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CIS 595 Bioinformatics
Lecture 1
Based on the book chapter:
Hunter, L., Molecular Biology for Computer Scientists. Artificial
Intelligence for Molecular Biology, Ed. L. Hunter, pp. 1-46, AAAI
Press, 1993.
Contains figures taken from
Molecular Biology of the Cell. 4th ed.
Alberts, B., Johnson, A., Lewis, J., Raff, M., Roberts, K., Walter, P.,
New York: Garland Publishing; 2002.:
Available from
• A major challenge for computer scientists is
becoming conversant with
– the daunting intricacies of existing biological
– the extensive technical vocabulary
• Biology is holistic
– Events at one level can effect and be affected by
events at very different levels of scale or time.
• For every generalization there are numerous
What is Life?
• No simple definition
– Ability to reproduce itself
• How about computer programs, crystals
– Life is the result of evolutionary process taking place
on earth
• All living things have a common ancestor and are related
through evolution
• Basic components of evolution:
– Inheritance
– Variation
– Selection
What is Life?
• Computer Science analogue:
– A search through a very large space of
possible organism characteristics.
– All organism’s inherited characteristics (called
the genotype) are contained in DNA molecule
• In CS language, DNA is a string of symbols from
alphabet {A,C,G,T}
– Variation defined legal moves in genotype
– Selection is a probabilistic evaluation function
DNA Double Helix
Figure 4-5. The DNA double helix. (A) A space-filling model of 1.5 turns of the DNA double helix. Each turn of DNA is made up of 10.4 nucleotide
pairs and the center-to-center distance between adjacent nucleotide pairs is 3.4 nm. The coiling of the two strands around each other creates two
grooves in the double helix. As indicated in the figure, the wider groove is called the major groove, and the smaller the minor groove. (B) A short
section of the double helix viewed from its side, showing four base pairs. The nucleotides are linked together covalently by phosphodiester bonds
through the 3 -hydroxyl (-OH) group of one sugar and the 5 -phosphate (P) of the next. Thus, each polynucleotide strand has a chemical polarity; that
is, its two ends are chemically different. The 3 end carries an unlinked -OH group attached to the 3 position on the sugar ring; the 5 end carries a free
phosphate group attached to the 5 position on the sugar ring.
Diversity of Life
• Life is extraordinary varied
• tiny archebacterium living in a superheated sulphur vent at
the bottom of the ocean
• a two-ton polar bear roaming the arctic circle
– Genome size (length of DNA) varies
• from 5,000 (SV40 virus) to 3*109 (humans) 1011 (higher
• All organism share basic properties
– Made of cells (membrane-enclosed sacks of
– Carry basic reactions (e.g. core metabolic and
developmental pathways)
Genome Size Comparison
Figure 1-38. Genome sizes compared. Genome size is measured in nucleotide pairs of DNA per haploid genome, that is, per single copy of
the genome. (The cells of sexually reproducing organisms such as ourselves are generally diploid: they contain two copies of the genome,
one inherited from the mother, the other from the father.) Closely related organisms can vary widely in the quantity of DNA in their genomes,
even though they contain similar numbers of functionally distinct genes. (Data from W.-H. Li, Molecular Evolution, pp. 380 383. Sunderland,
MA: Sinauer, 1997.)
Tree of Life
• Three major groups:
– Archaea (recently discovered)
– Bacteria (germs, algae, symbiotic organisms)
– Eukaryotes
Green Plants
– Viruses
Tree of Life
Figure 1-21. The three major divisions (domains) of the living world. Note that traditionally the word bacteria has been used to refer to procaryotes
in general, but more recently has been redefined to refer to eubacteria specifically. Where there might be ambiguity, we use the term eubacteria when
the narrow meaning is intended. The tree is based on comparisons of the nucleotide sequence of a ribosomal RNA subunit in the different species.
The lengths of the lines represent the numbers of evolutionary changes that have occurred in this molecule in each lineage (see Figure 1-22).
