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PRINT LAST NAME ___________________________ FIRST NAME ___________________________
SIGNATURE _________________________________ STUDENT ID# __________________________
Summer 2002
August 3, 2002
Professor Mel Green
INSTRUCTIONS: There are 20 questions for a total of 400 points in this 2-hour exam. Each question is
worth 25 points. Avoid using abbreviations unless otherwise indicated. No questions will be answered
by TA’s during the exam!!
By signing this waiver, I give permission for this exam to be left for me to pick up in the Humanities and
Social Science building lower level West Wing, in the hall near room 1101. I realize this procedure may
expose my grade to public scrutiny. I am also aware that unsigned exams can be picked up from Dr.
Signature _____________________________________________ Date ____________________
1. ________________________________
11. ________________________________
2. ________________________________
12. ________________________________
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13. ________________________________
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14. ________________________________
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16. ________________________________
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17. ________________________________
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18. ________________________________
9. ________________________________
19. ________________________________
10. ________________________________
20. ________________________________
TOTAL __________________________
Name and draw the following (in parts a-c)
a. The two pyrimidines in DNA: _______________________ and _______________________
(Drawing the ring structure of a pyrimidine is fine)
a. A molecule that increases the fluidity of membranes and is the precursor of all steroid hormones:
(Drawing the ring structure is fine)
b. The three-carbon product of glycolysis: ___________________________
c. What type(s) of R groups in amino acids makes proteins soluble:
In membranes? _______________________________
In the cytoplasm?_____________________________
d. Name (don’t draw) the three basic amino acids found in proteins:
_________________________, __________________________, _________________________
2. Match by placing the best correct letter next to the appropriate number (letters may be used once, more
than once, or not at all).
a. Rough endoplasmic reticulum
g. Bound Ribosomes
b. Cytoskeleton
h. Microtubules
c. Free ribosomes
i. Peroxisome
d. Golgi apparatus
j. Microfilament
e. Mitochondria
k. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
f. Lysosome
l. Extracellular matrix (ECM)
_____ Cilia and flagella are made out of this type of cytoskeleton fiber
_____ Contains enzymes such as oxidase and catalase to break down fatty acids
_____ Products of the ER are modified here by adding a sugar to the protein, thus directing it
_____ Are attached to the ER, thus making products for export
_____ The main function is cellular support and shape
_____ Cytoskeleton fiber used in muscle contraction
_____ Membrane network that makes secretory proteins and membrane proteins
_____ Contains enzymes that break down old denatured proteins and food particles
_____ Animal cell organelle containing electron transport proteins
_____ Contains fibronectins and integrins, function is support and anchorage to other cells
3. ATP is available for use to make a dipeptide from two component amino acids. Δ G0 for the
hydrolysis of ATP is –8 kcal/mol, and Δ G0 for the formation of the dipeptide is +0.5 kcal/mol.
a. What is the net Δ G0 for this reaction? ___________________________
b. For a reaction at equilibrium, show the equation that relates Δ G0 to Keq.
c. In the following reaction, circle all the chemicals that bind to the enzyme’s active site. (Note:
penalty for incorrect circles)
Fructose 6—PO4 + ATP  Fructose 1, 6—biphosphate + ADP
d. What effect does increasing the enzyme concentration have on Keq? ____________________
e. If Keq>1, is the reaction endergonic or exergonic? _______________________________
4. Having finished his Bio 1 lecture, Dr. Green is running to Rock Bottom when suddenly his muscles
run out of oxygen. (a)_____________________________ starts getting reduced to lactic acid and the
coenzyme (b) _____________________________________________ (do not abbreviate) gets
oxidized so that glycolysis can continue. The coenzyme in (b) is derived from the vitamin
(c)______________________. Halfway there, he catches his second wind and oxygen is resupplied
to his muscles. Now pyruvate gets oxidized to (d)_________________________________ using the
enzyme called pyruvate dehydrogenase complex. The substance from (d) enters the Krebs cycle and
(e)_________ mole(s) of ATP are produced per mole of pyruvate from the high energy substrate
(f)___________________________. NADH and FADH2 are produced by the Krebs cycle and enter
the electron transport chain to generate (g) __________ mole(s) of ATP per mole of FADH2 and
(h)__________ mole(s) of ATP per mole of NADH. When glucose is completely oxidized by this
process called (i) __________________________________, the total net moles of ATP produced per
mole of glucose is (j) _________, and Dr. Green makes it to Rock Bottom just in time for Happy
5. Which type of transport applies to the following descriptions? (More than one answer may apply.
Each answer may be used once, more than once, or not at all. Credit only for totally correct answers.)
a) active transport b)passive transport
c) facilitated diffusion d) endocytosis
Uses ATP ______________
Requires a protein _______________
Net transport from high to low concentrations _______________
Forms vesicles __________________
6. a. Cells regulate their level of ATP primarily using an allosteric enzyme called
___________________________________________ (do not abbreviate if possible).
b. Enzymes catalyze chemical reactions by lowering the ________________________________,
thus speeding up the rate of reaction.
c. What effect would the addition of mild acid (pH 5) to isolated mitochondria be expected to have
on the rate of ATP synthesis by these organelles? Circle the correct answer. Hint: The acid
accumulates in the intermembrane space.
(a) Increase
(b) Decrease
(c) No effect
Briefly explain your answer (1 sentence).
d. The iron containing proteins called ____________________________ in the cristae of
mitochondria creates a _____________________ gradient in the intermembrane space.
7. The secret of life according to Dr. Green is the ability to drive chemical reactions that are called
(a)____________________________ reactions, such as the synthesis of
(b)____________________________ from (c)__________________________, thereby creating
order out of chaos.
