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Proudly Presented By:
Claire Loncarich & Christine Lowe
What Is A Cell?
A cell is the basic unit of life
They come in all shapes and
The Cell Theory says that…
All living things are made of
Cells are the basic part of
living things
Old cells make new cells
What Makes A Cell?
Cells are made of many
different parts.
Some parts are…
•Cell wall
•Golgi Apparatus
•Endoplasmic Reticulum
What Kinds Are There?
Cells come in many shapes
and sizes because they
have different jobs
Examples of different cells
•Red Blood Cells
•White Blood Cells
•Stomach Cells
•Liver Cells
•Nerve Cells
•Sperm Cells
There Are 2 Types Of Cells
Prokaryotic & Eukaryotic
They have
and different
cell 
cell 
Eukaryotic Cells
•Have nucleus
•Have cell
•All plants and
animals are
Prokaryotic Cells
•Have no nucleus
•Smaller and simpler
•Have cell membranes
•Have cytoplasm
•All bacteria are
Animal Cells Vs. Plant Cells
Animal Cells
Have a…
•Cell membrane
•Golgi Apparatus
Plant Cells
Have a…
•Cell membrane
•Endoplasmic Reticulum
•Golgi Apparatus
•Cell Wall
Cell Membrane
The Cell Membrane
What Is A Cell Membrane?
A cell membrane is the layer surrounding the cell. It
acts as a barrier between the inside of the cell and the
cell’s environment.
What Does The Cell Membrane Do?
The cell membrane allows nutrients in and waste products
out. It also holds the cell together and keeps the cytoplasm
The cell membrane is similar to the skin of the human
body because it is the outer layer and protects the inside.
Cell Wall
Cell Wall
What Is A Cell Wall?
The cell wall is a
layer surrounding
the cell membrane.
It is made of
threads of
carbohydrates and
proteins. It is also
like the skin on the
human body
because it lets
things pass through
and protects the
What Does The Cell Wall Do?
The cell wall
supports the cell and
is used as protection
against outside
particles. It also lets
water, oxygen,
carbon dioxide and
other materials pass
Where is the Cell Wall Found?
The cell wall is found on the outside of most
prokaryotic cells, including plants and fungi, but
not animal cells.
What Is The Nucleus?
The nucleus is the control center of the cell. It contains all the
DNA information of how to make all the different cells’
What Does It Do?
The nucleus of a cell is similar to brain in the nervous
system because it gives directions to all the different
cells. It controls all cell processes. It also has the
instructions for making proteins for the cells.
Where Is The Nucleus Located?
The nucleus
located in all
eukaryotic cells,
but not
cells. It is
usually found in
the center of
Endoplasmic Reticulum
What Is The Endoplasmic Reticulum?
The Endoplasmic Reticulum, also referred to as the ER,
makes lipids and other materials cells use. The ER is the
internal delivery system of the cell. Substances are moved
through tubes to reach their destination. The ER is similar
to the circulatory system because it transports nutrients.
Smooth ER
The Smooth ER
floats freely around
in the cytoplasm, but
is still near the
nucleus. It produces
chemicals and
makes steroids for
the cell. It is present
in all eukaryotic
Rough ER
The Rough ER
surrounds the nucleus.
Proteins that are
released from the cell
are made into Rough
ER. It is found in all
eukaryotic cells.
What Are Ribosomes?
Ribosomes are organelles that are made of small
particles of protein and RNA (Ribonucleic Acid).
What Do Ribosomes Do?
Ribosomes make protein that the cells can use. They
are similar to the pancreas in the endocrine system
because they both create proteins or the cells use for
activity or to change activity.
Where Are They Located?
Ribosomes are either
attached onto
reticulum, or float
freely in the cell. It is
located in both
prokaryotic and
eukaryotic cells.
Golgi Apparatus
What Is The Golgi Apparatus?
The Golgi Apparatus is an organelle that processes proteins
and other materials exiting out of an eukaryotic cell.
What Does It Do?
The Golgi Apparatus
prepares the proteins before
they are sent to their final
destination. It is similar to
the endocrine system
because they both transport
the materials that they help
make for the cell.
Where Is It Located?
The Golgi Apparatus is located
between the nucleus and the cell
wall or cell membrane.It is only
common in eukaryotic cells.
What Is Mitochondria?
Mitochondria is an organelle converts energy into food
the cells can live off of. It is surrounded by 2 membranes.
What Does
Mitochondria Do?
releases energy from
stored fat that
provides the energy
that cells need to
grow and reproduce.
