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Unit 4 Skeleton Notes
Coach Riordan
Unit 4 Skeleton Notes
Life is Cellular
Discovery of the Cell
__________________________________-1665used early compound light microscope to look at
thin slice of cork. Cork seemed to be made of
thousands of small chambers which __________
named cells.
__________________________________-1647used single lens scope to observe single celled
organisms living in pond water.
Unit 4 Skeleton Notes
3._________________________-1838- concludes
that all plants are made up of cells.
4._________________________-1839- concludes
that all animals are made up of cells.
5._________________________-1855- proposes
that all cells come from existing cells.
Unit 4 Skeleton Notes
a. All living things are composed of cells.
b. Cells are the basic unit of structure and
function in living things.
c. New cells are produced from existing cells.
Unit 4 Skeleton Notes
B. Exploring the Cell
1. With the invention of the
_________________________, modern
biologists can observe details of cells more
than 1000 times more closely than with the
light microscope.
Unit 4 Skeleton Notes
C. Prokaryotes & Eukaryotes
1. All cells fall into two categories depending on
whether they contain a _________________.
____________________________cells have DNA that is
_____________ contained in a nucleus. They are generally
smaller and simpler than eukaryotic cells.
____________________________cells contain a nucleus
that is separate from the rest of the cell and contains DNA.
Eukaryotes are generally larger and more complex than
prokaryotes because they contain dozens internal structures
and may be highly specialized. Some are unicellular and
live solitary lives while others form large multicellular
Prokaryotes vs Eukaryotes
Unit 4 Skeleton Notes
Eukaryotic Cell Structure
In some ways, the eukaryotic cell is like a
factory. It is made up of a conglomeration
of working parts called
____________________. Each of these
organelles are highly specialized and have a
very specific job.
Unit 4 Skeleton Notes
1. Because of its complexity, cell biologists
divide the eukaryotic cell into two major
parts: The nucleus and the _____________.
The nucleus and cytoplasm work together to
keep each cell alive.
Unit 4 Skeleton Notes
B. 9 Major Organelles
1. Nucleus
The nucleus is surrounded by a
___________________________ which is dotted with
thousands of nuclear pores to allow materials into and out of
the nucleus.
Inside the nucleus, DNA is found as “loose”
_____________________ or tightly packed
Most nuclei also have a dense region known as the
________________________ where the cell’s
________________________ are formed.
Cell Nucleus
Unit 4 Skeleton Notes
2. Ribosomes
a. ________________________ are assembled
at ribosomes. The produce proteins by
following coded instructions that come from
the nucleus.
Unit 4 Skeleton Notes
3. Endoplasmic Reticulum
a. The ER is where lipids and some proteins are
assembled that will later be exported.
b. ER can be divided into two types:
___________________________-outer surface is
covered in ribosomes giving it a rough
ii. ___________________________-outer surface is
free of ribosomes and appears smooth.
Unit 4 Skeleton Notes
4. Golgi Apparatus
a. Modifies, sorts, and packages materials from
ER for storage in cell or secretion outside the
Unit 4 Skeleton Notes
5. Lysosomes
a. Small organelles filled with enzymes. Some
break down lipids, carbs, and proteins into
smaller molecules for use the cell.
b. Some lysosomes dispose of other cell parts
that are no longer needed by the cell.
Unit 4 Skeleton Notes
6. Vacuoles
a. Saclike structures that store materials for the
Unit 4 Skeleton Notes
7. Mitochondria
a. The organelle for converting chemical energy
in food into _______________ which is the
only form of energy that can be used by the
Unit 4 Skeleton Notes
8. Chloroplasts
a. Found in all plant cells and some prokaryotes,
this organelle harvests light energy and
converts it into chemical energy through
Unit 4 Skeleton Notes
A network of protein filaments that helps the cell
maintain its shape. It is made of two parts:
____________________________-threadlike structures
made of protein called actin.
____________________________-hollow structures made
of proteins known as tubulin. _____________________ are
another organelle type and are part of cytoskeleton that aid
in cell division.
Unit 4 Skeleton Notes
Cell Boundaries & Cell Functions
The ___________________________ regulates
what enters and leaves the cell and provides
protection and support.
All cell membranes are composed of a double layered sheet
called a _____________________________.
In addition to lipids, many different
_____________________ are embedded in the lipid
bilayer. There are so many kinds of molecules in cell
membranes that scientists describe it as a “fluid mosaic
Unit 4 Skeleton Notes
B. Many organisms such as plants contain
another layer outside the cell membrane.
This is called a
______________________ and most are
made of a very tough carbohydrate fiber
called cellulose.
Unit 4 Skeleton Notes
C. Diffusion Through Cell Boundaries
1. ________________________is the tendency of
particles to move from high concentration to low
concentration until equilibrium is met. Substances
may enter or leave a cell by diffusion so that they
may reach equilibrium. Diffusion is the natural
movement of particles and does not cost the cell
2. Some substances can easily diffuse across membranes
while others cannot due to size or charge. This
makes the membrane _________________________
because some things can pass and some cannot.
_________________ passes very easily across most
Unit 4 Skeleton Notes
D. _____________________ is the diffusion of water
through a selectively permeable membrane. Water will move into or
out of a cell depending on concentrations of impermeable substances
on either side of cell membrane. The water will move across the
membrane of a cell until concentrations on both sides have reached
equilibrium. This results in 3 types of solutions:
– ___________________________-solution concentrations on both
sides of membranes are _________________.
– __________________________-solution concentration is high and
will require water.
– __________________________-solution concentration is low.
Unit 4 Skeleton Notes
*******Most cells are hypertonic to fresh
water because they contain salts, sugars,
and proteins in large concentrations
compared to fresh water. If a cell is not
kept in a proper environment, it could get
sucked dry (hypotonic) or fill up beyond its
capacity and burst (hypertonic). Organisms
have to have a way to balance osmotic
Unit 4 Skeleton Notes
E. _________________________ is a
process where cells use protein channels
in cell membranes to allow certain
molecules to cross. These protein
channels stay open and are specific to only
certain molecules. This does not require
use of the cell’s energy.
Unit 4 Skeleton Notes
F. __________________________ is a
process cells use then they must move
substances against concentration gradients
of transport larger molecules and/or solid
materials. These processes require
Unit 4 Skeleton Notes
1. Active molecular transport occurs when
membrane proteins act as pumps, opening and
closing as they move small substances such as
calcium, potassium, and sodium.
2. _________________________ is the process of
taking in and letting out of large molecules that
are too big to cross the membrane.
______________________- “cell eating” or taking in
solid materials.
b. ______________________- “cell drinking” or taking
in liquid materials.
Unit 4 Skeleton Notes
IV. Diversity of Cellular Life
Unicellular organisms do everything required for
them to be considered living. However, they are
made of only one cell.
Multicellular organisms require cells to develop in
different ways. This is called
_________________________ and it allows cells
with same DNA to develop into different types and
perform different tasks.
Levels of Organization