Bacterial Cell
Figure 1-18. The structure of a bacterium. (A) The bacterium Vibrio cholerae, showing its simple internal organization. Like many other species,
Vibrio has a helical appendage at one end a flagellum that rotates as a propeller to drive the cell forward. (B) An electron micrograph of a
longitudinal section through the widely studied bacterium Escherichia coli (E. coli). This is related to Vibrio but lacks a flagellum. The cell's DNA is
concentrated in the lightly stained region. (B, courtesy of E. Kellenberger
Eukaryotic Cell
Figure 1-31. The major features of eucaryotic cells. The drawing depicts a typical animal cell, but almost all the same components are found in
plants and fungi and in single-celled eucaryotes such as yeasts and protozoa. Plant cells contain chloroplasts in addition to the components shown here,
and their plasma membrane is surrounded by a tough external wall formed of cellulose
Evolutionary Time
• Basic Assumption:
– the diversity of life arose by inherited variation
through an unbroken line of descent
• Estimates of divergence times:
– Archaeology
– Phylogenetic genetic sequence analysis
• Major events:
– Life began 3.8 billion years ago
– Eucaryotes formed 2 billion years ago
– Multicellular organisms 1 billion years ago
Times of Divergence
Figure 1-52. Times of divergence of different vertebrates. The scale on the left
shows the estimated date and geological era of the last common ancestor of each
specified pair of animals. Each time estimate is based on comparisons of the amino
acid sequences of orthologous proteins; the longer a pair of animals have had to
evolve independently, the smaller the percentage of amino acids that remain
identical. Data from many different classes of proteins have been averaged to arrive
at the final estimates, and the time scale has been calibrated to match the fossil
evidence that the last common ancestor of mammals and birds lived 310 million
years ago. The figures on the right give data on sequence divergence for one
particular protein (chosen arbitrarily) the a chain of hemoglobin. Note that although
there is a clear general trend of increasing divergence with increasing time for this
protein, there are also some irregularities. These reflect the randomness of the
evolutionary process and, probably, the action of natural selection driving especially
rapid changes of hemoglobin sequence in some organisms that experienced special
physiological demands. On average, within any particular evolutionary lineage,
hemoglobins accumulate changes at a rate of about 6 altered amino acids per 100
amino acids every 100 million years. Some proteins, subject to stricter functional
constraints, evolve much more slowly than this, others as much as 5 times faster. All
this gives rise to substantial uncertainties in estimates of divergence times, and some
experts believe that the major groups of mammals diverged from one another as
much as 60 million years more recently than shown here. (Adapted from S. Kumar
and S.B. Hedges, Nature 392:917 920, 1998.)
Cell Specialization and Tissues
• Main advantage of multicellular organisms is
cellular differentiation
• Tissue: group of cells with specific function
– Humans have 14 major tissue types (bones, muscles,
nerves, blood, etc.)
• Humans have more than 200 specialized cell
types that differ in
– Size (nerve cell vs. blood cells)
– Lifetime (nerve cells vs. bone marrow cells)
• Note: all cells have exactly the same genetic
code; the difference comes from differences in
gene expression
Composition of Eukaryotic Cells
• Membranes (consisting of water non-permeable two
layers of phospholipids and special pores or channels)
• Proteins (molecules responsible for most cell functions)
Act as enzymes (catalysts of cell chemical reactions)
Provide structural support
Key to immune systems
Acquire and transform energy
Act as sensors
Transmit information
Nucleus containing DNA (genetic material)
Ribosomes (molecular complexes for protein assembly)
Organelles (e.g. mitochondria, chloroplasts)
Cell Membrane
Figure 10-1. Three views of a cell membrane. (A) An electron micrograph of a plasma membrane (of a human red blood cell) seen in cross section.
