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Name: __________________________________________ Period: ___________ Date: _____________________
Highlight Review – Common Assessment #4
Multiple Choice - Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. Refer to the illustration above. The process shown is
a. mitosis.
c. meiosis.
b. chromosomal mutation.
d. dominance.
2. In short-horned cattle, the alleles for color are red (R) and white (W) but neither is fully dominant over the
other (co-dominance). When a red bull is crossed with a white cow, the possible phenotypes of their offspring
a. red hair, white hair, and a mixture of both red and white hair.
b. a mixture of both red and white hair
c. pink hair
d. red hair
____ 3.
In guinea pigs, the allele for rough coat (R) is dominant over the allele for smooth coat (r). A heterozygous
guinea pig and a homozygous recessive guinea pig are mated. Which of the following would be the phenotypes of the offspring?
a. all rough coat
c. 2 rough coat and 2 smooth coat
b. all smooth coat
d. 3 rough coat and 1 smooth coat
____ 4.
An individual heterozygous for a trait and an individual homozygous recessive for the trait are crossed and
produce many offspring that are
a. all the same genotype.
c. of three different phenotypes.
b. of two different phenotypes.
d. all the same phenotype.
5. The law of segregation states that
a. alleles of a gene separate from each other during meiosis.
b. different alleles of a gene can never be found in the same organism.
c. each gene of an organism ends up in a different gamete.
d. each gene is found on a different molecule of DNA.
6. The unknown genotype of an individual with a dominant phenotype can be determined using
a. a ratio.
c. probability
b. a dihybrid cross.
d. a test cross.
7. A trait that occurs in 450 individuals out of a total of 1,800 individuals occurs with a probability of
a. 0.04
c. 0.50
b. 0.25
d. 0.75
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In humans, having freckles (F) is dominant to not having freckles (f). The inheritance of these traits can be
studied using a Punnett square similar to the one shown below.
8. Refer to the illustration above. The child represented in box 1 in the Punnett square would
a. be homozygous for freckles.
c. be heterozygous for freckles.
b. have an extra freckles chromosome.
d. not have freckles.
9. Refer to the illustration above. The parents shown in the Punnett square could have children with a phenotype
ratio of
a. 1:2:1
c. 3:1
d. 2:2
____ 10. A color blind man (XbY) marries a woman who is not colorblind, but she is a carrier (XBXb). The possible
genotypes of their sons are:
a. XBXb, XBXb
c. XbY, XbY
b b
B b
b. X Y , X Y
d. XbY, XBY
____ 11.
Compared with mitosis, the process of meiosis results in —
a. greater number of cell chromosomes per cell
b. greater volume of cell cytoplasm per cell
c. greater number of daughter cells
d. greater amount of genetic material per cell
____ 12. How does a stem cell become a nerve cell, bone cell, or muscle cell?
a. by expressing certain combinations of genes
b. by repressing certain combinations of genes
c. by expressing certain combinations of genes and repressing others
d. by expressing all genes
____ 13.
What determines the traits of an organism?
a. relation of AT to CG base pairs
b. number of nitrogen bases in RNA
c. presence of deoxyribose in a nucleic acid
d. sequence of nitrogen bases in DNA
____ 14. A cell with a diploid number of 24 undergoes meiosis, how many chromosomes are in each daughter cell?
a. 6
c. 24
b. 12
d. 48
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____ 15. The illustration below shows:
a. A pedigree of a male with Downs syndrome
b. A karyotype of a female with Klinefelter syndrome
c. A karyotype of a male with Downs syndrome
d. A pedigree of a male with Klinefelter syndrome
____ 16. Refer to the illustration below. How many males in Generation II are affected with sickle cell anemia?
a. 1
c. 3
b. 2
d. 4
____ 17. This diagram illustrates ______ which occurs during _____.
a. reverse transcription, protein synthesis
b. point mutation, DNA replication
c. crossing over, meiosis
d. DNA replication, cell cycle
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____ 18. Refer to the illustration above. Which of the following represents the genotype of offspring Ttrr?
a. heterozygous tall, homozygous wrinkled
b. heterozygous short, homozygous wrinkled
c. heterozygous short, homozygous round
d. homozygous tall, homozygous wrinkled
____ 19. Refer to the illustration above. What are the genotypes of the parents in this cross?
a. TTRr and ttRr
b. TtRr and TtRr
c. TTrr and TtRr
d. TTRr and TtRr
Protein Synthesis
____ 20. Refer to the illustration above. What is the structure that is labeled Y?
a. exon
b. interferon
c. intron
d. operon
____ 21. During transcription, the genetic information for making a protein is “rewritten” as a molecule of
a. messenger RNA.
c. transfer RNA.
b. ribosomal RNA.
d. translation RNA.
