Climate Change Effects and Adaptation Approaches in Marine and
... ranges toward the poles.91 The abundance and distribution of jumbo squid in the NPLCC region increased between 2002 and 2006, with sightings as far north as southeast Alaska.92 Loggerhead turtle, brown pelican, and sunfish are reported recent arrivals to the northern Washington coast.93 Climate chan ...
... ranges toward the poles.91 The abundance and distribution of jumbo squid in the NPLCC region increased between 2002 and 2006, with sightings as far north as southeast Alaska.92 Loggerhead turtle, brown pelican, and sunfish are reported recent arrivals to the northern Washington coast.93 Climate chan ...
Effects of climate change on infectious diseases
... • For vector borne diseases this would be the conditions suitable for mutual development of the vector and ...
... • For vector borne diseases this would be the conditions suitable for mutual development of the vector and ...
ITSSD – New NOAA FOIA Request (filed 9-22
... ITSSD files this new NOAA FOIA Request with the clear understanding that NOAA is obligated to release information regarding a peer review if it receives a Freedom of Information Act request, unless such information satisfies the criteria for a FOIA exemption. This new FOIA request seeks disclosure o ...
... ITSSD files this new NOAA FOIA Request with the clear understanding that NOAA is obligated to release information regarding a peer review if it receives a Freedom of Information Act request, unless such information satisfies the criteria for a FOIA exemption. This new FOIA request seeks disclosure o ...
REDD+ politics in the media - Center for International Forestry
... Several events have shaped the development of REDD+ in Tanzanian media coverage. The REDD+ policy process in Tanzania started after the Conference of Parties (COP2 13) in Bali in 2007 (Bali Action Plan) when Norway launched its international climate and forest initiative; the Royal Norwegian Embassy ...
... Several events have shaped the development of REDD+ in Tanzanian media coverage. The REDD+ policy process in Tanzania started after the Conference of Parties (COP2 13) in Bali in 2007 (Bali Action Plan) when Norway launched its international climate and forest initiative; the Royal Norwegian Embassy ...
CDP`s 2016 Climate Change Scoring Methodology
... In order to achieve A-List status, the verification of both Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions (reported in CC8.6a and CC8.7a respectively) is mandatory; in addition, verification needs to cover at least 70% of total Scope 1 and 2 emissions with no significant relevant exclusions (reported in CC8.4). Gro ...
... In order to achieve A-List status, the verification of both Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions (reported in CC8.6a and CC8.7a respectively) is mandatory; in addition, verification needs to cover at least 70% of total Scope 1 and 2 emissions with no significant relevant exclusions (reported in CC8.4). Gro ...
Report of the investigation into ABARE`s external funding of climate
... from consolidated revenue in the public interest. If external funding is sought, a range of protections are required including clear mechanisms for transparency of process and ensuring a balance of community views. Any Steering Committee or consultative process in this context should strive for a ba ...
... from consolidated revenue in the public interest. If external funding is sought, a range of protections are required including clear mechanisms for transparency of process and ensuring a balance of community views. Any Steering Committee or consultative process in this context should strive for a ba ...
Major impacts of climate change on deep
... understanding of the extent to which projected physical and chemical changes will lead to deleterious ecological consequences is still very poor (Philippart et al., 2011). Given that deep-sea ecosystems are vitally important to the Earth system (Danovaro et al., 2014) and are at considerable risk fr ...
... understanding of the extent to which projected physical and chemical changes will lead to deleterious ecological consequences is still very poor (Philippart et al., 2011). Given that deep-sea ecosystems are vitally important to the Earth system (Danovaro et al., 2014) and are at considerable risk fr ...
... Vulnerability assessments can play a vital role in the design of appropriate adaptation and mitigation policies targeted towards climate change and its impacts on marine and aquatic ecosystems, and those who depend upon these resources for their livelihoods and well-being. Assessing which particular ...
... Vulnerability assessments can play a vital role in the design of appropriate adaptation and mitigation policies targeted towards climate change and its impacts on marine and aquatic ecosystems, and those who depend upon these resources for their livelihoods and well-being. Assessing which particular ...