(B and C) These drawings show two-dimensional and three-dimensional views of a cell membrane. (A, courtesy of Daniel S. Friend
Figure 1-13. Membrane transport proteins. (A) Structure of a molecule of bacteriorhodopsin, from the archaean (archaebacterium) Halobacterium
halobium. This transport protein uses the energy of absorbed light to pump protons (H+ ions) out of the cell. The polypeptide chain threads to and fro
across the membrane; in several regions it is twisted into a helical conformation, and the helical segments are arranged to form the walls of a channel
through which ions are transported. (B) Diagram of the set of transport proteins found in the membrane of the bacterium Thermotoga maritima. The
numbers in parentheses refer to the number of different membrane transport proteins of each type. Most of the proteins within each class are evolutionarily
related to one another and to their counterparts in other species
Figure 3-24. A collection of protein molecules,
shown at the same scale. For comparison, a DNA
molecule bound to a protein is also illustrated. These
space-filling models represent a range of sizes and
shapes. Hemoglobin, catalase, porin, alcohol
dehydrogenase, and aspartate transcarbamoylase are
formed from multiple copies of subunits. The SH2
domain (top left) is presented in detail in Panel 3-2 (pp.
138 139). (After David S. Goodsell, Our Molecular
Nature. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1996.)
Protein is Hungry
Figure 1-7. How a protein molecule acts as catalyst for a chemical reaction. (A) In a protein molecule the polymer chain folds up to into a specific
shape defined by its amino acid sequence. A groove in the surface of this particular folded molecule, the enzyme lysozyme, forms a catalytic site. (B) A
polysaccharide molecule (red) a polymer chain of sugar monomers binds to the catalytic site of lysozyme and is broken apart, as a result of a covalent
bond-breaking reaction catalyzed by the amino acids lining the groove
Crowded Cytoplasm
Figure 2-49. The structure of the cytoplasm. The drawing is approximately to scale and emphasizes the crowding in the cytoplasm. Only the
macromolecules are shown: RNAs are shown in blue, ribosomes in green, and proteins in red. Enzymes and other macromolecules diffuse relatively
slowly in the cytoplasm, in part because they interact with many other macromolecules; small molecules, by contrast, diffuse nearly as rapidly as they do
in water. (Adapted from D.S. Goodsell, Trends Biochem. Sci. 16:203 206, 1991
Figure 6-68. Location of the protein components of the bacterial large ribosomal subunit. The rRNAs (5S and 23S) are depicted in gray and the
large-subunit proteins (27 of the 31 total) in gold. For convenience, the protein structures depict only the polypeptide backbones. (A) View of the interface
with the small subunit, the same view shown in Figure 6-64B. (B) View of the back of the large subunit, obtained by rotating (A) by 180° around a vertical
axis. (C) View of the bottom of the large subunit showing the peptide exit channel in the center of the structure. (From N. Ban et al., Science 289:905 920,
2000. © AAAS
Figure 1-34. A mitochondrion. (A) A cross section, as seen in the electron microscope. (B) A drawing of a mitochondrion with part of it cut away to
show the three-dimensional structure. (C) A schematic eucaryotic cell, with the interior space of a mitochondrion, containing the mitochondrial DNA and
ribosomes, colored. Note the smooth outer membrane and the convoluted inner membrane, which houses the proteins that generate ATP from the
oxidation of food molecules. (A, courtesy of Daniel S. Friend
Origin of Mitochondria
Figure 1-35. The origin of mitochondria. An ancestral eucaryotic cell is thought to have engulfed the bacterial ancestor of mitochondria, initiating a
symbiotic relationship
Building Blocks of Life
• Basic units:
– Proteins – units of matter
– ATP – unit of energy
– DNA, RNA – units of information
• Cell chemical composition
70% water
4% small molecules (ATP, sugars, inorganic ions)
15-20% proteins
2-7% DNA and RNA
4-7% cell membranes, lipids
• Living things obey laws of chemistry and physics,
including the second law of thermodynamics
– Entropy is increasing unless energy is consumed
• Energy is needed to
– Synthesize and transport biomolecules
– Create mechanical action
– Create and maintain electric gradients
• ATP is the most common energy carrier
– Energy is obtained by hydrolysis of ATP
– ATP/ADP ratio is a measure of cell charge
– ATP can be converted to high energy phosphates
• Energy can be stored as carbohydrates or fats
Second law of Thermodynamics
Figure 2-37. An everyday illustration of the spontaneous drive toward disorder. Reversing this tendency toward disorder requires an intentional
effort and an input of energy: it is not spontaneous. In fact, from the second law of thermodynamics, we can be certain that the human intervention
required will release enough heat to the environment to more than compensate for the reordering of the items in this room
Figure 2-57. The hydrolysis of ATP to ADP and inorganic phosphate. The two outermost phosphates in ATP are held to the rest of the molecule by
high-energy phosphoanhydride bonds and are readily transferred. As indicated, water can be added to ATP to form ADP and inorganic phosphate (Pi).
