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Conjugation – Answer Sheet
Occasionally two bacteria can exchange DNA by
structure called the
conjugation. Two cells align, and one will form a
. That same cell (the so called `male' cell) begins to
copy part of its DNA which it will pass
to the ‘female’
through the pilus. This recipient will, as in transformation, integrate the DNA into its chromosome by
recombination, and will acquire new traits due to the new genes encoded in the DNA that was transferred.
Complete the following matching questions to do with Conjugation
1. C
Two cells align close
to one another.
2. D
The `male' cell produces
a `sex' pilus which
attaches to the `female'
3. A
A piece of the `male' DNA
(reproduced) is transferred
via the `sex' pilus to the
4. B
5. E
The `sex' pilus is removed
and a piece of the `male'
DNA is left in the `female'
The `female' cell
incorporates a fragment of
the DNA into its own DNA.