... suggestion: add to this section conclusion "Adaptation is place and context specific…..) p. 22 SPM This isnow part of a bullet point in 3.3. WGII [Government of Netherlands] General comments on Topic 3: Apparently it needs an introduction or providing aims and structures of the Topic 3 before the se ...
... suggestion: add to this section conclusion "Adaptation is place and context specific…..) p. 22 SPM This isnow part of a bullet point in 3.3. WGII [Government of Netherlands] General comments on Topic 3: Apparently it needs an introduction or providing aims and structures of the Topic 3 before the se ...
A FARMer`s View of the Ricardian Approach to Measuring
... prices of agricultural products below their marginal costs of production causing farmers in some regions to cease production.∗ This relates to another limitation of the Ricardian approach, specifically, changes in Ricardian rents do not provide information about the welfare implications of climatic ...
... prices of agricultural products below their marginal costs of production causing farmers in some regions to cease production.∗ This relates to another limitation of the Ricardian approach, specifically, changes in Ricardian rents do not provide information about the welfare implications of climatic ...
Atmospheric Ozone and Climate Change. Synthetic
... Are there any possibilities to abate ozone depletion? Two sets of compounds are being developed as substitutes for CFCs. These are: the hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) and even better, the hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) (Sodhi, 2000). These compounds have the following advantages: a) Their ozone depleti ...
... Are there any possibilities to abate ozone depletion? Two sets of compounds are being developed as substitutes for CFCs. These are: the hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) and even better, the hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) (Sodhi, 2000). These compounds have the following advantages: a) Their ozone depleti ...
ECCA 2017 Full Programme
... 2.8 Increasing Resilience: Integrating climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction in planning. European and national level policy approaches and practices ............................................................................235 5.5 Participatory modelling in climate change adaptati ...
... 2.8 Increasing Resilience: Integrating climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction in planning. European and national level policy approaches and practices ............................................................................235 5.5 Participatory modelling in climate change adaptati ...
Modelling Climate Variability and Climate Change and Their
... there are significant increasing trends in temperature for all seasons at most stations of Uganda, the trends in seasonal rainfall were significant only in a few stations. Further analysis observed significant linkages in variations of current banana yields and climate variability especially with re ...
... there are significant increasing trends in temperature for all seasons at most stations of Uganda, the trends in seasonal rainfall were significant only in a few stations. Further analysis observed significant linkages in variations of current banana yields and climate variability especially with re ...
The Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health
... Congressional mandate5 to assist the Nation in understanding, assessing, predicting, and responding to human-induced and natural processes of global change. The agencies of the USGCRP identified human health impacts as a high-priority topic for scientific assessment. The purpose of this assessment i ...
... Congressional mandate5 to assist the Nation in understanding, assessing, predicting, and responding to human-induced and natural processes of global change. The agencies of the USGCRP identified human health impacts as a high-priority topic for scientific assessment. The purpose of this assessment i ...
Impacts of Climate Change and Variability on Transportation
... Fiscal Year 2001 (Public Law 106-554) and the information quality act guidelines issued by the Department of Transportation pursuant to Section 515. The CCSP Interagency Committee relies on Department of Transportation certifications regarding compliance with Section 515 and Department guidelines as ...
... Fiscal Year 2001 (Public Law 106-554) and the information quality act guidelines issued by the Department of Transportation pursuant to Section 515. The CCSP Interagency Committee relies on Department of Transportation certifications regarding compliance with Section 515 and Department guidelines as ...
Climate Change and Migration - Institute for Governance and Policy
... any initiative to modify this definition would risk a renegotiation of the 1951 Refugee Convention, which, would not be justified by actual needs. Moreover, in the current political environment, it could result in a lowering of protection standards for refugees and even undermine the international r ...
... any initiative to modify this definition would risk a renegotiation of the 1951 Refugee Convention, which, would not be justified by actual needs. Moreover, in the current political environment, it could result in a lowering of protection standards for refugees and even undermine the international r ...
