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A. Most macromolecules are _________
• The four major classes of macromolecules are:
• Three of the four classes of macromolecules form
chainlike molecules called __________.
• Polymers consist of many similar or identical building
blocks linked by covalent bonds.
• The repeated units are small molecules called
• The chemical mechanisms
that cells use to make and
break polymers are similar
for __________ of
• The __________________
connects monomers.
• ____________disconnects
Fig. 5.2a
B. Carbohydrates - Fuel and Building Material
• ______________ include both sugars and polymers.
• The simplest carbohydrates are ________________
• ______________ are consist of two
monosaccharides joined by a ____________
• _________________ are polymers of
B1. Sugars, the smallest carbohydrates serve
as a source of fuel and carbon sources
• __________________:
• Molecular formulas are some multiple of CH2O.
• Usually names for sugars end in ____
• Have a carbonyl group and multiple________ groups.
• Are a major fuel for cellular work (particularly
• function as the raw material for the synthesis of other
monomers, including those of _____________ and
• Two monosaccharides can join with a __________
__________ to form a______________ via
• Sucrose, table sugar, is formed by joining ________and
________ and is the major transport form of sugars in
Fig 5.5b
B2. Polysaccharides have _________ and
___________ roles
• Polysaccharides
• Polymers of hundreds to thousands of monosaccharides
joined by _____________linkages.
• An energy storage_____________ that is hydrolyzed as
• Examples of polysaccharides for fuel storage from glucose
• ___________ (animals only)
• ___________ (plants only)
• ___________- (plants only)
• One key difference among polysaccharides develops
from 2 possible ______ structures of glucose.
______ - alpha
Only linkage is different
_________ (plant cell wall)beta glucose
Fig. 5.7b
Fig. 5.7c
• Polysaccharide strands form ________________ with other
• Groups of polymers form strong strands, ____________, that
are basic building material for plants (and humans).
Fig. 5.8
• Why can’t mammals digest __________??
• Mammalian enzymes cannot _________ the beta
linkages in _________.
How can cows digest cellulose
• Cows and termites have symbiotic relationships
with ____________________, allowing them
access to this rich source of energy.
• _________ is _______________polysaccharide, used in the
exoskeletons of ________________ (including insects, spiders,
and crustaceans).
• Chitin is similar to cellulose, except that it contains a nitrogencontaining appendage on each glucose.
C. Lipids
C. ________ - Diverse Hydrophobic Molecules
• the exception among macromolecules because they
do not form _____________.
• Little or no affinity for water.
• Why-? Mostly ______________ covalent bonds.
• Lipids are highly diverse in form and function.
•Not strictly polymers, but assembled by
______________ reactions.
C1. Fats store large amounts of energy
C. Lipids
• A ____contains________ and _____________.
• __________ - a three carbon skeleton with a
_________ group attached to each.
Fig. 5.10a
Fig. 5-11
___________ – a carboxyl
group attached to a long
carbon skeleton, often 16 to 18
carbons long (very
In a fat, _______________ an _____________,
creating a ________________.
C. Lipids
Fig. 5.11b
The Fatty Acid
chains can be
the same or
• If one or more carbon-carbon
•If no carbon-carbon
double bonds, then the molecule
double bonds, then the molecule
is an ____________________
is a ___________________.
Fig. 5.12a
Fig. 5.12b
• ___________fats.
C. Lipids
• Most animal fats
• Solid at room temperature.
• Contribute to __________________ (atherosclerosis)
through plaque deposits.
• _______________ fats.
• Plant and fish fats, known as oils,
• Liquid are room temperature.
• The _______ provided by the ____________ prevent
the molecules from packing tightly together.
C. Lipids
• The major function of fats is ________________.
• A gram of fat stores more than ______ as much energy as
a gram of a polysaccharide.
• Plants use ________ for energy storage when mobility is
not a concern but use _______when dispersal and
packing is important, as in seeds.
• Mammals store fats as long-term energy reserves in
____________ cells.
• Other functions- ___________ vital organs and
C. Lipids
C2. Phospholipids are major components of
cell membranes
• ____________ = a fat
with _____ fatty acids
attached to _________
plus a ____________
group at the third
Hydrophilic head
• Additional smaller
groups may be attached
to the __________
Hydrophobic tail
Fig. 5-13
C. Lipids
• A cell surface contains
arranged as a _______
• hydrophilic heads on the
• hydrophobic tails form
the core
Fig. 5.14
C. Lipids
C3. Steroids include cholesterol and certain
• Steroids are_______ with a carbon skeleton
consisting of four fused carbon _____.
• Different steroids are created by varying __________
groups attached to the rings.
• ____________
• component in animal cell
• precursor of all other _______
(including hormones)
Fig. 5.15
• high levels in the blood may
contribute to ___________
D. Proteins
D. Proteins
• Functions include structural support, storage, transport of
other substances, intercellular signaling, movement, and
defense against foreign substances.
Humans have ________________ of different proteins,
each with their own _______ and ____________.
• All protein polymers are constructed from the same
set of __ monomers, called _______________.
