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Fall 2010 Semester Review
Anatomy and Physiology
Unit 1: Intro to Anatomy
Anatomy is the study of the body’s structure, whereas physiology is the study of the body’s function.
List the hierarchy of an organism
ipsilateral on the same side
contralateral on the opposite side
Know where the following body regions are
1. Lumbar - lower back
2. Gluteal - buttox
3. Occipital - back of head
4. Femoral - upper leg
5. Vertebral - back
6. Brachial - upper arm
parietal lines cavity vs. visceral lines organ
proper anatomical position standing erect, palms forward, feet forward
Know the body planes
Transverse1. Frontal - lengthwise, side to side, divides body into anterior and posterior portions
2. Sagittal - Lengthwise, front to back, divides body into left and right sides
3. Transverse - crosswise, divides body or parts into upper and lower parts, horizontal plane.
4. Coronal – frontal plane
Which two body cavities are separated by the diaphragm?
10. The ability of an organism to react to stimuli is responsiveness.
11. List the four macromolecules and example of each.
carbohydrate- sugar (glucose) and starch
protein – enzymes, catalysts
nucleotides- DNA, RNA
lipids- fats, phospholipids
12. Protein Structure
1. primary - describes the order of amino acids
2. secondary - 3d shape that results from hydrogen bonding between amino acid
3. tertiary - additional 3D shaping that results from interaction among R groups.
4. quaternary - assembled from 2 or more separate peptide chains.
13. All organic compounds contain carbon.
Unit 2: Cytology
1. Phospholipids provide the structural foundation for cell membranes.
2. The basic unit of structure and function in the human body is a(n) cell
3. Functions of the cell membrane self-identification, receptor site for messages, selective barrier
4. The structure in white blood cells associated with the enzymatic breakdown of foreign material is the lysosome
5. The major function of ribosomes is to synthesize protein
6. The area of cytoplasm that coordinates the building and breaking of mictrotubules is called the centrosome
7. The nucleolus is composed chiefly of rRNA
8. In the cell membrane, the hydrophobic part of the phospholipid molecule is in the center of the phospholipids
9. The presence of this substance in the cell membrane keeps it from breaking too easily. cholesterol
10. The identification function of the cell membrane is carried out by the glycoprotein/glycolipid (carbohydrate)
11. List the cell fibers in order from largest to smallest microtubules, intermediate filaments, microfilaments
12. Carrier proteins are needed in facilitated diffusion in order to transport large polar molecules
13. State whether the following are examples of passive or active transport
a. Facilitated diffusion passive
b. Osmosis passive
c. Endocytosis active
d. Dialysis passive
e. Phagocytosis active
14. A saline solution that contains a higher concentration of salt than a red blood cell would be hypertonic
15. Materials can be moved from areas of low concentration to high concentration via active transport
16. If a 35% glucose solution is separated from a 15% glucose solution by a semi-permeable membrane that is impermeable to
glucose, what would happen? Water would move from the 15% to the 35%
17. The location on an enzyme where it binds to the substance it acts on is called the active site
18. List facts about enzymes - It is a functional protein, It lowers the activation energy, It is recycled throughout the cell
19. Identify the correct path for the formation of a protein as it travels through the cell nucleus to ER to vesicle to golgo to secretory
vesicle to plasma membrane
20. Anabolism builds up vs. catabolism breaks down
21. Which type of cellular disease is a result of chloride ions not being pumped across the cell membrane and causes frequent lung
infections? Cystic fibrosis
Unit 3: Histology
1. The study of tissues is referred to as histology
2. Keloids effect this tissue connective
3. Most widespread and abundant tissue connective
4. Lines body cavities and protects body surfaces epithelial
5. Tissue that has the best regeneration epithelial
6. Type of cartilage found in intervertebral discs fibrocartilage
7. Type of cartilage present in outer ear elastic
8. most abundant cartilage hyaline
9. Hematopoeisis is the formation of blood cells.
10. What epithelial function is a primary activity of glandular epithelium? secretion
11. List functions of epithelial tissue. protection, sensory, secretion, absorption, excretion
12. Keratinized stratified squamos epithelium is found in the epidermis
13. Oil-producing glands that self destruct in order to release their product are referred to as holocrine
14. List functions of connective tissue. structural support, metabolic components, blood components, defense
15. List functions of adipose tissue - Insulates to conserve body heat, Supports and protects organs, Stores excess food.
