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2015-16 Biology EOC/Final Exams FAQ:
Unit #1: Scientific Inquiry
Podcasts: Microwave Expt
*A great resource for this topic is the following document
1. Experimental and control groups
2. ECC variable (sic)
3. MV, RV, CV
Unit #2: Cell Form & Function
Podcasts: Cell Form & Function, Biomolecules, Cell Energy (1 & 2), Cell transport, Enzymes, Osmosis
(p.1-2 Biology Quick Study Guide)
1. Euks v. prokaryotes: Eukaryotic cells are found in all living organisms except bacteria. They are
larger, more complex, and have a greater range of function (due to having membrane-bound
2. Organelles: Literally, “little organs”; these structures allow the cell to divide up all of the life
functions (getting energy, releasing waste, etc.). As a system, if any organelle fails, then the cell and
the organism to which it belongs will suffer.
3. Plants v. animals: Both are eukaryotic and form two halves of the same biological “coin”; that is,
they need each other. Producers (aka autotroph, plants) and consumers (aka heterotroph, animals,
mold, fungi, etc.) form the food (trophic pyramid) in ecology. Plants are unique in having cell walls,
chloroplasts, large water-filled vacuoles whereas animals have a special kind of centriole (used in
cell division)
4. Monomers v. polymers: monomers are single part molecules (like glucose and amino acids) that can
be assembled into long chains (like starch and proteins, respectively). Typically food that is eaten
takes the form of polymers and is then digested into monomer units by enzymes. These building
blocks are then used to create new structures for the body.
5. Biomolecules: carbohydrates, nucleic acids, lipids, and proteins
6. Cell energy: the interconnected process of photosynthesis and cellular respiration whereby solar
energy  chemical energy (glucose)  a different form of chemical energy (ATP). Life would not
happen without these processes. Remember that plants can do both but animals only cellular
7. Cell membrane structure: (check out the Fluid Mosaic Model)the outer boundary layer of all cells is
made of lipid mostly (taken in the form of phospholipids arranged in a double (“bilayer”) with
proteins embedded into or running completely through the membrane, thus allowing larger,
electrically charged, or non-polar (lacking oxygen) molecules a passage through the other side. On
the surface of the molecule are recognition molecules (usually made of sugars, proteins, or lipids).
These help cells recognize each other.
8. Passive v. active transport: Two processes that cells use to move materials across the cell
membrane. One uses energy to drive this movement against its concentration gradient while the
other allows molecules to flow naturally to the lower concentration area to reach equilibrium.
9. Enzyme structure and function: protein based molecules that are the chemical workhorses that
greatly help chemical reactions to happen. Know the relationship between the active site of the
enzyme the chemical substrate it works on. Enzymes operate in environments of differing
conditions. They work best in optimal conditions of temp, pH, and salinity.
10. Cell respiration location: mitochondria in both plants and animals
11. How do cells affect our body? Without cells, organisms could not live.
12. Do we need to memorize plant and animal cell diagrams? Yes. ID the organelles common to both
types of cells and then distinguish those that are found in only one or the other
Unit #3: DNA & RNA (Instructions for Life)
Podcasts: Genetic Material
(p.4, column 1-2 Biology Quick Study Guide)
1. DNA and RNA (structure and function): DNA and RNA both are genetic molecules that link the
genotype (Aa) with the phenotype (protein)
2. Transcription and Translation & replication; Gene (DNA)  mRNA  tRNA  protein (aka Central
Dogma) (review these notes)
3. Cause and effect of DNA change: Mutation is the term for the random and typically undesired
change to the DNA code. Often the source is mistakes that happen during the copying process of DNA
replication and these errors were never corrected. Also, chemicals in the environment or
overexposure to sunlight (UVA and UVB) can damage DNA. This can lead to cancers, birth defects
(only if the sex cells’ DNA is damaged), among other effects.
