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Practice EOC Questions
Part Four
61. What is the key difference between mitosis and meiosis
during the actual process?
A. Both double the number of chromosomes, but in
meiosis the cell divides twice.
B. In mitosis the number of chromosomes doubles twice
and then divides.
C. In meiosis the number of chromosomes does not
double, and the cell divides.
D. In mitosis the number of chromosomes doubles and
then the cell divides thrice.
The correct answer is…
62. What is the function of mitosis?
A. to make sperm or egg cells
B. to maintain the chromosome number in the offspring
C. to produce more DNA for protein synthesis
D. to produce more body cells
The correct answer is…
63. Why is sexual reproduction usually
considered more advantageous than asexual
A. It maintains the same exact DNA from one
generation to the next.
B. It helps to increase genetic variation.
C. It promotes more interaction between males and
females of the same species.
D. It helps maintain the chromosome number of the
The correct answer is…
64. Many simple organisms like bacteria reproduce
asexually most of the time. What could be a source of
genetic variation for these organisms?
Crossing over
Random assortment of chromosomes
Random mating
The correct answer is…
65. Why are mutations, which are usually negative,
sometimes considered beneficial to an organism or
A. They provide genetic variation.
B. They help to eliminate other harmful genes.
C. They help to increase the size of the genome.
D. What is harmful to one species may be
beneficial to another.
The correct answer is…
66. Which of the following is an advantage of
asexual reproduction?
A. Daughter cells are exact copies of each other.
B. Only one parent is involved.
C. Exact copies of favorable traits will be
D. Many clones of the mother may be produced.
The correct answer is…
67. The allele for hemophilia is sex-linked recessive. Mr.
Perkins is a hemophiliac. Mrs. Perkins is a carrier. What
percent chance would the Perkins’ offspring have of being
A. 0%
 B. 25%
 C. 50%
 D. 100%
The correct answer is…
68. The Johnsons have two children, Jack and Jill. Jack
has type A blood and Jill has type B blood. Which one of
these pairings could represent the blood type of the
A. Type A and Type O
B. Type AB and Type A
C. Type O and Type B
D. Answer cannot be determined from the
information given.
The correct answer is…
69. Scientists discovered a strain of bacteria that is capable
of digesting oil. How might these bacteria be most helpful
to scientists?
A. The bacteria could produce oil for fuel.
B. The bacteria could make new products from
C. The bacteria could be used to clean up oil
D. The bacteria could improve the quality of
The correct answer is…
70. In a lab the stain methyl green-pyronin Y is used to
detect the presence of DNA and RNA. Methyl green is
absorbed by the DNA and stains it blue. If you observed
the a stained slide of an onion root tip under the
microscope, which structures would you expect to be
stained blue?
A. chloroplast
B. chromosome
C. ribosomes
D. nucleoli
The correct answer is…
71. Two different bacterial strains are placed in the same petri
dish. Strain A is resistant to the antibiotic Ampicillin while
Strain B is resistant to the antibiotic Streptomycin. Under
certain circumstances the bacteria exchange DNA. Which
experiment would best show if these two strains exchanged
A. expose both strains to another antibiotic
B. expose both strains to Ampicillin only
C. expose both strains to Streptomycin only
D. expose both strains to both Ampicillin and
The correct answer is…
72. Which statement best describes a plasmid?
A. a small circular DNA found in some bacterial
B. a type of DNA found in yeast cells
C. a small piece of DNA found in frogs
D. an enzyme used to cut DNA
The correct answer is…
73. Which of the following is used to cut DNA
into fragments?
A. clones
B. recombinant DNA
C. vectors
D. restriction enzymes
The correct answer is…
74. Which of the following statements best describes the
function of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR)?
A. It is used to cut DNA into fragments.
B. It is used to carry DNA from one cell to
C. It is used to separate DNA into fragments.
D. It is used to make copies of DNA.
The correct answer is…
75. For several years scientists around the world
have been working on the Human Genome Project.
What is the main purpose of the project?
A. to locate all human genes
 B. to slice and clone genes
 C. to find cures for infectious disease
 D. to alter DNA in genes
The correct answer is…
76. Insects, such as ants, dragonflies, and moths
belong to class Insecta. To which phylum does the
class Insecta belong?
A. Cnidaria
 B. Chordata
 C. Arthropoda
 D. Annelida
The correct answer is…
77.The water cycle involves the movement of water
between the earth and the atmosphere. If a forest
was logged along the banks of a stream leaving no
buffers, what would the probable outcome be?
A. increased ground water due to lack of tree
B. increased fish in the surrounding streams
C. increased oxygen in surrounding streams
D. increased sediments in surrounding streams
The correct answer is…
78. During the carbon cycle, carbon dioxide is normally
released as a byproduct of respiration. Major human impact
on this cycle causes much more carbon dioxide to be released.
As a result, what environmental problem confronts humans
A. global warming
 B. ozone depletion
 C. habitat destruction
 D. water quality degradation
The correct answer is…
79. Circadian rhythm is defined as a recurring
behavioral pattern that occurs in approximately 24
hour cycles. Which one of the following is an
example of circadian rhythm?
A. hibernation
B. estivation
C. animals moving from one area to another as
seasonal time changes
D. water lily blooms that open during the day and
close at night
The correct answer is…
80. As the steps of succession progress, state
what happens.
A. Species diversity and plant growth rate are high
during primary succession.
B. Plant growth rate and species diversity are equal
during secondary succession.
C. Plant growth rate is low and species diversity is high
in the climax forest.
D. Both plant growth rate and species diversity are high
in secondary succession.
The correct answer is..