Examining the decision-relevance of climate model information for the insurance industry
... well developed concepts of dynamical systems theory, simple nonlinear chaotic systems are investigated to further understand what is meant by climate under climate change. The thesis questions the conventional paradigm in which long-term climate prediction is treated purely as a boundary value probl ...
... well developed concepts of dynamical systems theory, simple nonlinear chaotic systems are investigated to further understand what is meant by climate under climate change. The thesis questions the conventional paradigm in which long-term climate prediction is treated purely as a boundary value probl ...
Global Monsoon Dynamics and Climate Change
... external forcing centered at 25◦ N and quantified the theory by identifying a threshold forcing for the transition from the thermal equilibrium to the angular momentum conservation regime. They demonstrated that for a forcing smaller than the threshold, the relative vorticity is weak, the absolute vo ...
... external forcing centered at 25◦ N and quantified the theory by identifying a threshold forcing for the transition from the thermal equilibrium to the angular momentum conservation regime. They demonstrated that for a forcing smaller than the threshold, the relative vorticity is weak, the absolute vo ...
Urban adaptation to climate change in Europe 2016
... started putting measures into practice and exploring monitoring schemes. Apart from specific adaptation measures, many cities have implemented measures that can support adaptation too, but are not labelled as such. These include reducing the risk of disasters, managing water and creating green urban ...
... started putting measures into practice and exploring monitoring schemes. Apart from specific adaptation measures, many cities have implemented measures that can support adaptation too, but are not labelled as such. These include reducing the risk of disasters, managing water and creating green urban ...
Full Report (PDF)
... communities makes it even more important to help grow the knowledge base of how the community can accurately adapt and mitigate the negative impacts of climate change (Hales, 2014, p. 336). In order to further the concept of sustainability in these communities we need to work to minimize trade offs ...
... communities makes it even more important to help grow the knowledge base of how the community can accurately adapt and mitigate the negative impacts of climate change (Hales, 2014, p. 336). In order to further the concept of sustainability in these communities we need to work to minimize trade offs ...
Global Climate Change and Coral Reefs
... Coral reefs are being seriously and increasingly stressed by exploitation and anthropogenic environmental changes, such as sedimentation, nutrient loading and pollution, physical destruction, and overfishing. These effects are distinct from, and unrelated to, climate change. The coral reef ecosystem ...
... Coral reefs are being seriously and increasingly stressed by exploitation and anthropogenic environmental changes, such as sedimentation, nutrient loading and pollution, physical destruction, and overfishing. These effects are distinct from, and unrelated to, climate change. The coral reef ecosystem ...
Global Climate Change and Coral Reefs - 400 Bad Request
... Coral reefs are being seriously and increasingly stressed by exploitation and anthropogenic environmental changes, such as sedimentation, nutrient loading and pollution, physical destruction, and overfishing. These effects are distinct from, and unrelated to, climate change. The coral reef ecosystem ...
... Coral reefs are being seriously and increasingly stressed by exploitation and anthropogenic environmental changes, such as sedimentation, nutrient loading and pollution, physical destruction, and overfishing. These effects are distinct from, and unrelated to, climate change. The coral reef ecosystem ...
‑ ‑ GEF Secretariat Global Environment Facility 1818 H Street, NW
... The world’s biodiversity – the species, ecosystems and ecological processes that compose the natural world – are of incalculable value to humanity. The world’s agricultural systems depend upon biodiversity to sustain genetic plant and animal diversity, to provide pollination services, and to maintai ...
... The world’s biodiversity – the species, ecosystems and ecological processes that compose the natural world – are of incalculable value to humanity. The world’s agricultural systems depend upon biodiversity to sustain genetic plant and animal diversity, to provide pollination services, and to maintai ...
DRAFT Chapter 6 Arctic Tundra and Polar Desert Ecosystems
... number of source areas currently exceeds the sink areas. However, geographical representation of research sites is currently small. Future warming of tundra soils would probably lead to a pulse of trace gases into the atmosphere, particularly in disturbed areas and areas that are drying. It is not k ...