4. Tetrads: a group of two homologous (matching) chromosomes that each have two “arms” that, when
added together, form a group of four arms (tetra=4)
5. Nucleotides and their relation to genes (ATCG and AUCG): Nucleotides are the “letters” that form
genes. RNA nucleotides are similar to but not exactly alike the DNA nucleotides. They have different
sugars, and U substitutes for T in RNA. RNA can exist within both the nucleus and cytoplasm but DNA
is locked in the nucleus.
6. How to label genes: Genes are the “words” of the genetic language and can be various lengths, have
definite beginnings and endings, and can be written (transcribed) into different formats and acted
upon (expressed, such as translation)
Unit #4: Genetics (Tracking Traits)
Podcasts: Meiosis, Mendel & Gene, Chromosomes
(p.2, column 3 and p.3, column 2 of Biology Quick Study Guide)
1. Mitosis v. meiosis (phases): see resources in frame above in addition to this PBS site
2. Asexual v. sexual reproduction: asexual reproduction results in clones (exact copies) being made
from the parent, whereas sexual reproduction (most common in animals) gives rise to genetically
unique offspring
3. Inheritance patterns: complete dominance, incomplete dominance, co-dominance, sex-linked (also
called X-linked traits). See also this website
4. What are gametes? Sex cells (egg and/or sperm)
5. Autosomes v. sex chromosomes: of the 46 chromosomes in the human cell (excepting sex cells that
have only 23 each), 44 chromosomes (or 22 pairs) have no relation to determining gender and are
called autosomes. The other pair is the sex chromosomes.
6. How do traits skip generations? If two parents are carriers (heterozygotes like “Aa”) for a recessive
trait that is caused by a single gene, then they will show the dominant trait but can pass along one
of their recessive alleles (gene form) and 25% of their offspring will not have the dominant form;
that is they will be homozygous recessive, therefore the dominant trait skipped them.
7. Interpret pedigrees: A pedigree is a family tree used to track the inheritance of certain types of
genetic traits. The logic in do so is explained here.
8. Cause and effect of DNA change: Mutation is the term for the random and typically undesired
change to the DNA code. Often the source is mistakes that happen during the copying process of
DNA replication and these errors were never corrected. Also, chemicals in the environment or
overexposure to sunlight (UVA and UVB) can damage DNA. This can lead to cancers, birth defects
(only if the sex cells’ DNA is damaged), among other effects.
9. Independent assortment: The random pairing of chromosomes during meiosis (at the metaphase
stage) in which different chromosomes are grouped together and shuffled to one pole of the cell
versus the other. Video
10. Method of creating genetic diversity in gametes: Crossing over, independent assortment, and
random pairing of egg and sperm. Refer to #9
Unit #5: Genetic Engineering
1. Pros and cons to GMOs: the answer to this is somewhat personal and subjective. A common pro
example is engineering bacteria to create human insulin for diabetics on a large scale. A con would
be creating an organism that, if released to the wild, out-competes the native species and wreaks
havoc on the ecosystem. Also, GMFs (Genetically Modified Foods) may cause health problems
because they are attacked by the immune system for being unrecognizable. Think back to the film we
watched (Genetic Roulette)
2. Sticky v. blunt ends: Sticky ends can be rejoined by two fragments that are complementary but blunt
ends cannot
3. Vectors: Typically a bacterial chromosome that is cut with a restriction enzyme and a different
(desired) gene is inserted. This becomes “recombined” or hybrid. It can then be inserted into a
different host organism and the desired gene is then turned on and expressed.
