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[Name of Center] now offers a new imaging tool to visualize evidence
of amyloid plaques when evaluating for Alzheimer’s disease or other causes
of cognitive decline: the Biograph mCT PET•CT scanner from Siemens.
[CITY, STATE, DATE] ― Physicians at [Facility Name] can now offer
advanced noninvasive brain imaging that can detect amyloid plaques, a sign of
Alzheimer's disease, in the living brain.
This new noninvasive approach uses a unique radiopharmaceutical imaging
agent in combination with Siemens' Biograph mCT PET•CT family of scanners and
proprietary neurology quantification software.* The radiopharmaceutical helps
physicians visualize protein deposits in the brain called amyloid plaques. In a
healthy brain, these deposits are broken down and eliminated. In patients with
Alzheimer’s disease, the deposits accumulate over time to form hard plaques that
build up between cells in the brain.
Although there is currently no cure for Alzheimer's, if it is evaluated early in
the disease process patients and their physicians can have additional time to
explore treatment options and prepare for the future.
[Suggested Physician Quote]
“We are excited about the new capabilities the Biograph mCT scanner
brings to [Facility Name],” said [Physician name, title]. “The number of people living
with Alzheimer's has the potential to increase substantially over the next fifty years,
so continuing research into its evaluation and new treatments is critical.”
Biograph mCT, while providing accurate and reproducible quantification in
PET•CT imaging, also offers exceptional comfort for patients up to 500 lb. With a
large, patient-friendly 78-cm bore opening, its open design and fast scan times help
to enhance patient comfort and may make patients feel less claustrophobic.
Additionally, Biograph mCT uses multiple innovative dose-reducing
technologies to minimize patient exposure to radiation, and the system's fast scan
times result in less patient motion, so image quality can be optimized.
Suggested physician quote to wrap up release
“The Siemens Biograph mCT gives [Facility Name] one of the most cuttingedge imaging systems available today,” said [Dr .Name.] “Siemens’ Biograph mCT
sets a new standard in diagnostic imaging for dementia and other causes of
cognitive decline. This system can significantly impact clinical outcomes for our
neurology patients by providing answers throughout the disease process.”
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* syngo(R).PET Amyloid Plaque is intended for use only with approved amyloid radiopharmaceuticals in the country of use.
Users should review the drug labeling for approved uses