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Chapter 1 – Lesson 1
Created by I. Cavalli
What are cells?
An organism is a living thing. A cell is the
smallest unit of living things that can carry
out the basic processes of life. Cells come
from other cells.
A unicellular organism is made of a single cell.
A multicellular organism is made up of more than one cell.
Created by I. Cavalli
What is inside an animal cell?
Cells have basic structures called organelles,
that help them perform life processes.
Created by I. Cavalli
Parts of an animal cell
•Cell Membrane
Created by I. Cavalli
Cell Membrane
The cell membrane is a flexible
Wrapping around the animal cell.
The cell membrane is filled with a gel-like
liquid called cytoplasm. Cytoplasm is
made mostly of water.
Created by I. Cavalli
The nucleus is the cell’s control center.
Created by I. Cavalli
Mitochondria are oval, membrane
Covered organelles that
supply energy for the
Cell. It is a tiny power
Created by I. Cavalli
A vacuole is a membrane covered structure
used for storage. It can store water, food
and wastes. (vacuum)
Created by I. Cavalli
Answer the following questions:
*How are mitochondria similar to a power plant?
*Do you think a cell would function without a
nucleus? Explain your answer.
Created by I. Cavalli
What is inside a plant cell?
•Cell wall
•Cell membrane
Created by I. Cavalli
Plant Cells
Plant cells have an additional outer covering
around the outside of the cell. It is called
the cell
Created by I. Cavalli
Plants make their own food in structures
inside their cells called chloroplasts.
Chloroplasts are green because they contain
a chemical called chlorophyll.
Created by I. Cavalli
Answer the following question:
*Which cell has a stronger outer coveringa plant cell or an animal cell? Why do you
think so?
Created by I. Cavalli
How are cells organized?
Cells working together at the same job, or
function form a tissue. A group of tissues
that work together to perform a special
function form an organ. Organs
Working together form an
organ system.
Created by I. Cavalli