... number of source areas currently exceeds the sink areas. However, geographical representation of research sites is currently small. Future warming of tundra soils would probably lead to a pulse of trace gases into the atmosphere, particularly in disturbed areas and areas that are drying. It is not k ...
Politics of global warming

The politics of global warming are complex due to numerous factors that arise from the global economy's interdependence on carbon dioxide emitting hydrocarbon energy sources and because carbon dioxide is directly implicated in global warming - making global warming a non-traditional environmental challenge:Implications to all aspects of a nation-state's economy - The vast majority of the world economy relies on energy sources or manufacturing techniques that release greenhouse gases at almost every stage of production, transportation, storage, delivery & disposal while a consensus of the world's scientists attribute global warming to the release of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. This intimate linkage between global warming and economic vitality implicates almost every aspect of a nation-state's economy; Perceived lack of adequate advanced energy technologies - Fossil fuel abundance and low prices continue to put pressure on the development of adequate advanced energy technologies that can realistically replace the role of fossil fuels - as of 2010, over 91% of the worlds energy is derived from fossil fuels and non carbon-neutral technologies. Developing countries do not have cost effective access to the advanced energy technologies that they need for development (most advanced technologies has been developed by and exist in the developed world). Without adequate and cost effective post-hydrocarbon energy sources, it is unlikely the countries of the developed or developing world would accept policies that would materially affect their economic vitality or economic development prospects;Industrialization of the developing world - As developing nations industrialize their energy needs increase and since conventional energy sources produce carbon dioxide, the carbon dioxide emissions of developing countries are beginning to rise at a time when the scientific community, global governance institutions and advocacy groups are telling the world that carbon dioxide emissions should be decreasing. Without access to cost effective and abundant energy sources many developing countries see climate change as a hindrance to their unfettered economic development;Metric selection (transparency) and perceived responsibility / ability to respond - Among the countries of the world, disagreements exist over which greenhouse gas emission metrics should be used like total emissions per year, per capita emissions per year, CO2 emissions only, deforestation emissions, livestock emissions or even total historical emissions. Historically, the release of carbon dioxide has not been historically even among all nation-states and nation-states have challenges with determining who should restrict emissions and at what point of their industrial development they should be subject to such commitments;Vulnerable developing countries and developed country legacy emissions - Some developing nations blame the developed world for having created the global warming crisis because it was the developed countries that emitted most of the carbon dioxide over the twentieth century and vulnerable countries perceive that it should be the developed countries that should pay to address the challenge;Consensus-driven global governance models - The global governance institutions that evolved during the 20th century are all consensus driven deliberative forums where agreement is difficult to achieve and even when agreement is achieved it is almost impossible to enforce;Well organized and funded special-interest lobbying bodies - Special interest lobbying by well organized groups distort and amplify aspects of the challenge (environmental lobbying, energy industry lobbying, other special interest lobbying);Politicization of climate science - Although there is a consensus on the science of global warming and its likely effects - some special interests groups work to suppress the consensus while others work to amplify the alarm of global warming. All parties that engage in such acts add to the politicization of the science of global warming. The result is a clouding of the reality of the global warming problem.The focus areas for global warming politics are Adaptation, Mitigation, Finance, Technology and Losses which are well quantified and studied but the urgency of the global warming challenge combined with the implication to almost every facet of a nation-state's economic interests places significant burdens on the established largely-voluntary global institutions that have developed over the last century; institutions that have been unable to effectively reshape themselves and move fast enough to deal with this unique challenge. Rapidly developing countries who see traditional energy sources as a means to fuel their development, well funded aggressive environmental lobbying groups and an established fossil fuel energy paradigm boasting a mature and sophisticated political lobbying infrastructure all combine to make global warming politics extremely polarized. Distrust between developed and developing countries at most international conferences that seek to address the topic add to the challenges. Further adding to the complexity is the advent of the Internet and the development of media technologies like blogs and other mechanisms for disseminating information that enable the exponential growth in production and dissemination of competing points of view which make it nearly impossible for the development and dissemination of an objective view into the enormity of the subject matter and its politics.