Effects of climate change on infectious diseases
... Other global change phenomena which can impact prevalence of infectious ...
... Other global change phenomena which can impact prevalence of infectious ...
... synergies, and integrated responses.". Please consider to integrate these sections, and draft it so that policymakers seeking this kind of information finds it in one section that clearly communicates Some concepts were moved to the introduction, such the whole narrative. [Government of Norway] that ...
... synergies, and integrated responses.". Please consider to integrate these sections, and draft it so that policymakers seeking this kind of information finds it in one section that clearly communicates Some concepts were moved to the introduction, such the whole narrative. [Government of Norway] that ...
Policy Implications of Warming Permafrost
... its release into the atmosphere is irreversible on human time scales. Thawing permafrost could emit 43 to 135 Gt of CO2 equivalent by 2100 and 246 to 415 Gt of CO2 equivalent by 2200. Uncertainties are large, but emissions from thawing permafrost could start within the next few decades and continue ...
... its release into the atmosphere is irreversible on human time scales. Thawing permafrost could emit 43 to 135 Gt of CO2 equivalent by 2100 and 246 to 415 Gt of CO2 equivalent by 2200. Uncertainties are large, but emissions from thawing permafrost could start within the next few decades and continue ...
the climate crisis: national security, public health, and economic
... change, a 1.5 percent cut in GDP. Global GDP could fall as much as 20 percent. The costs of inaction are not limited to the impacts of global warming. They also include the price of lost opportunity. America was once the world’s leader in renewable energy technologies but we are now losing those job ...
... change, a 1.5 percent cut in GDP. Global GDP could fall as much as 20 percent. The costs of inaction are not limited to the impacts of global warming. They also include the price of lost opportunity. America was once the world’s leader in renewable energy technologies but we are now losing those job ...
Climate Change and Migration - Institute for Governance and Policy
... signatories to the 1951 Convention, including states with substantial existing refugee and migrant numbers such as Malaysia and Indonesia. Second, any removal of the antidiscrimination norms underpinning the 1951 Convention to accommodate environmentally displaced people would involve a substantial ...
... signatories to the 1951 Convention, including states with substantial existing refugee and migrant numbers such as Malaysia and Indonesia. Second, any removal of the antidiscrimination norms underpinning the 1951 Convention to accommodate environmentally displaced people would involve a substantial ...
Battling Promethean dreams and Trojan horses: Revealing the critical discourses of geoengineering
... climate, and not about accepting or rejecting a specific geoengineering technology’s potential to contribute a little to the existing portfolio of options for managing climate change. We also conduct a comparative analysis of the differences between the two discourses, as presented in Anshelm and Ha ...
... climate, and not about accepting or rejecting a specific geoengineering technology’s potential to contribute a little to the existing portfolio of options for managing climate change. We also conduct a comparative analysis of the differences between the two discourses, as presented in Anshelm and Ha ...
ECCA 2017 Full Programme
... 1.7 Rising seas and changing marine storminess: evidences from model projections and assessments of coastal hazards and risks in view of climate change ..........................................................................................................32 12.1 Ecosystem service provision, biodi ...
... 1.7 Rising seas and changing marine storminess: evidences from model projections and assessments of coastal hazards and risks in view of climate change ..........................................................................................................32 12.1 Ecosystem service provision, biodi ...
CDP`s 2016 Climate Change Scoring Methodology
... In order to achieve A-List status, the verification of both Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions (reported in CC8.6a and CC8.7a respectively) is mandatory; in addition, verification needs to cover at least 70% of total Scope 1 and 2 emissions with no significant relevant exclusions (reported in CC8.4). Gro ...
... In order to achieve A-List status, the verification of both Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions (reported in CC8.6a and CC8.7a respectively) is mandatory; in addition, verification needs to cover at least 70% of total Scope 1 and 2 emissions with no significant relevant exclusions (reported in CC8.4). Gro ...