16. What are neuroglia? Support neurons
17. The structural and functional unit of bone is a(n) osteon
Elastic connective
18. All cartilaginous tissue has what type of cells chondrocytes
Pseudostratified ciliated
columnar epithelial
Stratified squamos
Areolar (loose connective)
Smooth muscle
Cardiac muscle
Unit 4: Integumentary System
1. Prolonged exposure to the sun causes melanocytes to increase melanin production
2. What tissue type primarily makes up the dermis? connective
3. The layer of skin that lacks blood vessels epidermis
4. What does your body need in order to absorb calcium? Vitamin D and calcitriol
5. An accumulation of nerve endings that allow the skin to feel deep pressure and vibration are known as pacinian corpuscles
6. The dermal papillae are responsible for fingerprints and grip
7. The body compensates for the increase in core body temperature by increasing blood flow to skin
8. The order of epidermal layers from superficial to deep are stratum corneum, lucidum, granulosum, spinosum, basale
9. What is the area of skin that receives “sub-Q” injections? Hypodermis/subcutaneous
10. Smooth muscles that produce goose bumps when they contract are the arrector pili muscle
11. Hair growth is influenced by what factors? nutrition, hormones, circulation
12. What skin accessory organ contains the most keratin? nails
13. What are the ABCDs to detect skin cancer? Asymmetry, border irregularity, color, diameter
14. Rule of Nines
15. Gland that produces ear wax ceruminous
16. Gland that produces sweat with odor apocrine
17. Gland that produces secretes sebum to lubricate hair sebaceous
18. acne is a result of an infection in this gland sebaceous
19. most common type of skin cancer basal cell carcinoma
20. least common and most deadly skin cancer malignant melanoma
21. Characteristics of each degree of burns
First degree - most shallow / superficial; effect only top layer of skin
Second degree - extend into middle skin layer
Third degree - involves all three layers of skin; destroys sweat glands, hair follicles, and nerve endings; painless at site
22. Layer of epidermis that contains a eleiden lucidum
23. Layer of epidermis that contains keratohyalin granulosum
24. Layer of epidermis that gradually sheds through bathing corneum
25. Layer of epidermis that undergoes active mitosis basale
26. Layer of epidermis closest to blood supply basale
27. Layer of dermis that contains Meissner corpuscles papillary
28. Layer of dermis that contains collagen and elastin reticular
29. Skin disorder that has a bluish color caused by lack of oxygen cyanosis
30. Skin disorder that has redness due to heat, inflammation, fever, embarrassment erythema
31. Skin disorder where melanocytes do not produce any melanin albinism
32. Skin disorder that has blood accumulated under skin hematoma
33. Fungal infection characterized with reddish discoloration, scaling, crusting tinea
34. Sores created by tissue damage due to lack of blood flow Decubitus Ulcers
35. Cutaneous inflammation triggered by stress, trauma, or infection Psoriasis
36. Contagious benign neoplasms warts
37. Bacterial infection in children that could be life threatening Impetigo
38. Red, itchy skin caused by allergens contact dermititis
Unit 5: Skeletal System
1. Functions of the skeletal system Support, movement, protection, hematopoiesis, mineral storage
2. What type of cartilage is found on the ends of long bones? hyaline
3. What is the scientific name for a mature bone cell? osteocyte
4. In bone formation, the cells that produce the matrix are the osteoblast
5. The primary ossification center of a long bone is located in the diaphysis and responsible for bone lengthening
Steps to heal a fracture
Fracture hematoma
Bony callus
Repaired bone
Endochondral ossification produces most of the skeletal system and forms bone from hyaline cartilage
Bones of appendicular and axial skeleton
Number of bones in appendicular 106 and axial 80 skeleton
Which skull bone articulates with the first vertebrate? occipital
The layman’s name for the clavicle is the collar bone
The longest and heaviest bone in the body is the femur
A hunchback appearance of the thoracic region is likely due to kyphosis
Exaggerated lumber curve is due to what disorder? Lordosis
frontal bone classification flat
vertebrate classification irregular
metatarsal classification long
carpal classification short
Type of marrow found everywhere in infants red
Type of marrow responsible for hematopoiesis red
Hormone that decreases the amount of blood calcium levels calcitonin
Hormone responsible for growth spurts and epiphyseal plate closure estrogens and androgens
Hormone that is produced by the pituitary gland and promotes cell growth growth hormone
concentric rings of compact bone lamellae
cavities that house osteocytes lacunae
central canal of each osteon that houses blood vessels Haversion canal
little canals that connect lamellae canaliculi.
Unit 6: Articulations
1. The epiphyseal plate is made up of what cells? chondrocytes
2. instrument that measures ROM goniometer
3. Joint disorder where the articular surfaces not in proper contact dislocation
4. Joint disorder that causes progressive crippling and deformity Rheumatoid arthritis
5. List all types of a fibrous joints
A. condyloid (ellipsoidal)
B. hinge
C. ball and socket
D. pivot
E. saddle
6. Type of joint that has distal end of the radius articulating with the carpal bones D
7. Thumb is what type of joint E
8. Knee is what type of joint B
9. Humeroscapular joint is what type of joint C
AB. gliding
A. gomphoses
B. biaxial
C. symphysis
D. suture
BC. synchondroses
CD. multiaxial
10. distal end of the radius articulating with the carpal bones AB
11. sprain causes damage to this type of joint E
12. joint between true ribs and body of sternum BC
13. found only in the skull D
14. ball and socket joint CD
Type of Movement
15. lifting the arms away from the midline aBduction
16. increasing joint angle; kicking a football extension
17. hands of waiter balancing a tray supine
18. turning sole of foot inward inversion
19. opening your mouth depression
20. bringing fingers together aDduction
E. syndesmoses
AB. uniaxial