This hydrolysis of the terminal phosphate of ATP yields between 11 and 13 kcal/mole of usable energy, depending on the intracellular conditions. The
large negative DG of this reaction arises from a number of factors. Release of the terminal phosphate group removes an unfavorable repulsion between
adjacent negative charges; in addition, the inorganic phosphate ion (Pi) released is stabilized by resonance and by favorable hydrogen-bond formation
with water
A Bit of Chemistry
Figure 2-5. Comparison of covalent and ionic bonds. Atoms can attain a more stable arrangement of electrons in their outermost shell by interacting
with one another. An ionic bond is formed when electrons are transferred from one atom to the other. A covalent bond is formed when electrons are
shared between atoms. The two cases shown represent extremes; often, covalent bonds form with a partial transfer (unequal sharing of electrons),
resulting in a polar covalent bond (see Figure 2-43
A Bit of Chemistry
Figure 2-12. Three representations of a water molecule. (A) The usual line drawing of the structural formula, in which each atom is indicated by its
standard symbol, and each line represents a covalent bond joining two atoms. (B) A ball and stick model, in which atoms are represented by spheres of
arbitrary diameter, connected by sticks representing covalent bonds. Unlike (A), bond angles are accurately represented in this type of model (see also
Figure 2-8). (C) A space-filling model, in which both bond geometry and van der Waals radii are accurately represented
A Bit of Chemistry
Figure 2-14. How the dipoles on water molecules orient to reduce the affinity of oppositely charged ions or polar groups for each other
A Bit of Chemistry
Figure 2-15. Hydrogen bonds. (A) Ball- and-stick model of a typical hydrogen bond. The distance between the hydrogen and the oxygen atom here is
less than the sum of their van der Waals radii, indicating a partial sharing of electrons. (B) The most common hydrogen bonds in cells
• Proteins are sequences of amino acid residues
– Amino acid: carbon atom (C), amino group
(NH3),carboxyl group (COOH), variable sidechain (20
different types)
– Amino acids are linked with the peptide bond
• Protein structure:
Primary – sequence of amino acids
Secondary – local 3D arrangement of amino acids
Tertiary – 3D structure of a complete protein
Quaternary – 3D structure of functional protein
Figure 3-2. The structural components of a protein. A
protein consists of a polypeptide backbone with attached
side chains. Each type of protein differs in its sequence
and number of amino acids; therefore, it is the sequence of
the chemically different side chains that makes each
protein distinct. The two ends of a polypeptide chain are
chemically different: the end carrying the free amino group
(NH3+, also written NH2) is the amino terminus, or Nterminus, and that carrying the free carboxyl group (COO ,
also written COOH) is the carboxyl terminus or C-terminus.
