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Cell Foldable
Create a cell foldable to review the ultrastructure of different types of cells. You will use 8 sheets of paper for this
activity. Each section of your foldable will require very specific information.
Prokaryote Cell – Must be drawn to scale compared to the other cells. Organelles included and labeled – cell wall,
pilli/flagella, cytoplasm, 70s ribosome, nucleoid region(and DNA), plasmid.
Eukaryote – Plant Cell – Must be drawn to scale compared to the other cells. Organelles included and labeled – cell wall,
plasma membrane, 80s ribosome, nucleus, rough endoplasmic reticulum, golgi apparatus, mitochondria, chloroplasts.
Eukaryote – Animal Cell - Must be drawn to scale compared to the other cells. Organelles included and labeled – plasma
membrane, 80s ribosome, nucleus, rough endoplasmic reticulum, golgi apparatus, mitochondria.
Title section – Cells and your name
On a different section of your foldable you must write out three important facts about the type of cell you drew. These
facts need to show some form of gained knowledge and cannot be facts you learned from 8th grade! The fourth section
you will describe the process of binary fission and conjugation in prokaryotes
When finished with this foldable you will connect all 8 pieces together to create a cell cube.
This is due Friday Jan 9!
Cell Foldable
Create a cell foldable to review the ultrastructure of different types of cells. You will use 8 sheets of paper for this
activity. Each section of your foldable will require very specific information.
Prokaryote Cell – Must be drawn to scale compared to the other cells. Organelles included and labeled – cell wall,
pilli/flagella, cytoplasm, 70s ribosome, nucleoid region(and DNA), plasmid.
Eukaryote – Plant Cell – Must be drawn to scale compared to the other cells. Organelles included and labeled – cell wall,
plasma membrane, 80s ribosome, nucleus, rough endoplasmic reticulum, golgi apparatus, mitochondria, chloroplasts.
Eukaryote – Animal Cell - Must be drawn to scale compared to the other cells. Organelles included and labeled – plasma
membrane, 80s ribosome, nucleus, rough endoplasmic reticulum, golgi apparatus, mitochondria.
Title section – Cells and your name
On a different section of your foldable you must write out three important facts about the type of cell you drew. These
facts need to show some form of gained knowledge and cannot be facts you learned from 8th grade! The fourth section
you will describe the process of binary fission and conjugation in prokaryotes
When finished with this foldable you will connect all 8 pieces together to create a cell cube.
This is due Friday Jan 9!