It is similar to the
digestive system
because they both
break down or
absorb nutrients.
Where Are Mitochondria Located?
Mitochondria is located near the nucleus
of a cell. It is present in only eukaryotic
What Is A Lysosome?
Lysosomes are small organelles with enzymes
inside (enzymes speed up chemical reaction)
and a membrane outside.
What Do Lysosomes Do?
•Break down lipids (fats),
carbohydrates, and protein into food
that the cell can use
•Clean out the cell by getting rid of
old organelles and other clutter
•Lysosomes are like your digestive
system they break down big things to
make them smaller
Where Are Lysosmes Found?
Lysosomes are not located in plant or prokaryotic
cells, only in animal cells.
What are Vacuoles?
A Vacuole are
organelle that look
like a compartment in
the cell.
Plants have one big
vacuole filled with
liquid and surrounded
by a membrane.
What do Vacuoles do?
•Remove unwanted
•Separate harmful
•Store different
materials like water,
salt, protein, and
•Maintain pressure
against the cell wall
•Vacuoles are like
the excretory
system because it
cleans out harmful
Where are Vacuoles Found?
Vacuoles are found in both plant and animal cells.
They can also be in single-celled organisms.
What do Vesicles have to do
with Vacuoles?
Vesicles are smaller vacuoles that move
different materials inside the cell.
What is the Cytoskeleton?
is an organelle
that in made
up of threads
of protein.
What Does The Cytoskeleton Do?
• Supports the cell
• Keeps the cell’s
• Helps with
movement in and
outside the cell
• Is involved in
cellular division
• It helps support
the cell like the
skeletal system
supports the body
Where is the Cytoskeleton Found?
The cytoskeleton is found in all eukaryotic
cells and some prokaryotic cells.
What is a Centriole & What does it do?
A centriole is a tiny
structure made up of
microtubules that
help separate
during cell division.
Centrioles are
similar to the
reproductive system
because they both
help with the
development of new
Where are Centrioles Found?
Centrioles are located in
the cell’s cytoplasm
near the nuclear
envelope (the nucleus’s
membrane layer). They
are mostly found in
animal cells and some
plant cells.
Chloroplasts are
organelles covered by
two envelope
membranes. They
contain chlorophyll
inside, which makes
them green.
What do Chloroplasts do?
Chloroplasts use
photosynthesis to
convert sunlight into
food and energy the
cell can use. They are
like the digestive
system because they
convert food to energy.
Where are Chloroplasts Found?
Chloroplasts are
found in plants
cells, but no
animal cells.
They are
located in the
Chromoplasts are
organelles with very
bright colors. They
can have any plant
pigment but not
What do Chromoplasts do?
Chromoplasts are
responsible for pigment
synthesis, pigment
storage, and act as an
attractant for
pollinating animals.
They are similar to the
skeletal system because
they can both act as a
place of storage.
Where are Chromoplasts Found?
Chromoplasts are
found in
eukaryotic cells and
are usually in colored
parts of plants like the
fruit or petals.
Leucoplasts are non-pigmented (not colored)
organelles smaller than chloroplasts.
What do Leucoplasts do?
Leucoplasts do not always
have specific jobs. If they
store starch, lipid or
protein, they are called
amyloplasts, elaioplasts, or
proteinoplasts. They also
put together fatty acids,
amino acids and other
compounds. These are also
similar to the skeletal
system because they can
store vital nutrients.
Where Are Leucoplasts Found?
Leucoplasts are in plants cells and usually located in the roots.
Quiz Time!!!!
Question # 1
What is the main difference between prokaryotic
and eukaryotic cells?
Answer # 1
Prokaryotic cells have no internal membrane structures like the
nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, cytoskeleton,
and mitochondria.
Question #2
The brain is similar to the _____ of a cell.
Answer # 2
The nucleus of a cell is similar to the brain in the nervous system
Question #3
What do plant cells have that animal cells don’t?
a) Endoplasmic Reticulum & Ribosomes
b) Nucleus & Cytoskeleton
c) Chloroplasts & Cell Wall
d) Cell Membrane & Golgi Apparatus
Answer #3
The correct answer is C! Plant cells
have chloroplasts and a cell wall,
while animal cells don’t
Question #4
What organelle is responsible for removing clutter in the cell?
Answer #4
Lysosomes are responsible for removing clutter in a cell.
Question #5
What human body system
is similar to the
Answer #5
The skeletal system
is similar to the
cytoskeleton because
they both act as
support and
protection for the
internal organs/
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