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Global Warning!
What is global warming? Why should we care? What can we do?
Why is the planet
heating up?
Scientists predict that the
Earth will warm by
1.4 - 5.8C
in the next 95 years!
Does it matter?
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a
consortium of several thousand independent scientists.
How much colder was the last ice age?
Guess: 5, 10, 100, 1000 degrees colder than today?
The last Ice Age was only 5C colder than today!
EffaithTy Gwydr / The Greenhouse Effect
The gas from pollution traps the
heat from the sun and causes our
planet to overheat.
Recent records show that our climate is
getting warmer.
Sea ice is melting.
Our climate is already changing!
In America ice is disappearing.
Our sea levels are rising.
Our climate is already changing!
Rising tides. Some scientists predict that a warmer climate will trigger
more violent storms, which will cause increased rates of coastal erosion.
Cape Hatteras in North Carolina in the USA.
Our climate is already changing!
Low-lying Bangladesh is prone to coastal flooding caused by storm surges,
which have killed thousands of people in recent years. Experts say if the sea
level goes up by 1 metre, Bangladesh will lose 17.5% of its land.
Our climate is already changing!
Experts predict that fierce storms and floods are likely to become more
frequent in the future. If homes and factories continue to be built on
floodplains, the cost of severe flooding will soar.
Most scientists
agree that
pollution levels
are contributing
to global
Look at the graphs.
What do you think?
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a
consortium of several thousand independent scientists.
In 25 years…
Worst case: if high pollution emissions
Best case: if low pollution emissions
How old will you or your children be?
The way we live will determine the temperature.
In 91 years…
If we do
If we
The choice is ours
Newidiadau i gyfartaledd tymheredd blynyddol
Predicted changes in annual average temperature
Scientists predict that by 2080 Wales
will experience:
An average
increase in
of by 2%
Scientists predict that by 2080 Wales
will experience:
More rain in
winter and less
rain in the
Scientists predict that by 2080 Wales
will experience:
A rise in sea level
that could range
from 18-79 cm
Scientists predict that by 2080 Wales
will experience:
More extreme
conditions and
very severe gales
10% more drought years
Why is the planet
heating up?
Global warming is the most serious
threat facing our planet!
Our challenge is to reduce CO2
But what can I do?
Be energy – efficient!
If every household installed two energy efficient light bulbs, enough energy
would be saved in a year to supply all street lighting in the UK.
Always remember to switch the
bathroom light off after you go
to the toilet.
Only fill the kettle with the
amount of water you need.
Don't leave your computer on
after you're finished using it.
If you feel cold try putting on a
jumper before you turn up the