8. Name 2 stages of meiosis at which genetic diversity occurs, and state what happens to produce this
c. At what stage of meiosis does the chromatin condense into chromosomes?
d. What is a genetic process, other than mutations, by which genetic diversity occurs in
bacteria? _______________________________________
9. Bill and Monica are both heterozygous for two unlinked dominant traits: 1. Rapacious appetite (R),
and 2. Lustful behavior (L).
a. What are the genotypes of all the gametes Bill can produce?
b. What fraction of this couple’s progeny would be predicted to have a rapacious appetite?
c. What fraction of their progeny would be predicted to be boys with a rapacious appetite?
d. What fraction of their progeny would be predicted to have both recessive traits?
10. a. One exception to Mendel’s laws is seen when the heterozygote expresses a different phenotype
than the dominant phenotype. This is known as
b. When red homozygous dominant snapdragons (RR) were crossed with white homozygous
recessive snapdragons (rr), the result is all heterozygous pink snapdragons (Rr). Draw a Punnet
square to diagram the self-cross of the F1 progeny.
c. What percentage of the F2 progeny are expected to be red? _________________________
d. What percentage of the F2 progeny are expected to be pink? ________________________
e. What percentage of the F2 progeny are expected to be white? _______________________
Label the ends of each parental strand.
Using arrows, show the direction of each newly replicating strand.
Label the ends of each newly replicating strand.
Indicate which newly replicating strand is being synthesized continuously by placing a C next to
the correct strand.
e. Name the enzyme that joins the discontinous DNA fragments _____________________________
12. List the three major characteristics of the Genetic Code that were discussed in class.
a. ___________________________________
b. ___________________________________
c. ___________________________________
d. A specific protein is composed of 30 amino acids. How many bases, including the start and
stop signals, are necessary for the DNA to code for protein. ________________________
13. Diagram a meiotic nondisjunction in which one X and one Y chromosome end up in the same
Note: The dots represent centromeres holding the sister chromatids together.
b. Most aneuploid embryos abort spontaneously because the cells synthesize either
______________________________ or _______________________________ protein.
14. a. It is difficult to prevent cancer because cancer is caused by _________________________, which
may result randomly from radiation, chemical, and viruses.
b. Every time a normal cell divides, the __________________________ shorten, but this does not
happen in cancer cells, which is why they are thought to be “immortal”.
c. p53 is an example of a gene called __________________________________, which helps
prevent cancer because it induces a damaged cell to commit suicide, a process known as
e. Caffeine is a base analog that may cause cancer because it is definitely a
____________________________________ that inhibits DNA repair.
15. The lac operon is regulated both positively and negatively. Negative regulation occurs when an
inducer called (a) ______________________________ binds to the
(b)_______________________________ protein, causing it to dissociate from the operator so that
(c)___________________________________ can now do its job by transcribing the DNA into
mRNA. Positive regulation occurs when cyclic AMP binds to
(d)_____________________________ forming a complex that binds to the promoter, making it
strong, thus stimulating transcription of the lac operon. However, this only happens in the absence of
16. a. Name the second messenger used together with adrenaline in the “fight or flight” response.
b. This second messenger activates an enzyme called ____________________________________.
c. The enzyme in part b. facilitates post-translational control by adding a phosphate group from
_________________________ to another enzyme, thereby activating or inactivating it.
d. Steroid hormones regulate gene expression at the level of _______________________________.
e. List the 2 other types of receptors found in the plasma membrane used for cell signaling.
1. G protein linked receptors
2. _________________________________________
3. _________________________________________
17. Name 3 roles that base-pairing has other than for the DNA double helix.
a. _______________________________________
b. _______________________________________
c. _______________________________________
d. What does tRNA transfer from the cytoplasm to the ribosome? __________________________
e. How many tRNA’s are bound to a ribosome during the formation of one peptide?
18. a. Which of the three regions of the antibody (V, J, C) contains the specificity needed to recognize
foreign antigens? __________________________________ (Do not abbreviate)
b. After years of taking his TA’s to Rock Bottom for happy hour, Dr. G requires a liver transplant.
Upon receiving a liver from a cadaver, Dr. G’s body rejects the new organ. Which of the 2 types
of immunity is responsible for the rejection of the organ transplant?
c. Which type of lymphocytes is used in the response in (b)? _______________________________
d. If a developing embryo had the following genetic regions, calculate how many possible different
antibodies it could produce. _______________________________
Heavy Chain Genetic Regions
Light Chain Genetic Regions
e. The “clonal selection” theory proposes that a foreign antigen acts as a ____________________
(one word) when it binds to a specific lymphocyte, thereby generating a clone.
19. a. What is the function of a domain present in both RNA polymerase and protein kinase?
b. The DNA sequence of the above domain is very similar in E.coli and humans, with 16 out of 20
bases identical. What is the probability that this similarity occurs only by chance?
P=_______________________________ (Don’t bother calculating the precise answer)
c, d. What are 2 properties of mitochondria and chloroplasts that suggest these organelles were once
free-living bacteria?
1. ________________________________
2. ________________________________
20. a. According to the readings, _________________ is the sex-determining gene located on the Y
b. According to the New York Times, it is widely agreed that the number of genes to the human
genome is approximately _________________________.
c. The gene _______________ has the ability to stop tumors before they grow, but if damaged,
this gene is involved in 60% of cancers.
d. White males with the mutation located in the gene ____________________ have been found
to be HIV resistant.
e. The letters in PCR stands for ________________________________________________.
BONUS (4 points)
What is Dr. G’s favorite organism?
What good is a buffer if it cannot bark?