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Microbiology: A Systems
Approach, 2nd ed.
Chapter 10: Genetic Engineering- A
Revolution in Molecular Biology
10.1 Basic Elements and Applications
of Genetic Engineering
• Basic science: when no product or application is
directly derived from it
• Applied science: useful products and applications that
owe their invention to the basic research that preceded
• Six applications and topics in genetic engineering
Tools and techniques
Methods in recombinant DNA technology
Biochemical products of recombinant DNA technology
Genetically modified organisms
Genetic treatments
Genome analysis
10.2 Tools and Techniques of Genetic
• DNA: The Raw Material
– Heat-denatured DNA
• DNA strands separate if heated to just below boiling
• Exposes nucleotides
• Can be slowly cooled and strands will renature
Restriction Endonucleases
• Enzymes that can clip strands of DNA
crosswise at selected positions
• Hundreds have been discovered in bacteria
• Each has a known sequence of 4 to 10 pairs as
its target
• Can recognize and clip at palindromes
Figure 10.1
• Can be used to cut DNA in to smaller pieces
for further study or to remove and insert
• Can make a blunt cut or a “sticky end”
• The pieces of DNA produced are called
restriction fragments
• Differences in the cutting pattern of specific
restriction endonucleases give rise to
restriction fragments of differing lengthsrestriction fragment length polymorphisms
Ligase and Reverse Transcriptase
• Ligase: Enzyme necessary to seal sticky ends
• Reverse transcriptase: enzyme that is used when
converting RNA into DNA
Figure 10.2
Analysis of DNA
• Gel electrophoresis: produces a readable pattern of
DNA fragments
Figure 10.3
Nucleic Acid Hybridization and Probes
• Two different nucleic acids can hybridize by uniting at
their complementary regions
• Gene probes: specially formulated oligonucleotide
– Short stretch of DNA of a known sequence
– Will base-pair with a stretch of DNA with a complementary
sequence if one exists in the test sample
• Can detect specific nucleotide sequences in unknown
• Probes carry reporter molecules (such as radioactive or
luminescent labels) so they can be visualized
• Southern blot- a type of hybridization technique
Figure 10.4
Probes Used for Diagnosis
Figure 10.5
Fluorescent in situ Hybridizaton (FISH)
• Probes applied to intact cells
• Observed microscopically for the presence
and location of specific genetic marker
• Effective way to locate genes on chromosomes
Methods Used to Size, Synthesize, and
Sequence DNA
• Relative sizes of nucleic acids usually denoted
by the number of base pairs (bp) they contain
• DNA Sequencing: Determining the Exact
Genetic Code
– Most detailed information comes from the actual
order and types of bases- DNA sequencing
– Most common technique: Sanger DNA sequence
Figure 10.6
Polymerase Chain Reaction: A
Molecular Xerox Machine for DNA
• Some techniques to analyze DNA and RNA are
limited by the small amounts of test nucleic
acid available
• Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) rapidly
increases the amount of DNA in a sample
• So sensitive- could detect cancer from a single
• Can replicate a target DNA from a few copies
to billions in a few hours
Figure 10.7
Three Basic Steps that Cycle
• Denaturation
– Heat to 94°C to separate in to two strands
– Cool to between 50°C and 65°C
• Priming
– Primers added in a concentration that favors binding to the
complementary strand of test DNA
– Prepares the two strands (amplicons) for synthesis
• Extension
– 72°C
– DNA polymerase and nucleotides are added
– Polymerases extend the molecule
• The amplified DNA can then be analyzed
10.3 Methods in Recombinant DNA
• Primary intent of recombinant DNA
technology- deliberately remove genetic
material from one organism and combine it
with that of a different organism
• Form genetic clones
– Gene is selected
– Excise gene
– Isolate gene
– Insert gene into a vector
– Vector inserts DNA into a cloning host
Figure 10.8
Technical Aspects of Recombinant DNA
and Gene Cloning
• Strategies for obtaining genes in an isolated
– DNA removed from cells, separated into