____ 22. Which type(s) of RNA is(are) involved in protein synthesis?
a. transfer RNA only
b.messenger RNA only
c. ribosomal RNA and transfer RNA only
d.messenger RNA, ribosomal RNA, and transfer RNA
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____ 23.
The figure below shows the structure of a(an)
a. DNA molecule.
b. amino acid.
c. RNA molecule.
d. protein.
____ 24.
Mutated DNA in somatic cells occurs frequently but this modified DNA cannot be passed along to offspring
a. modified DNA in somatic cells is recessive
b. offspring typically reject modified DNA
c. only gamete cells carry genetic material to offspring
d. offspring mutations happen only when somatic cells are diseased
____ 25.
What is the function of mRNA in the diagram above?
a. carrying the genetic message from DNA in the nucleus to the ribosomes
b. providing the energy for the duplication of cells
c. preventing mutations in the genetic code
d. storing food material for keeping cells alive
____ 26. What is the structure that is labeled by an X?
a. amino acid
b. codon
c. anticodon
d. polypeptide
____ 27. Refer to the illustration above. Which RNA molecule carries amino acids?
a. A
b. B
c. C
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Genetic Code:
____ 28. Refer to the chart. The triplet codes found in this chart apply to—
a. humans only
c. prokaryotes
b. plants and animals
d. all living things
____ 29. Refer to the illustration above. The anticodons for the codons in the mRNA given are
____ 30. Refer to the illustration above. What is the portion of the protein molecule coded for by the piece of mRNA
a. Ser—Tyr—Arg—Gly
c. Leu—Lys—Cys—Phe
b. Val—Asp—Pro—His
d. Pro—Glu—Leu—Val
____ 31. What is the purpose of this process?
a. to create polypeptides and, eventually, proteins for gene expression
b. to copy original DNA strands into complementary strands
c. to generate and release energy producing compounds (ATP)
d. to regulate the internal environment of the cell
____ 32. Which of the following is an example of artificial selection:
a. a panda's thumb
b. the breeding of dogs
c. the Galapagos finches
d. a giraffe's neck
____ 33. According to the theory of evolution by natural selection, which of the following is true:
a. random mating is necessary for evolution to occur
b. variation does not exist between members of the same species
c. populations will change to better fit their environment
d. individuals will adapt to their environment
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____ 34. Which of the following outcomes would you predict for a population of bacteria exposed to a new antibiotic.
a. over many generations, the bacteria would become resistant to the antibiotic
b. over a few generations, the bacteria would evolve into Archaebacteria
c. over a few generations, the bacteria would become extinct
d. over many generations, the bacteria would become more susceptible to the antibiotic
____ 35. In wolves, the bones in the legs involved in walking are very similar to the bones in whales’ flippers that are
involved in swimming. Although they have different functions, these bones, called homologous structures,
lead us to the theory that wolves and whales:
a. Have a common ancestor
b. Are both great swimmers
c. Lived during the same time period
d. Have analogous structures to begin with
____ 36. Refer to the illustration above. Which diagrams illustrate analogous structures?
a. 1, 2
b. 1, 3
c. 2, 3
d. 1, 2, 3
____ 37. Which diagrams illustrate homologous structures?
a. 1, 2
b. 1, 3
c. 2, 3
d. 1, 2, 3
____ 38. The occurrence of the same amino acid sequence in digestive proteins in two morphologically unrelated
species provides evidence that these two species —
a. occupy the same niche
b. have analogous structures
c. descended from a common ancestor
d. have evolved convergently
____ 39. A human fetus, when compared to a dolphin fetus, exhibits all of the following similarities during
development EXCEPT —
a. pharyngeal gill slits
b. a bony tail
c. fins
d. a coat of fine fur
____ 40. Geographical isolation as a barrier for groups of organisms is determined by —
a. the ability of organisms to move freely
b. the fitness of the organism in its new environment
c. the success of the population to compete for resources
d. the size of the new habitats
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____ 41. Natural selection acts directly on phenotypes, whereas evolution acts directly on —
a. populations
b. genes
c. phenotypes
d. DNA
____ 42. The chart above show the amino acid composition in four different organisms of Cytochrome C, a protein
involved in cellular respiration in aerobic organisms. Which of the following is the best conclusion?
a. The silkworm moth and fruit fly are most closely related.
b. The silkworm moth and screwworm fly are most closely related.
c. The hornworm moth and fruit fly are most closely related.
d. The hornworm moth and screwworm are most closely related.
____ 43. The image illustrates which of the following:
a. artificial selection
b. acquired characteristics
c. homologous structures
d. vestigial structures
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