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Genes as DNA:
How Genes Encode Proteins
Chapter 5
Central Points
 Genes made of DNA that encodes proteins
 Transcription: DNA copied into mRNA
 Translation: information transferred to protein
 Mutations: changes in DNA
 Changes in DNA produce changes in proteins
5.1 How Do Genes Control Traits?
 Individuals carry two copies of each gene
 One from each parent
 Different forms are alleles
 Genes contain information to produce proteins
 Proteins contribute to the observable traits or
What Is a Protein?
 Provide structure
 Be enzymes
 Be chemical messengers
 Act as receptors
 Be carrier molecules
Protein Subunits: Amino Acids
 20 found in the body
 amino acids have different chemical groups
 All contain both a carboxyl group and an amino
 Billions of combinations possible
Chemical Structure of Amino Acids
Essential Amino Acids
Amino acids
Fig. 5-3, p. 86
How Does DNA Carry Information?
 DNA carries four nucleotides: A, T, G, and C
• Three nucleotide codon in messenger RNA
(mRNA) specifies one amino acid
 Order of DNA bases determine the order of
amino acids but not all DNA codes for proteins
Gene to Protein
 Transcription: DNA  mRNA
 Translation: mRNA Protein
Animation: Overview of transcription
5.2 What Happens in Transcription?
 First step of information transfer
 Information in DNA sequence gene is copied
into sequence of bases in mRNA
RNA polymerase
DNA to be
mRNA transcript
RNA polymerase
Completed pre-mRNA
p. 88
 RNA polymerase binds to promoter, DNA is
template to produce mRNA
 mRNA is a complementary copy of DNA
 Bases pair, except T, is replaced by U
 End of the gene, marked termination sequence
 mRNA processed before leaving nucleus
Animation: From DNA to proteins (gene
5.3 What Happens in Translation?
 Second step, processed mRNA to the ribosome
 Protein produced from information on mRNA
 Each mRNA codon codes for an AA
 Transfer RNA (tRNA) acts as an adaptor
Transfer RNA
 Recognizes and binds to one amino acid
 Recognizes the mRNA codon for that amino acid
 At one end binds a specific amino acid
 Other end has a 3 nucleotide anticodon that
pairs with mRNA codon for specific amino acid
Growing protein
p. 88
Translation (1)
 Synthesis of protein from mRNA
 Occurs within ribosomes
 AUG (start codon) encodes for methionine
 Second AA is in position, an enzyme forms a
peptide bond between the two AA
 tRNA for the first AA is released
Translation (2)
 Ribosome to next codon and repeats adding AA
to growing AA chain
 Stop codons (UAA, UAG, and UGA) do not
code for AA and ribosome detaches from mRNA
 AA chain released, folds into a 3-D protein
p. 89
Animation: The 4 steps of translation
Genetic Code for Amino Acids
5.4 Turning Genes On and Off
 Only 5–10% genes active
 Gene regulation turns genes on and off
 Promoter controls expression
 Also, cells receive signals
 Enhancers increase protein production
Controlling Gene Expression
5.5 Mutations
 Changes in DNA
 Produce:
• Nonfunctional protein
• Partially functional protein
• No protein
 Affect the timing and level of gene expression
 Some no change
 Increase chance of mutation
 Mistakes during DNA replication
 By-product of normal cell functions
 Include:
• Environmental factors
• Radiation
• Chemicals
Animation: Mutations and translation
Animation: From DNA to proteins (base
5.6 Cause of Genetic Disorders
 Change in DNA alters mRNA
 Single nucleotide change can alter codon and
possibly amino acid
 Change in amino acid sequence causes changes in
• 3-D structure of protein
• Defective protein folding
• Protein function
Genetic Code
Disorders from Altered 3-D Shape
 Cystic fibrosis
 Form of Alzheimer disease
 Mad cow disease
 Cruzfelt-Jacob disease (CJD)
Sickle Cell Anemia
 Mutation in the hemoglobin gene
 Hemoglobin (HbA) is composed of two proteins:
• Alpha globin
• Beta globin
 Single nucleotide point mutation alters one of
146 AA, affects the beta globin
 Causes hemoglobin molecules to stick together
Hemoglobin Molecule
Red Blood Cells
Point Mutation in Sickle Cell Anemia
Leucine Threonine Proline Glutamic Glutamate
Histidine Leucine Threonine Proline
Fig. 5-9, p. 93
5.7 Other Single-Gene Defects
 Cystic fibrosis (CF)
• Misfolded protein
• Protein destroyed
 Huntington disease (HD)
• Trinucleotide repeats
• Multiple CAG repeats