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Bio 12
Chap 3
pg 48-60
Name: __________________
Date: ___________________
Block: _____
Checking for Understanding- Plant & Animal Cells, Identifying Cell Structures
1. Place these terms in the appropriate column below: centrioles, cell membrane
only, cell membrane and cell wall, large central vacuole, small vacuoles only,
mitochondria only, mitochondria and chloroplasts, lysosomes,
Animal Cells
Plant Cells
2. Identify & label ALL organelles shown in the following diagrams.
*NOTE: some diagrams show more than one organelle…
a) ______________________
b) __________________ c) _____________
__________________ _______________
d) ____________________
e) _________________
f) ______________
Bio 12
Chap 3
pg 48
Why Are Cells So Small?
Cells are limited in how large they can be.
This is because the surface area and volume ratio
does not stay the same as their size increases.
Because of this, it is harder for a large cell
to pass materials in and out of the membrane, and
to move materials through the cell.
1. Complete the Cell Size Comparison Data Table below using the instructions on
Surface Area= (length x width) x 6 sides
Volume = length x width x height
Ratio= surface area ÷ volume
Dimensions (cm)
4 x 4 x4
6 x 6 x6
Surface Area (cm2)
Volume (cm3)
Ratio of
Surface Area to Volume
2. a) Which cell has the largest surface area? ________________________
b) Which model has the largest volume? ____________________________
c) Which model has the highest ratio? _____________________________
3a) Why is having a large surface area advantageous to a cell?
b) Why may having a large volume be disadvantageous to a cell?
4. Apply what you’ve learnt: Spherical single-celled organisms such as “ protozoan
A” are generally much smaller than single-celled organisms such as “protozoan B”.
This is because:
A. irregularly shaped protozoans such as
do not divide as often
B. spherical protozoans engulf more
food by phagocytosis
C. spherical protozoans use more energy
D. irregular protozoans have a greater
surface area to volume ratio