Reining in Phaëthon`s Chariot: Principles for the
... power to do so. 19 These modern-day Phaëthons would grab the reins of Helios’s chariot and, like the sun god himself, select a path for the global environment that will restore climatic equilibrium to the planet. Yet, like climate change, geoengineering solutions are themselves wicked problems that ...
... power to do so. 19 These modern-day Phaëthons would grab the reins of Helios’s chariot and, like the sun god himself, select a path for the global environment that will restore climatic equilibrium to the planet. Yet, like climate change, geoengineering solutions are themselves wicked problems that ...
... Contributing editors: Daniel Blobel and Nils Meyer-Ohlendorf of Ecologic – Institute for International and European Environmental Policy, Berlin, and Carmen Schlosser-Allera and Penny Steel. Design and layout: bounford.com Printed in Halesworth, UK by Technographic Design and Print Ltd using chlorin ...
... Contributing editors: Daniel Blobel and Nils Meyer-Ohlendorf of Ecologic – Institute for International and European Environmental Policy, Berlin, and Carmen Schlosser-Allera and Penny Steel. Design and layout: bounford.com Printed in Halesworth, UK by Technographic Design and Print Ltd using chlorin ...
America's Climate Choices: Panel on Advancing the
... decided that comprehensiveness was essential to the report’s credibility. In addition to drawing on the new scientific results being published nearly every week, we were aided in this task by the final U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) Synthesis and Assessment Product Global Climate Chang ...
... decided that comprehensiveness was essential to the report’s credibility. In addition to drawing on the new scientific results being published nearly every week, we were aided in this task by the final U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) Synthesis and Assessment Product Global Climate Chang ...
Closing the “consensus gap” by communicating
... less than 10% of Americans aware that over 90% of climate scientists agree on humancaused global warming (Leiserowitz, Maibach, Roser-Renouf, Feinberg, & Rosenthal, 2015). This gap between public perception and the 97% reality is known as the “consensus gap” (Cook & Jacobs, 2014), and constitutes a ...
... less than 10% of Americans aware that over 90% of climate scientists agree on humancaused global warming (Leiserowitz, Maibach, Roser-Renouf, Feinberg, & Rosenthal, 2015). This gap between public perception and the 97% reality is known as the “consensus gap” (Cook & Jacobs, 2014), and constitutes a ...
... function2. The chosen path of mitigation and adaptation investments can be characterised as optimal. For the present analysis, the cooperative approach is adopted. Differently from WITCH, AD-WITCH separates residual damage from adaptation expenditures, which become policy variables. Their optimal l ...
... function2. The chosen path of mitigation and adaptation investments can be characterised as optimal. For the present analysis, the cooperative approach is adopted. Differently from WITCH, AD-WITCH separates residual damage from adaptation expenditures, which become policy variables. Their optimal l ...
H1. Epistemic community influence on policymaking is probable if
... Today, many of us are concerned about environmental protection and prosperity. Environmental nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), scientific organizations, intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) and other collectives are popping up like mushrooms. But environmental problems are relatively new issue ...
... Today, many of us are concerned about environmental protection and prosperity. Environmental nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), scientific organizations, intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) and other collectives are popping up like mushrooms. But environmental problems are relatively new issue ...
English - unfccc
... Climate related events, such as Cyclone Heta in 2004, have confirmed to the people of Niue the dangers associated with climate change, and have shown the importance of active participation in activities which mitigate the adverse effects of climate change. Through the preparation of the SNC, Niue ha ...
... Climate related events, such as Cyclone Heta in 2004, have confirmed to the people of Niue the dangers associated with climate change, and have shown the importance of active participation in activities which mitigate the adverse effects of climate change. Through the preparation of the SNC, Niue ha ...
a study of public understanding of and response to climate
... Prevalence of and reasons for energy-reduction action ..................................... 67 Theoretical perspectives relevant to energy conservation.................................. 68 Costs and benefits of energy conservation.......................................................... 69 Social a ...