The amino acid sequence of a protein is always presented
in the N-to-C direction, reading from left to right
Steric Limitations
Figure 3-4. Steric limitations on the bond angles in a polypeptide chain. (A) Each amino acid contributes three bonds (red) to the backbone of the
chain. The peptide bond is planar (gray shading) and does not permit rotation. By contrast, rotation can occur about the Ca C bond, whose angle of
rotation is called psi (y), and about the N Ca bond, whose angle of rotation is called phi (f). By convention, an R group is often used to denote an amino
acid side chain (green circles). (B) The conformation of the main-chain atoms in a protein is determined by one pair of f and y angles for each amino acid;
because of steric collisions between atoms within each amino acid, most pairs of f and y angles do not occur. In this so-called Ramachandran plot, each
dot represents an observed pair of angles in a protein. (B, from J. Richardson, Adv. Prot. Chem. 34:174 175, 1981. © Academic Press
Types of Noncovalent Bonds
Figure 3-5. Three types of noncovalent bonds that help proteins fold. Although a single one of these bonds is quite weak, many of them often form
together to create a strong bonding arrangement, as in the example shown. As in the previous figure, R is used as a general designation for an amino
acid side chain
20 Amino Acids
Amino Acid Properties
• Polarity: the degree to which AA electrons are
distributed asymmetrically
• Charge: the ability to gain or lose an electron
• pK value: tendency of AA to ionize (related to pH
where half AA are ionized)
• Aliphatic vs. aromatic sidechains
• Hydrophobicity: tendency to “hide” from water
• Interesting AA: methionine (start signal),
histidine (often active site of enzyme)
Amino Acid Properties
Standard Protein Structure/Function
Amino Acid Sequence
3-D Structure
Protein Function
Classification: Gene Transfer
EC Number:
• Computational Challenges:
– Determine structure from sequence
– Determine function from sequence/3D structure
How Protein Folds
Figure 3-6. How a protein folds into a compact conformation. The polar amino acid side chains tend to gather on the outside of the protein, where they
can interact with water; the nonpolar amino acid side chains are buried on the inside to form a tightly packed hydrophobic core of atoms that are hidden
from water. In this schematic drawing, the protein contains only about 30 amino acids
Helix and Sheet
Figure 3-9. The regular conformation of the polypeptide
backbone observed in the a helix and the b sheet. (A, B, and C)
The a helix. The N H of every peptide bond is hydrogen-bonded to the
C=O of a neighboring peptide bond located four peptide bonds away
in the same chain. (D, E, and F) The b sheet. In this example,
adjacent peptide chains run in opposite (antiparallel) directions. The
individual polypeptide chains (strands) in a b sheet are held together
by hydrogen-bonding between peptide bonds in different strands, and
the amino acid side chains in each strand alternately project above
and below the plane of the sheet. (A) and (D) show all the atoms in
the polypeptide backbone, but the amino acid side chains are
truncated and denoted by R. In contrast, (B) and (E) show the
backbone atoms only, while (C) and (F) display the shorthand
symbols that are used to represent the a helix and the b sheet in
ribbon drawings of proteins (see Panel 3-2B
Lock and Key
Figure 3-37. The selective binding of a protein to another molecule. Many weak bonds are needed to enable a protein to bind tightly to a second
molecule, which is called a ligand for the protein. A ligand must therefore fit precisely into a protein's binding site, like a hand into a glove, so that a large
number of noncovalent bonds can be formed between the protein and the ligand
Binding Site Formation
Figure 3-38. The binding site of a protein. (A) The folding of the polypeptide chain typically creates a crevice or cavity on the protein surface. This
crevice contains a set of amino acid side chains disposed in such a way that they can make noncovalent bonds only with certain ligands. (B) A close-up
of an actual binding site showing the hydrogen bonds and ionic interactions formed between a protein and its ligand (in this example, cyclic AMP is the
bound ligand
Three Ways of Binding
Figure 3-41. Three ways in which two proteins can bind to each other. Only the interacting parts of the two proteins are shown. (A) A rigid surface
on one protein can bind to an extended loop of polypeptide chain (a "string") on a second protein. (B) Two a helices can bind together to form a coiledcoil. (C) Two complementary rigid surfaces often link two proteins together
Binding Strength
Figure 3-43. How noncovalent bonds mediate interactions between macromolecules