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PLAN OF 3RD topic: “Metabolism and function of carbohydrates”
1. What are carbohydrates, what are functions of carbohydrates? How carbohydrates are classified?
List the main carbohydrates of food. What is the value of carbohydrates for human organism?
2. Monosaccarides. Groups, representatives, properties (structural and stereo isomerism, formation
of hemiacetals or hemiketals, reducing and rotating properties, methods based on the properties).
Derivatives of monosaccarides and their biological importance.
3. Homopolysaccarides. Representatives, monomers, bonds, significance.
4. Heteropolysaccarides. Representatives of glycosaminoglycans (hyaluronic acid, heparin, keratan
sulphate, dermatan sulphate, chondroitin sulphate), monomers, bonds, properties and significance.
Glycosaminoglycans as component of proteoglycans, role of proteoglycans.
5. Oligosaccarides of glycoprotein complexes. Role of glycoproteins (give examples of
representatives and their role). Structure of carbohydrate part, typical monosaccarides of
carbohydrate part of glycoproteins.
6. Which enzymes hydrolyze disaccharides? What is their specificity? In which departments of a
gastro enteric path they work and which products they form?
7. Which enzymes hydrolyze polysaccharides? What is their specificity? (what kind of bond they
hydrolyze?) In which departments of a gastro enteric path they work and which products they
8. Name carbohydrate which is important dietary component but can not be digested in the GIT.
Explain, what is its value for human organism.
9. What are the possible reasons of carbohydrates digestion disorders?
10. Where and how does an interconversion monosaccharide happen in an organism? What is
biological importance of this process?
11. What is the reaction of the first chemical transformation of glucose in cells? Why is it figuratively
named "trap for a glucose"?
12. How glucose-6-phosphate can be used in cells?
13. Which organs mainly deposit glycogen after food intake? What is the biological role of this
phenomenon? Describe the reactions of glycogen synthesis. How much glycogen can be deposited
in liver?
14. What are the differences of glycogen mobilization in the liver and in the muscles?
15. What are the reasons for glycogen degradation? What are the hormones that regulate this process?
On what enzymes does they influence? What is the emotional hyperglycemia? What is the
mechanism of its development?
16. What is the mechanism of transformation of phosphorylase B into phosphorylase A? What is
significance of cascade activating mechanism?
17. What are the reasons and the symptoms of galactosemia?
18. Explain Volgemuth method of salivary amylase determination and it’s diagnostic significance.
Written home task
19. Write down the formulas of the main pentoses and hexoses, numerate carbon atoms (in Fischer
projection and in Haworth projection)
20. Write down the formula of lactose, sucrose, maltose. Name the type of bond in these molecules.
21. Write a fragment of a glycogen molecule. What types of bonds are met in a molecule of glycogen?
22. Write a fragment of a cellulose molecule. Sign the types of bonds.
23. Write down the reaction, catalyzed by hexokinase or glucokinase.
24. Write down the reaction, catalyzed by glucose 6-phosphatase.
1. What is the biological role of the carbohydrates disintegration in the cells. Name the types of
carbohydrates disintegration (accordingly to the character of splitting - and on the availability of
2. Which stages does Glycolysis consist of? What is significance of each stage? Which product
begins 2nd stage?
3. Describe irreversible reactions of glycolysis. Name the participating enzymes.
4. Describe reactions of glycolysis, going with the АТP consumption.
5. Describe reactions of glycolysis which go with energy release. What is mechanism of ATP
6. Name the key enzyme of glycolysis and the mechanism of its regulation.
7. What is glycolytic oxidoreduction. Write down these reactions, give an explanation.
8. Where in organism and at what physiologic conditions goes the production of lactate? What is its
further destiny? Write down the reaction catalyzed by lactate – dehydrogenase
9. Count up the energetic effect of the anaerobic glycolisys. What is the mechanism of АТP
10. What is the destiny of NADH2, formed in the process of glycolysis in anaerobic and aerobic
conditions? Describe the transfer (shuttle) mechanisms of hydrogen transport from NADH2 from
cytoplasm to the mitochondria of the liver cells
11. Write down the reactions of oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate up to acetyl-CoА. Name the
enzymes and coenzymes of these reactions. How many ATP molecules are synthesized during the
oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate? What is the mechanism of ATP formation?
12. Which pathways serve aerobic splitting of glucose up to СО2 and Н2О? Name the substrates and
the products of each pathway.