• Polymers of proteins are called _____________.
• A protein = one or more polypeptides folded and
coiled into a specific _____________.
D. Proteins
D1. A polypeptide is a polymer of amino
acids connected in a specific sequence
• _____________ consist of four components attached
to a central carbon, the ______________.
1. ______________
4. ________
2. _______________
3. _______________
(or side chain).
Differences in _________
produce the ___ different
amino acids.
D. Proteins
• One group of amino acids has ________, ________ R groups.
Rule of
thumb- If
R= only
Fig. 5.17a
• Another group of amino acids has ______R groups, making them ____________.
Rule of
thumb- If
R has -OH
or =O
then _____
D. Proteins
• The last group of amino acids includes those with
functional groups that are__________ (ionized) at
cellular pH.
• Some R groups are bases, others are acids.
If R has _____. then _____
Fig. 5.17c
If R has ___ then ______
D. Proteins
• Amino acids are joined in a __________________
• The resulting _________ bond is called a ___________.
Fig. 5.18
D2. A protein’s function depends on its
specific conformation
D. Proteins
• The order of amino acids determines the threedimensional conformation, hence the _________.
• The function of a protein is an ______________________
resulting from its specific molecular order.
• Three levels of structure: ___________________
____________and ___________________
Fig. 5.19
• The_________ structure
of a protein is its unique
_________ of amino
• Sickle cell disease, abnormal
hemoglobins, is due to a single
__________ substitution.
Sickle cell
D. Proteins
D. Proteins
• The ____________ structure -hydrogen bonds at
regular intervals along the polypeptide backbone.
• Typical shapes
-_____ (an alpha
-_____ (beta pleated
Not in text
D. Proteins
• ________ structure - determined by interactions
among between ________ and
1. _________ bonds
4. _____________- strong
covalent bonds that form
between the sulfhydryl groups
(SH) of cysteine monomers,
stabilize the structure.
2. ___________
3. _______
Page 83
D. Proteins
• ______________ structure results from the
aggregation of ____________ polypeptide subunits.
• ___________- fibrous protein of three polypeptides that
are supercoiled like a rope.
• _____________- a
globular protein
with ____ copies
of _____kinds
of polypeptides.
Page 83
D. Proteins
Review of protein structure
D. Proteins
• Alterations in ______________________________,
or other factors can unravel or __________ a protein.
Disrupt the hydrogen bonds, ionic bonds, and disulfide
bridges that maintain the protein’s shape.
• Some proteins can return to their functional shape
after ___________________, but others cannot.
Fig. 5-22
• The folding of many proteins is protected by
_________________ proteins.
Fig. 5.23
D. Proteins
E. Nucleic Acids
E. Nucleic acids store and transmit
hereditary information
• A gene consists of regions of
DNA, a polymer of ______
• Two types of nucleic acids:
_________________ (RNA)
and _________________
• DNA provides direction for its
own replication.
• DNA makes____ makes _____.
• DNA is the basis of inheritance
• One gene synthesizes one RNA
Fig. 5-25
E. Nucleic Acids
______components in nucleic acids1.____
DNA –__ at the “2” carbon
RNA –___ at the “2” carbon
3. ____
2. _____________
Fig. 5.26c
Fig. 5.26 a and b
E. Nucleic Acids
Three components in nucleic acidsTwo classes of bases
1. Base
Fig. 5.26c
Polynucleotides are connected by
E. Nucleic Acids
E21. Inheritance is based on replication of
the DNA double helix
• An RNA molecule is single _____________ chain.
• DNA molecules have _____ polynucleotide strands
that spiral around an imaginary axis to form a
• The ______________ was first proposed as the structure
of DNA in 1953 by James Watson and Francis Crick.
E. Nucleic Acids
• The _______________ backbones of the two
polynucleotides are on the outside of the helix.
• Pairs of____________
_______, one from each
strand, connect the
polynucleotide chains
with hydrogen bonds.
• Most DNA molecules
have thousands to
millions of base pairs.
Fig. 5.27
E. Nucleic Acids
• Because of their shapes, only some bases are
compatible with each other.
• Adenine (A) always pairs with ______________ and
guanine (G) with _____________
• if we know the sequence of bases on one strand, we
know the sequence on the opposite strand.
• The two strands are _________________.
• Each strand is copied into to make two identical
__________ of the original double-stranded DNA
• The copies are then distributed to the
_________________ cells.
E. Nucleic Acids
4. We can use DNA and proteins as tape
measures of_____________
• Genes (___) and their products (_________)
document the hereditary background of an
• Because DNA molecules are passed from parents to
offspring, __________ have greater similarity than
do ____________ individuals of the same species.
• This argument can be extended to develop a
molecular ________________ between species.
E. Nucleic Acids
• In theory, two species that ________ to be closelyrelated based on fossil and molecular evidence
should also be more similar in DNA and protein
sequences than are _____________ related species.
• In fact, the sequence of amino acids in hemoglobin
molecules differ by only _______________ between
humans and gorilla.
• More distantly related species have more differences.
E. Nucleic Acids