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Genetics and Biotechnology
A group of many technologies that use
living cells or their processes to make
products or solve problems
Used in basic and applied research
Used in developing products for the
Fields Contributing to Biotechnology
Plant Science
Food Science
Computer Science
Philosophy (Ethics)
Applications of Biotechnology
Whole organisms
Drug production
Disease prevention
HIV test
Blood-type test
Pregnancy test
Applications of Biotechnology
Genetic engineering
Gene therapy
Gene discovery
Human disease genes
Breast cancer
Huntington’s Disease
Plant genes
Carotenoid synthesis
Oil production
Genetics Primer
Gene: basic unit of heredity
Protein: product of a gene
Genotype: genetic makeup of an
individual (sum of all the genes)
Phenotype: observed traits of an
individual, due to expression of its genes
and interaction with the environment
Genes are made of DNA
DNA is a ladder-like double
Rungs of the ladder are
made of pairs of four bases:
A, C, G, T
Sugar-phosphate backbone
Genes code for proteins
The sequence of bases in the DNA of a gene
contains information to make a protein
The DNA code is triplet
Each triplet codes for an amino acid
Example: the sequence TTG is the code for the amino acid
Proteins are built from amino acids
Transferring the information from DNA to protein
is called gene expression
gene (DNA)
Gene expression is regulated
The same set of genes is contained in (nearly)
every cell of an organism, but...
Not all genes are expressed in every cell
Genes for helping plants absorb minerals from the
soil are expressed in the root
Genes for plant oil production are expressed
primarily in the embryo
Genes for milk production in mammals are
expressed in the mammary glands
Proteins have many functions
hemoglobin carries oxygen in blood
collagen holds cells together
receives signals sent to cell
control gene expression
catalyze chemical reactions in the cell
Proteins govern traits
An organism’s appearance and qualities are
the products of gene expression
Variation in traits is due to different alleles
Different forms of a gene (called alleles)
can lead to different phenotypes (expression of traits)
Gene A
Trait (Fruit Color)
Allele 1
Allele 2
Transmitting genes to offspring
Traditional mating or breeding
Female contributes half her genes through egg
Male contributes half his genes through sperm
Offspring have half their genes from mom and half
from dad
Genetic engineering
Donor contributes one or a few genes
Offspring have all their own genes plus one or a few
“Breeding” vs. “Engineering”
Commercial variety
New variety
(many genes transferred)
Desired gene
Desired gene
Commercial variety
Desired gene
New variety
(one gene transferred)
Desired gene
Transgenic organism
One in which a gene has been introduced or
modified by genetic engineering
Genetically engineered organism (GEO)
Same as transgenic organism
Genetically modified organism (GMO)
Erroneously assumed to be same as transgenic
Actually, organisms can be modified genetically by
“breeding” or by “engineering”
Applications of Biotechnology
Agricultural food production
Improved production
Disease resistance
Herbicide tolerance
Insect resistance
Improved food quality
Modified oils
Delayed fruit ripening
Nutritional enhancement
Insect resistance: Bt corn
Plants contain a gene from the soil bacterium,
Bacillus thuringensis
Bacillus thuringensis strains contain genes for a
series of proteins called Bt toxins
Bt toxins:
are toxic to certain insects, including European corn
break down rapidly in the soil
are not harmful to mammals or birds
Environmental concerns
Effect of Bt corn on monarchs
Invasion of natural plant
populations by genetically
engineered crops
Food safety concerns
StarLink in taco shells
Farmer’s point of view
Impact of Bt corn on monarch butterflies
In 1999, an article* was published stating that
pollen from Bt corn plants could kill monarch
butterfly larvae
Assertion: planting of Bt corn poses a risk to
monarch butterflies
Concerns were raised and more research was
Losey et al., 1999. Transgenic pollen harms monarch
larvae. Nature 399:214.
Questions asked
Are the data
Does the lab represent
the field?
What controls should
be included?
What does monarch
reproductive behavior
say about the lab
Is all Bt corn the same?
How does Bt corn
compare to impact of
current insect control
What is the greatest
documented threat to
monarch survival?
Is the monarch
Some varieties of Bt corn produce pollen with
toxic levels of Bt; these have been phased out
of commercial production in favor of varieties
that do not produce Bt in the pollen
In most parts of the country where corn is
grown, the time of monarch larvae feeding does
not coincide with the time that corn pollen is
More Findings
Pollen does not accumulate on the same leaves
as monarchs lay their eggs, even when
milkweed plants (preferred host) are found in
corn fields
The greatest threat to monarchs is predation.
Overall conclusion: Bt corn does not pose a
significant risk to monarch butterflies
Gatehouse et al., 2002. The case of the monarch
butterfly: a verdict is returned. Trends in Genetics
The taco shell controversy
A variety of Bt corn called StarLink was detected
in taco shells and other foods
StarLink produces a variety of Bt toxin that had
not been tested for allergenicity in humans
Therefore, StarLink was approved by FDA only
for animal feed and not for human consumption;
accessed 10 June 05
Risks to natural plant populations
Survival / reproduction of genetically engineered
crops outside cultivation
Pollen flow of genetically engineered crop to
wild relatives, hybrid formation, survival and
Spread and persistence represent possible
economic or environmental harm
Wolfenberger and Phifer, 2000. The ecological risks and benefits of genetically
engineered plants. Science 290:2088.
Farmer’s view
45% of farmers had higher yields in fields of Bt
corn than conventional corn in 1998
Nearly 26% of farmers using Bt corn reported a
decrease in pesticide use
Even considering additional cost of planting Bt
corn (~$15/acre), Bt corn should pay off in 7 out
of 10 years
Bt corn can also reduce occurrence of Fusarium
ear rot (spread by borers)
Applications of Biotechnology
Agricultural food production
Medical treatment
Gene therapy
Environmental detoxification
Animal production
Improving production through cloning
Good producer
(identical copies)
Cloned Animals
Dolly and Mom
Calf Clones
Medical treatments:
Biological factors administered as drugs
Methods of production
purification from animals
purification from genetically
engineered organisms
insulin, for diabetes
human growth hormone, for genetic deficiencies
clotting factors for types of hemophilia
Using animals for pharmaceuticals:
Molecular “pharming”
Proteins from milk of transgenic animals
Iron supplement in
infant formula
Clotting factor IX
Treatment of hemophilia
Insulin-like growth factor
Treatment of diabetes
Medical treatments:
Gene therapy
David Vetter, the “Bubble Boy”
Severe Combined Immune Deficiency
Applications of Biotechnology
Agricultural food production
Medical treatment
Gene therapy
Environmental detoxification
Bioremediation by bacteria
Phytoremediation by plants
Environmental detoxification:
Types of contaminants detoxified
heavy metals
organic compounds
petroleum products
Mechanisms plants use to detoxify
Accumulating heavy metals
Breaking down organic compounds
Volatilizing organic compounds
 Enzymes in plant roots break down (degrade) organic
 The fragments are incorporated into new plant materials.
 Nickel is removed from soil by moving into plant roots,
stems, and leaves.
 Plant is then harvested and disposed of, and site is
replanted until nickel levels are acceptably low.
Genetics and Biotechnology