... Prevalence of and reasons for energy-reduction action ..................................... 67 Theoretical perspectives relevant to energy conservation.................................. 68 Costs and benefits of energy conservation.......................................................... 69 Social a ...
protected areas and climate change in canada
... 6) Communicating and working with regional, national and international interests toward the achievement of Council’s goals and objectives. 7) Conducting other such work and activities as may be necessary to support these aims. For more information, visit the CCEA website at www.ccea.org ...
... 6) Communicating and working with regional, national and international interests toward the achievement of Council’s goals and objectives. 7) Conducting other such work and activities as may be necessary to support these aims. For more information, visit the CCEA website at www.ccea.org ...
America's Climate Choices: Panel on Adapting to the
... of climate change-related decisions and actions being taken at various levels and in different sectors and regions; it develops a framework, tools, and practical advice for ensuring that the best available technical knowledge about climate change is used to inform these decisions and actions. Americ ...
... of climate change-related decisions and actions being taken at various levels and in different sectors and regions; it develops a framework, tools, and practical advice for ensuring that the best available technical knowledge about climate change is used to inform these decisions and actions. Americ ...
Climate-Smart Conservation - National Wildlife Federation
... species and ecosystems, and these effects are projected to increase considerably over time. As a result, climate change is now a primary lens through which conservation and natural resource management must be viewed. How should we prepare for and respond to the impacts of climate change on wildlife ...
... species and ecosystems, and these effects are projected to increase considerably over time. As a result, climate change is now a primary lens through which conservation and natural resource management must be viewed. How should we prepare for and respond to the impacts of climate change on wildlife ...
Scoping study: Modelling the interaction between mitigation and adaptation
... The earth is already committed to further warming in the next few decades, to which some adaptation will be required. A certain amount of warming cannot therefore be avoided via mitigation perhaps at least 1.5C above pre-industrial levels. Meanwhile, risks of catastrophic climate change and more par ...
... The earth is already committed to further warming in the next few decades, to which some adaptation will be required. A certain amount of warming cannot therefore be avoided via mitigation perhaps at least 1.5C above pre-industrial levels. Meanwhile, risks of catastrophic climate change and more par ...
Petition - Center for Biological Diversity
... The Center for Biological Diversity (“Center”) is a non-profit, public interest environmental organization dedicated to the protection of native species and their habitats through science, policy, and environmental law. The Center has over 35,000 members throughout the United States. The Center and ...
... The Center for Biological Diversity (“Center”) is a non-profit, public interest environmental organization dedicated to the protection of native species and their habitats through science, policy, and environmental law. The Center has over 35,000 members throughout the United States. The Center and ...
... objectives could either be result-oriented (e.g., coastal economies are protected from sea level rise, access to water is not jeopardised by climate change, people and property are protected from floods and hurricanes) or process-oriented (e.g., adaptation is incorporated in national policies and st ...
... objectives could either be result-oriented (e.g., coastal economies are protected from sea level rise, access to water is not jeopardised by climate change, people and property are protected from floods and hurricanes) or process-oriented (e.g., adaptation is incorporated in national policies and st ...
Comparing Conceptualizations of Urban Climate Resilience in
... jurisdiction size and geographic features. Respondents’ roles in their communities also varied with the largest group (30 percent) working in the energy or environment field (i.e., energy, environmental services, parks, or sustainability staff), followed by 24 percent that serve as elected officials ...
... jurisdiction size and geographic features. Respondents’ roles in their communities also varied with the largest group (30 percent) working in the energy or environment field (i.e., energy, environmental services, parks, or sustainability staff), followed by 24 percent that serve as elected officials ...
Free version - Derek Lemoine
... a climate module (Figure 1). The policymaker decides how to allocate output between consumption, investment in capital, and emission reductions. Unabated emissions accumulate in the atmosphere where they change the radiative balance, induce further warming feedbacks, increase global average surface ...
... a climate module (Figure 1). The policymaker decides how to allocate output between consumption, investment in capital, and emission reductions. Unabated emissions accumulate in the atmosphere where they change the radiative balance, induce further warming feedbacks, increase global average surface ...