4. Creation of recombinant DNA: see Animation Quiz #1 and #2
5. What is the connection between eating GMOS and diseases? See #1 above
Unit #6: Theory of Natural Selection (Exploring Change)
1. Natural selection theory basics (five aspects): Go back to the Natural Selection Notes and review the
orange “circle” diagram
2. Data-Hypothesis-Theory-Law: Go back to the Three Little Pigs Notes and review the three houses
that the pigs built
3. Allopatric v. sympatric speciation: When a population of organisms (aka species) interbreeds freely
then there is no end to the number of generations that they can produce (unless something causes
their extinction of course). If, however the entire population splits into two or more smaller subgroups, and these only breed within their smaller circle, the gene pool (sum of all genes) is cut off
from the whole population. If this happens and mutations accumulate all the while (and for a long
period of time), then it is theoretically possible that a new species can form. If the reason for the
gene pool being cut off is due to the environment (like a river suddenly cuts through the natural
habitat of an organism, it is called allopatric speciation. If the split is the result of some dislike of
some organisms to the others and it is by choice, it is called sympatric speciation.
4. Interpreting cladograms
5. Relative v. absolute dating methods: the ages of old artifacts and preserved organisms can be
determined (relatively) based on their position in rock layers. Those found in layers above another
layer are younger and vice versa. However a more precise (but not necessarily exact age) method is
using the radioactive nature of many elements (like carbon or argon) to determine when they died.
There is a fairly constant rate of decay from the parent isotope (like 14C) to the daughter isotope (N)
and the ratio of these two can pinpoint the age of the specimen.
Unit #7: Ecology (Population Interactions)
1. Logistic v. exponential growth: Logistic growth is an “S” shaped curve and is limited by resources like
food, water, available mating partners. It is typically sustainable and healthy. In contrast, exponential
growth takes a “J” shape curve and is not limited by any resources (at present) but it cannot continue
like this forever. Sooner or later, it will run into limitations and change to a logistic pattern.
2. Food chain v. food web: Think of a restaurant menu. A food chain menu is only one choice of meal
but a food web menu presents many options.
3. Why does the food chain affect us (or does it?): if you are a consumer and you can’t generate your
own food (like a plant can via photosynthesis), you better be looking for something to eat!
Conversely, if you are food for another organism, your life depends on preventing them from
completing the food chain transaction (e.g. salmon and grizzlies). For humans, if you swim in the sea
without a weapon, you’ll likely be shark bait and I think that matters!
4. Cycling of matter: Matter, like carbon and nitrogen, cannot be created from scratch. All the matter
that exists now is all there ever has been or ever will be. So it needs to be used and reused over and
over and over and over again. So, when things die, the elements from which their matter is made
(like flesh and bone) are decomposed (think bacteria and fungi) back to fertilizer and reused by
producers at the bottom of the trophic (food) pyramid.
5. How do growth patterns affect the population of a certain species? It depends on the niche and
ecosystem. Generally, you want to see many producers and the bottom of the food pyramid and
fewer and fewer organisms as you go from the primary to secondary and tertiary consumers. Any
imbalance here can disrupt the equilibrium and bad things result!
6. Why do some populations get along when others don’t? At some level, all populations compete
with each other since resources (what they are after) are limited. However, it is not uncommon to
see cooperation among two or more organisms if their partnership leads to benefits on both sides of
the relationship.
7. Energy flow via producers decomposers: I think this is a Ten Percent Rule question.
Ultimately, all energy that drives an ecosystem or the entire planet comes from the Sun. This solar
energy is then captured and used to perform photosynthesis. As plants use this sugar energy and are
consumed by others for all of life’s needs, ~90% is lost as heat (body heat, heat released by waste
products, etc.) and only ten percent is retained and used for productive activities. At the end of the
line energy is greatly reduced for those at the top. Unlike matter cycling, you can’t get lost energy
back. It needs to start again with the Sun and once the Sun runs out of fuel, then Earth’s inhabitants
are in for a real shock!
Unit #8: EOC related questions
1. Constraint/limitation: see Podcast Criteria & Constraints
2. Specific details (unit by unit) required for the EOC; requested a few examples from Units 6 & 7:
I think this is answered as we have been looking at practice tests (2012, 2013, 2014, Aquarium
Systems, etc.)