fragments, inserted into a vector, and cloned; then
undergo Southern blotting and probed
– Gene can be synthesized from isolated mRNA
– Gene can be amplified using PCR
• Once isolated, genes can be maintained in a
cloning host and vector (genomic library)
Characteristics of Cloning Vectors
• Capable of carrying a significant piece of the
donor DNA
• Readily accepted by the cloning host
• Must have a promoter in front of the cloned gene
• Vectors (such as plasmids and bacteriophages)
should have three important attributes:
– An origin of replication somewhere on the vector
– Must accept DNA of the desired size
– Contain a gene that confers drug resistance to their
cloning host
Figure 10.9
Characteristics of Cloning Hosts
Construction of a Recombinant,
Insertion into a Cloning Host, and
Genetic Expression
Figure 10.10
Figure 10.11
Synthetic Biology: Engineering New
Genetic Capabilities
• Scientists are attempting to create microbes
that produce hydrogen as fuel
• Can use recombinant techniques mentioned
10.4 Biochemical Products of
Recombinant DNA Technology
10.5 Genetically Modified Organisms
• Transgenic or genetically modified organisms
(GMOs): recombinant organisms produced
through the introduction of foreign genes
• These organisms can be patented
Recombinant Microbes: Modified
Bacteria and Viruses
• Genetically altered strain of Pseudomonas
– Can prevent ice crystals from forming
– Frostban to stop frost damage in crops
• Strain of Pseudomonas fluorescens
– Engineered with a gene from Bacillus thuringiensis
– Codes for an insecticide
• Drug therapy
• Bioremediation
Transgenic Plants: Improving Crops
and Foods
• Agrobacterium can transfect host cells
• This idea can be used to engineer plants
Figure 10.12
Transgenic Animals: Engineering
• Several hundred strains have been introduced
• Can express human genes in organs and organ
• Most effective way is to use viruses
Figure 10.13
10.6 Genetic Treatments: Introducing
DNA into the Body
• Gene Therapy
– For certain diseases, the phenotype is due to the
lack of a protein
– Correct or repair a faulty gene permanently so it
can make the protein
– Two strategies
• ex vivo
• in vivo
Figure 10.14
in vivo
• Skips the intermediate step of incubating
excised patient tissue
• Instead the naked DNA or a virus vector is
directly introduced into the patient’s tissues
DNA Technology as Genetic Medicine
• Some diseases result from the inappropriate
expression of a protein
• Prevent transcription or translation of a gene
Antisense DNA and RNA: Targeting
Messenger RNA
• Antisense RNA: bases complementary to the sense strand
of mRNA in the area surrounding the initiation site
– When it binds to the mRNA, the dsRNA is inaccessible to the
– Translation cannot occur
• Single-stranded dNA usually used as the antisense agent
(easier to manufacture)
• For some genes, once the antisense strand bound to the
mRNA, the hybrid RNA was not able to leave the nucleus
• Antisense DNA: when delivered into the cytoplasm and
nucleus, it binds to specific sites on any mRNAs that are the
targets of therapy
Figure 10.15
10.7 Genome Analysis: Maps,
Fingerprints, and Family Trees
• Possession of a particular sequence of DNA may indicate an
increased risk of a genetic disease
• Genome Mapping and Screening: An Atlas of the Genome
– Locus: the exact position of a particular gene on a chromosome
– Alleles: sites that vary from one individual to another; the types
and numbers are important to genetic engineers
– Mapping: the process of determining location of loci and other
qualities of genomic DNA
• Linkage maps: show the relative proximity and order of genes on a
• Physical maps: more detailed arrays that also give the numerical size
of sections in base pairs
• Sequence maps: produced by DNA sequencers
– Genomics and bioinformatics: managing mapping data
DNA Fingerprinting: A Unique Picture
of a Genome
• DNA fingerprinting: tool of forensic science
• Uses methods such as restriction
endonucleases, PCR, electrophoresis,
hybridization probes, and Southern blot
Figure 10.16
Microarray Analysis
• Allows biologists to view the expression of
genes in any given cell
Figure 10.17