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Bellwork 11-18-14
Which of these identifies the correct
sequence in the levels of organization
of a complex animal?
A Cells, Organs,Tissues,Organ Systems
B Tissues,Organs,Cells,Organ Systems
C Cells,Tissues,Organs,Organ Systems
D Organ Systems,Cells,Organs,Tissues
Question 1
• Which structures in plant
and animal cells have the
function of making
Question 2
• Which organelle makes
food for plants?
Question 3
• Describe the function of a
Question 4
• Which organelle is best
compared to a power
plant? Why?
Question 5
• What organelle acts as the
brain of the cell?
Question 6
• What is the function of the
semi-permeable cell
Question 7
• What is the name of organelles 1-4?
Question 8
Which of the following organelles is
correctly matched with its function?
A lysosomes let some things in and keeps other
things out of the cell
B vacuoles store water and give structure to a plant
C cytoplasm uses sunlight to make food for a plant
D nucleus produces proteins
Question 9
Which organelle is correctly matched to it’s function?
Athe endoplasmic reticulum packages proteins and
sends them to their final destination.
B the ribosomes packages proteins and sends them to
their final destination.
C the nucleus packages proteins and sends them to
their final destination.
D the golgi apparatus packages proteins and sends
them to their final destination.
Question 10
Number 1 most likely represents what?
Question 11
Which of the following cellular organelles is not
matched with the correct function?
A Nucleus; powers the cells
B Mitochondria; makes energy to power the
C Ribosome; synthesizes proteins
D Golgi Body; packages materials in the cell
Question 12
• Which organelle is responsible
for cleaning out the cell and
storing waste?
Question 13
• What is the primary function
of the nucleus?
Question 14
• What is the job of the
Question 15
Which of these statements best describes this cell?
A It is a plant cell because it does not have
B It is an animal cell because it does not have a cell
C It is a plant cell because it has a large vacuole and
D It is an animal cell because it has a cell wall and
Question 16
Identify organelles 1-4. What are their
functions? Is it a plant or animal cell?
Exit Ticket
• What are two questions that you have
about cells? (We can discuss these
before the test tomorrow if needed.)