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Cell Project
This cell project is an at home project that is to be completed individually.
The purpose of the cell project is to assess your knowledge on cells and
the function of their organelles. Use the menu below to pick one appetizer
(plant or animal cell), one entrée (how you will present your project), and
one dessert (city or cell model). Our projects will be on display for families
and parents to view throughout conferences.
PROJECT DUE DATE: Monday, October 19 (turn in
before school in the SCIENCE LABS)
Project guidelines:
 Your project must include the following organelles:
If you’re doing a plant cell: If you’re doing an animal cell:
Cell wall
Cell membrane
Cell membrane
Additional organelles: Endoplasmic reticulum, golgi, or nucleolus
can be added for extra credit (up to 3 points).
What will you be graded on?
Organelles All required organelles need to be labeled CLEARLY on your
Function The function (what the organelle does for the cell) of all required
organelles is CLEARLY stated on your project.
Making connections For each organelle, make a connection to how it
compares to a real world person, place, or thing.
Neatness and creativity Final projects need to be neat, colorful, and
legible. NO PENCIL on final projects!
Menu You must use the menu appropriately. Choose one appetizer, one
entree, and one dessert. You will lose points for not following directions.
On time Projects must be turned in ON TIME! You will lose points if your
project is late. All projects need to be in the science lab by the start of
school Monday, October 19 so that parents and families can view these
during the week of conferences.
Using the menu
1. Pick ONE appetizer: pick a type of cell to use for your project.
a. Plant cell
b. Animal cell
2. Pick ONE entree: pick a method for displaying your project.
3D model
2D model
Poster: use 12x18 poster board of any color
Brochure: use 8 ½ x11 paper
3. Dessert (optional)-earn up to three extra credit points for adding the
following organelles with their function and comparison:
Endoplasmic reticulum
Cell Menu