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Chapter 4: A Tour of the Cell Guided Reading
Section 4.2
1. Identify the basic features common to all cells
2. Label the prokaryotic cell below – list structure and function.
3. What is the difference between the cytoplasm and the cytosol in eukaryotic cells?
4. Discuss the size of a typical prokaryotic cell to that of a eukaryotic cell.
5. Why is surface area to volume such an important concept as it applies to the size of a cell?
6. Discuss how microvilli increase the absorption of nutrients in the small intestines.
Section 4.3
7. For each of the structures below – note the specific structure and the function of the organelle or part of
the organelle. The important concept is to note how the specific structure allows for the specific function
to be accomplished.
a. Nucleus
i. Nuclear envelope
ii. Nuclear lamina
iii. Chromosomes
iv. Chromatin
v. Nucleolus
b. Ribosomes
Section 4.4
c. Endoplasmic reticulum
i. Smooth ER
ii. Rough ER
iii. Transport vesicles
d. Golgi Apparatus
Label the diagram below showing the transport of proteins to and from the Golgi Apparatus
e. Lysosomes
Label the diagram below showing phagocytosis involving lysosomes
f. Vacuoles
i. Food
ii. Contractile
iii. Central w/tonoplast
g. Endomembrane system – overall
Label the diagram below showing the relationship amongst organelles in the endomembrane system
Section 4.5
8. Discuss the inverse relationship between the mitochondria and the chloroplasts
9. Give a simplified version of the endosymbiont theory which theorizes the origin of eurkaryotic cells and
their organelles.
Label the diagram of the process involved in the endosymbiont theory.
10. How do mitochondria and chloroplast have similarities with bacteria?
11. Continue to give the functions of the cell organelles listed.
a. Mitochondria
i. Cristae
ii. Mitochondrial matrix
b. Chloroplasts
i. Thylakoids
ii. Granum
iii. Stroma
Label the chloroplast and the mitochondria shown below
c. Plastids
i. Amyloplast
ii. Chromoplast
d. Peroxisomes
Section 4.7
1. Discuss the purposes for the cell wall in plant cells.
2. Identify the composition of plant cell walls
3. How can plant cells with their rigid cell walls communicate with one another?
4. What is the EMC and what are its main components?
5. Label the diagram below – for each structure – briefly list its function:
5. What is the main function of integrins in the plasma membrane?
6. How do adjacent plant cells “communicate” with one another by allowing for the exchange of materials?
7. Label the diagram below depicting the cell junction in animal tissues & give a brief description of each.