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Honors Biology - Cumulative Exam II Review
Chapters 1-7, Classification, Microbes and Disease, Evolution
Chapter 1 Biology: Exploring Life
1. Name the levels of biological organization (hierarchy).
2. Review interconnections in an ecosystem; roles of producers, consumers,
3. Compare the cycling of nutrients in an ecosystem to the one-way flow of energy.
4. List several characteristics that define an organism as “living”.
5. Know the life processes, such as respiration, nutrition, transport, regulation,
excretion, synthesis, growth, reproduction.
6. What is metabolism? Homeostasis?
7. How do diverse forms of life show unity? How does evolution explain this unity?
8. How does DNA encode a cell’s information?
9. Describe the general process of natural selection.
10. Identify the steps in the scientific method. What is a controlled experiment? A
hypothesis? Theory? Scientific Law? What are the independent and dependent
variables in an experiment?
11. Know how to use a microscope - find magnifying power; know the differences
between compound light microscope, scanning and transmission electron scopes.
12. Know the purposes for using a centrifuge, electrophoresis, and chromatography.
What kind of microscope took these pictures?
Trachea lining, ciliated cells, 4000X
Plant cells, 300X
Nucleus & ER, 20,000X
Red blood cells, 400X
Chapter 2 The Chemical Basis of Life
1. Explain how hydrogen bonding enables the special properties of water important in
living things.
2. Distinguish between cohesion, adhesion, surface tension, capillarity, high heat
7. Know about the pH scale - what are acids and bases? Where do acids and bases fall
on the pH scale?
Chapter 3 - The Molecules of Cells
1. What accounts for carbon’s versatility in building organic molecules?
2. What are organic compounds, hydrocarbons, carbon skeleton, isomer?
3. What are the five functional groups common in cellular molecules and examples of
where they are found?
4. Know the chemical elements that make up each of the four major macromolecules.
5. Contrast dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis.
6. Describe structure, functions, monomers and polymers of carbohydrates.
7. Describe structure, function, monomers and polymers of lipids.
8. Describe structure, function, monomers and polymers of proteins.
9. Describe structure, function, monomers and polymers of nucleic acids
9. Describe the models of enzyme
function. What is competitive inhibition?
Noncompetitive inhibition? Feedback
Chapter 4
- The Cell
1. What is the Cell Theory? Who helped us form it? Who was Hooke? Leeuwenhoek?
2. Know the difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Recognize examples
of each on descriptions or diagrams. Why is surface area-to-volume ratio important?
3. What are the differences between plant and animal cells?
4. Know the cellular organelles and what they each do. Recognize them on a diagram.
5. Know the different types of proteins that make up the cytoskeleton.
6. Briefly describe the three kinds of junctions that can connect animal cells, and
compare their functions.
Chapter 5
- The Working Cell
1. Know the structure of the cell membrane. What is the fluid mosaic model? What is
selective permeability? What are the functions of some membrane proteins?
2. Be able to explain how materials move
across the cell membrane. What is the
difference between osmosis, diffusion, active
transport, and passive transport? How are
membrane proteins involved?
3. What is a concentration gradient? What
makes a solution hypotonic, isotonic, or
hypertonic and what happens to cells in
these solutions? What is plasmolysis? Endoand exocytosis?
Predict how each beaker will change
4. How do the laws of thermodynamics apply to living organisms?
5. What are the main types of cellular work? How does ATP provide the energy?
Chapter 15 Classification
1. What is systematics? Who is the “Father of Taxonomy”?
2. What is binomial nomenclature? Which classification categories are included in a
scientific name? What is the modern definition of a “species”?
3. Know the seven classification categories in order.
4. Know basic characteristics for each of the six kingdoms and the domains to which
they belong.
5. What is a dichotomous key, phylogeny, clade.?
6. Know how to interpret information presented in a cladogram or phylogenetic tree
(derived characters, common ancestors).
Modern species
Chapters 10, 16, 34 Microbes & Disease
1. Know the terms: capsid, bacteriophage, retrovirus, binary fission, cyanobacteria,
conjugation, endospore, pathogens, vaccine, and antibiotics.
2. What is the difference between a lytic infection and a lysogenic infection?
3. What are the differences between the domains Bacteria and Archaea
4. Describe the different shapes of bacteria.
5. List some ways bacteria are helpful. Know some viral and bacterial diseases.
6. What are some ways we can control bacteria.
7. Know the basics of immunity: white blood cells, antibodies, vaccines
Chapters 13, 14, (parts of 16) – Concepts of Evolution
(Use the question sheet you already filled out!)
1. Discuss the Darwin’s theory of Descent with Modification through Natural Selection.
(What are the key features of natural selection? What is meant by “Survival of
the Fittest?”)
2. What kinds of information is used support Darwin’s Theory of Evolution?
3. What’s the difference between divergent, convergent, and co-evolution. Be able to
give examples of each.
4. Modern evolutionary theory includes population genetics. What is population
genetics and how does it add to our understanding of how populations evolve?
5. Describe the causes of evolution (like mutation, etc..) What does the HardyWeinberg Equilibrium model describe?
6. What were the proposed conditions of primitive Earth? How did Miller’s experiment
support the proposed conditions?
7. What is the heterotroph hypothesis?
Chapter 6 – How Cells Harvest Chemical Energy
1. What is ATP? Know the ATP-ADP cycle.
2. Know the stages of cellular respiration: know the reactants and products of each
stage, where in the cell each stage takes place, how much ATP is made.
3. Know the difference between aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
4. Compare and contrast fermentation as it occurs in human muscle cells and as it
occurs in yeast cells and bacteria.
5. Explain in terms of cellular respiration why we use oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide.
Chapter 7- Photosynthesis
1. What is a photon? Wavelength? Absorption spectrum? Why do we see colors?
2. Name the major plant pigments and the colors they appear to us.
3. Know the parts of the chloroplast and where the light-dependent and light
independent reactions occur.
4. What are the reactants and products? What is “carbon fixing”?
5. Know the internal structure of a leaf and the role of each part.
6. How are photosynthesis and cellular respiration related?
Honors Biology - Performance Assessment II
Chapters 1-7, Classification, Microbes & Disease, Evolution
1. Experimental Method
a. Design an experiment: define problem, hypothesis
- Experimental set-up
b. Analyze data, draw conclusion
2. Cell Size
a. Measure with a microscope, field diameter:cell size
b. Metric units, field area:# cells
3. Diffusion and Osmosis
a. Concentration gradient, direction of solute diffusion
b. Hypotonic/hypertonic, direction of water movement
c. Diffusion of gases in respiration
4. Classification
a. Interpret a cladogram or phylogenetic tree
b. Predict gene frequency changes in changing environments
5. Microbes and Disease
a. compare viruses and bacteria: structure, reproduction
b. defenses and immunity; vaccines
c. culturing bacteria, testing disinfectants
6. Photosynthesis
a. label parts of a chloroplast and leaf
b. interpret absorption spectra, chromatograms
7. Cellular Respiration
a. label or complete diagrams of mitochondria, glycolysis, Krebs
cycle, electron transport chain, and fermentation
b. contrast two kinds of fermentation, explain oxygen debt