13. Count up the energetic effect of oxidation of 1 molecule of glucose up to acetyl-CoА. List the
mechanisms of АТP formation and the conditions of course of these reactions
14. Count up the energetic effect of the oxidation of 1 molecule of acetyl-CоА in Krebs cycle. What is
the mechanism of ATP formation?
15. Count up the energetic effect of oxidation of 1 molecule of glucose up to СО2 and Н2О if malateaspartate transfer (shuttle) mechanism is used. What are the mechanisms of АТP synthesis?
16. How many ATP molecules are synthesized at the glycogenolysis? How many ATP molecules are
thus deposited?
17. Determination of glucose in blood serum by glucosooxidasic method. Diagnostic significance of
glucose determination in blood.
18. Determination of lactate in blood serum. Diagnostic significance of lactate determination in blood.
Written home task
Write down all reactions of glycolysis. Note substrates, products, enzymes, coenzymes.
 reactions of glycolysis, going with the АТP consumption;
 reactions of glycolysis which produce ATP;
 irreversible reactions of glycolysis.
1. Where in human organism and at which physiological condition lactic acid is produced? What is
the further transformation of lactate?
2. Give the definition of gluconeogenesis. Name initial substances for this process.
3. How irreversible reactions of glycolysis can be overcome during gluconeogenesis? Write down
these bypass reactions of gluconegenesis.
4. Explain the process of glucose biosynthesis from pyruvate.
5. How many ATP is needed for synthesis of 1 glucose from lactate?
6. Name the key enzyme of mitochondrial stage of gluconeogenesis. What is its coenzyme?
7. How regulation of enzymes of gluconeogenesis is achieved (intracellular regulation, regulation by
hormones)? Name hormones, which regulate speed of gluconeogenesis.
8. What is the biological importance of gluconeogenesis?
9. What is Cori cycle?
10. What is apotomic degradation of glucose? Name products of this pathway.
11. What is metabolic role of pentose phosphate pathway?
12. Is apotomic degradation of glucose aerobic or anaerobic process? Explain the answer.
13. Name the substrates for apotomic glucose oxidation.
14. What is the destination of products of oxidative stage of pentose-phosphate pathway? Name
enzymes, coenzymes of these reactions.
15. What is the destination of hydrogen, which is removed from substrates after the reactions of
dehydrogenation during the pentose cycle?
16. What is the destination of excess of pentoses if the cell is desperately needs NADPH but not
17. Explain the scheme of pentoses transformation into the hexoses. What is the biological importance
of this stage?
18. What is the significance of apotomic glucose degradation in different tissues?
19. What is the difference of NAD+ and NADP+ function? Where NADH2 is oxidized and where
NADPH2 is oxidized?
20. Explain regulation of pentose-phosphate pathway (by availability of substrates, products of
21. Sugar curves and test to glucose tolerance.
Written home task
22. Write down the reactions which are catalyzed by the enzymes fructose-1-6-biphosphatase and
23. Write down the reactions which are catalyzed by the enzymes pyruvate carboxylase and
phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase.
1. Mechanisms of intracellular regulation of aerobic and anaerobic degradation of glucose and
gluconeogenesis. Name regulatory enzymes.
2. What are the mechanisms of carbohydrate’s metabolism hormonal regulation (insulin, adrenalin,
glucagon, glucocorticoids, kortisol)?
3. Reasons of hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia development (hormonal & non hormonal)
4. Explain the role of liver in carbohydrates metabolism.
5. Carbohydrate’s metabolism disorders at diabetes mellitus. Explain the influence of insulin on
organism’s metabolism processes. Name the main symptoms of diabetes mellitus. What are the
reasons for hyperglycemia, glucosuria, polyuria, ketonemia, ketonuria at diabetes mellitus?
6. Test on tolerance to glucose. Diagnostic importance of sugar curve.
7. What is acidosis, when it may occur and what are its consequences?
8. Name the reason for steroid diabetes (hypercorticism).
9. Hereditary diseases related to carbohydrate’s metabolism disorders:
a) reasons of biochemical changes at galactosemia and fructosemia.
b) glycogenoses and aglycogenoses.
c) malfunction of enzymes of carbohydrate’s hydrolysis in gastro-intestinal tract.
It is supposed:
written control work on theoretical and practical part of topic;
to solve situational tasks and tests;
Look question for lessons № 1,2,3,4, TEST AND SITUATIONAL TASKS OF TOPIC 3.