with the short phenotype will have what genotype? __________________
30. Probabilities predict the _______________ outcome of a _______________ number of events.
31. Probability cannot predict the _______________ outcome of an individual event.
Guided Reading 11-3 - Exploring Mendelian Genetics
1. A two-factor cross follows two different __________________ as they pass from one generation to the next.
2. All the F1 offspring from the cross RRYY x rryy were ____________________ and __________________.
3. The genotypes of the F1 offspring were ______________________
4. Mendel’s F2 generation showed that the alleles for seed shape segregated independently of those for seed color – a
principle known as _____________________________
5. When a RrYy plant was crossed with an RrYy plant, what ratio was shown in the punnet square? _______________
6. The principle of independent assortment states that genes can segregate ___________________________ during
the formation of ____________________________.
7. Independent assortment helps account for the many genetic __________________________ observed in plants,
animals, and other organisms.
8. Fill out the diagram below as it pertains to Mendel’s crosses and independent assortment.
9. A summary of Mendel’s Principles:
 The inheritance of biological characteristics is determined by individual units known as _______________.
Genes are passed from parents to offspring.
In cases in which two or more forms ( ________________ ) of the gene for a single traist exist, some forms of
the gene may be dominant and others may be __________________________.
In most sexually reproducing organisms, each adult has ____________ copies of each gene – one from each
parent. These genes are _______________________ from each other when gametes are formed.
The alleles of different genes usually segregate ______________________________ of one another.
Beyond Dominant and Recessive Alleles
10. Some alleles are neither dominant nor _________________________, and many traits are controlled by
_______________________ alleles or by multiple genes.
11. In the F1 generation of Mirabilis plants, a red flower crossed with a white flower will produce ___________ flowers.
12. Cases where one allele is not completely dominant over another is called
______________________________ _______________________________
13. _________________________________ occurs when both alleles contribute to the phenotype.
14. Describe the “erminette” color in chickens: _____________________________________________________
15. Which is which? (This is not in your book). For each example, determine whether the genes show INCOMPLETE
_______ Black x white = all grey offspring
_______ Black x white = black offspring with white spots
_______ A centipede with stubby legs is crossed with one with long legs, offspring have a mix of stubby and long legs.
_______ A cow with long horns is crossed with a cow with short horns, offspring have medium length horns.
16. The best known example that illustrates multiple alleles is ___________________________________________
17. The gene for coat color in rabbits is controlled by 4 different alleles, describe them: (fig 11-12)
C = _________________________
Cch = ___________________________________
Ch = __________________________
c = ___________________________________
18. What type of rabbit is this?
18. Traits controlled by two or more genes are said to be ____________________________________ traits.
19. What human trait is polygenic? ______________________________________
Applying Mendel’s Principles
20. What animal did Thomas Morgan choose to study? ___________________________________
21. Why was this animal an ideal organism for the study of genetics? _____________________________________
Genetics and the Environment
22. Genes provide a plan for __________________________________, but how that plan unfolds also depends on the
Genetics Practice
Problems - Simple
1. For each genotype below, indicate whether it is heterozygous (He) or homozygous (Ho)
AA _____
Ee ____
Ii _____
Mm _____
Bb _____
ff ____
Jj _____
nn _____
Cc _____
Gg ____
kk _____
oo _____
DD _____
HH ____
LL _____
Pp _____
2. For each of the genotypes below determine what phenotypes would be possible.
Purple flowers are dominant to white
Brown eyes are dominant to blue eyes
BB ________________
PP __________________
Bb ________________
Pp __________________
bb ________________
pp __________________
Round seeds are dominant to wrinkled
Long tails are dominant to short tails in
TT _________________
RR __________________
Tt _________________
Rr __________________
tt __________________
rr __________________
3. For each phenotype below, list the genotypes (remember to use the letter of the dominant trait)
Straight hair is dominant to curly.
Pointed heads are dominant to round heads.
____ straight
_____ pointed
____ straight
_____ pointed
____ curly
_____ round
4. Set up the Punnet squares for each of the crosses listed below. Round seeds are dominant to
wrinkled seeds.
Rr x rr
What percentage of the offspring will be round?
RR x rr
What percentage of the offspring will be round?
RR x Rr
What percentage of the offspring will be round?
Rr x Rr
What percentage of the offspring will be round?
