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Name: ________________________ Class: ___________________
Concepts of Biology Chapter 3 Quiz
Multiple Choice
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the
statement or answers the question.
____ 1. Which of the following is NOT found in animal cells?
a. cell wall
c. lysosomes
b. cell membrane
d. vesicle
____ 2. ____ are the basic units of living things.
a. Organisms
c. Cells
b. Tissues
d. Organs
____ 3. Prokaryotic cells do NOT have
a. DNA.
c. a cell membrane.
b. a nucleus. d. ribosomes.
____ 4. A ____ keep(s) the cytoplasm inside and allow nutrients in
and waste products out.
a. cell membrane
c. nucleus
b. chloroplast
d. mitochondria
____ 5. Amino acids are hooked together at the ____ to make
proteins (the master constructor of proteins).
a. chloroplasts
c. ribosomes
b. mitochondria
d. lysosomes
____ 6. The ____ is an organelle that is found only in plants and
a. ribosome
c. mitochondria
b. endoplasmic reticulum
d. chloroplast
____ 7. The organelle that processes, packages, and transports
materials out of a eukaryotic cell is the
a. ribosome.
c. mitochondria.
b. nucleus.
d. Golgi complex.
____ 8. The large membrane-covered chamber that stores water and
other liquids in plants is the
a. nucleus.
c. Golgi complex.
b. vacuole.
d. lysosome.
____ 9. Which of the cells in the diagram above is a plant cell?
a. Cell 1
b. Cell 2
c. Cell 3
d. None of the above
____ 10. Which of the cells in the diagram above is a prokaryotic
a. Cell 1
c. Cell 3
b. Cell 2
d. None of the above
____ 11. Which of the cells in the diagram above is an animal
a. Cell 1
c. Cell 3
b. Cell 2
d. None of the above
____ 12. Most energy in eukaryotic cells is produced in the
a. mitochondria.
c. nucleus.
b. endoplasmic reticulum.
d. chloroplasts.
Complete each sentence or statement.
13. Give the name for the following organelles.
a. Powerhouse
b. City Hall
c. Water tower
d. Garbage disposal
e. Post office
f. Factory
14. Use the following words to complete the paragraph.
Endoplasmic Reticulum, DNA, Golgi complex, amino acids, ribosome.
In order to make a protein, _______ that is found in the nucleus
is copied. RNA is then taken to a ______________, which are small
organelles found on the endoplasmic reticulum. These organelles
make proteins by peicing together ____________ ___________. The
protein is then given to the ____________ ______________ which
packages the protein, gives it an adress and sends the protein
15. Anton van Leeuwenhoek called the single-celled organism that
he saw ________________.
19. ____________ looked at a cork under a microscope and named
what he saw a "cell".
Use the following words to answer # 20-24
Prokaryotic cell
Eukaryotic cell
____ 20. Cell that has a nucleus and organelles and can be single
or multicellular.
____ 21. Green organelle not found in animal cells that make food
from sunlight.
____ 22. Old cells that have no nucleus.
____ 23. Center of the cell that stores DNA.
____ 24. Cellular structure on which proteins are made.