Practice with Crosses.
5. A TT (tall) plant is crossed with a tt (short plant).
What percentage of the offspring will be tall? ___________
6. A Tt plant is crossed with a Tt plant.
What percentage of the offspring will be short? ______
7. A heterozygous round seeded plant (Rr) is crossed with a
homozygous round seeded plant (RR).
What percentage of the offspring will be homozygous (RR)?
8. A homozygous round seeded plant is crossed with a
homozygous wrinkled seeded plant.
What are the genotypes of the parents? __________ x __________
What percentage of the offspring will also be homozygous?
The “Gee” in Genome -
Go to "Try it" and then "Online Games" ' go to "Mix Those Genes"
Click on "More Information" to answer the following questions
1. What are the genes that control eye color called? ______________ and ________________
2. Which color is always recessive? _________________________
3. Identify the colors for each of the genotypes:
BBGg = __________________________ bbGg = _____________________________
Bbgg = __________________________ bbgg = _____________________________
 Go to "Choose Parents"
4. What are the genotypes of your three potential mothers and their eye colors (phenotypes)
Choose a mother, to go to the next page:
You chose ______________________ (name)
5. What are the genotypes of your three potential fathers and their eye colors (phenotypes)
Choose a father, to go to the next page:
You chose ______________________ (name)
What is your parents genotypes :
_____________ x _________________
6. Click on the "Make Babies" to show your offspring. Click on "More Babies" to see all 12.
How many babies of 12 have: Brown eyes _______ Blue eyes ________ Green eyes_______
7. Follow the same procedure to pick new parents.
You chose: ________________ and ___________________
How many babies of 12 have: Brown eyes _______ Blue eyes ________ Green eyes_______
8. Follow the same procedure to pick new parents.
You chose: ________________ and ___________________
How many babies of 12 have: Brown eyes _______ Blue eyes _______ Green eyes________
9. Now do the squares! What will happen if you cross Jane (BbGg) and Rex (bbgg) ?
FILL OUT THE PUNNETT SQUARE to make your prediction.
10. Run the simulation to see their offspring. How many Jane and Rex babies out of 12 have:
Brown eyes ____________ Blue eyes ____________Green eyes _______________
Ch.11 Study Guide
Phases of Meiosis: Refer to diagram below
1. Show where crossing over takes place by circling cell below where it is occurring.
2. What is the name of the phase where crossing over occurs? _______________________
3. What does crossing over produce for a cell? (pg. 277)_____________________________
4. What is the arrow pointing to (What structure is being formed) (pg. 276)? ______________
5. What type of cells are created in Meiosis (circle one)? Haploid or
6. What is there chromosome number as compared to the original cell (circle one) double or half
7. Are the 4 cells created genetically identical or genetically different from each other? _________
Question # 4
Question # 5
The number of chromosomes in a gamete is represented by the symbol _________________.
If an organism’s diploid number is 12, its haploid number is _________________.
Gametes are produced by the process of __________________________.
Another name for gametes is _____________________________.
Chromosomes form tetrads during the stage of ___________________________.
Define genotype: __________________________________________________________________.
Define phenotype:_________________________________________________________________.
Define true breeding:_______________________________________________________________.
Define heterozygous AND give an example using the letter H. _______________________________
17. Define homozygous AND give an example using the letter H. _______________________________
18. Define the principal of dominance:_____________________________________________________
19. Referring to the diagram to the right, label the F1, F2, and P generation.
20. Cross a Heterozygous mother with a Homozygous recessive father
using H as the symbol.
21. What percentage of offspring would be homozygous recessessive? __________________
22. In a species of rabbits found in the West Virginia, the following alleles are found:
F = long wiskers, f = short wiskers, J = round eyes, j = almond eyes
21. What is the phenotype of the parent with the allele combination FFJJ? ___________________
22. What is the genotype of a parent that has short wiskers and almond eyes? _______________
23. Using FOIL, show the possible gametes for (Ff)(Jj)
________ , ________ , _______ , ________
25. Define homologous ___________________________________________________________
26. Define incomplete dominance ___________________________________________________
27. Define independent assortment __________________________________________________
28. Define polygenic traits _________________________________________________________
29. Define codominance __________________________________________________________
30. Refer to the diagram to the right and label the two boxes with the following terms.
31. An allele is a form of a __________________.