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Bio 210B, Spring 2010, T-Th night
Study Guide, Exam 1 – 2/16/10 (lecture) 2/18/2010 (lab)
Relationships of Eons, Era, Period, Epoch
Generalities of Prokaryotes vs. Eukaryotes
Endosymbiotic hypothesis
Describe the Domains of life and the major characteristics of each.
Describe the bacterial morphological types: Bacilli, Cocci, Staphylococci,
Streptococci, Diplococci, Spirilla, Spirochaetes.
What is the purpose of a gram stain? How does it work?
Describe the following: obligate aerobes, obligate anaerobes, faculative
anaerobes, faculative heterotrophs, photoautotrophs, and chemoautotrophs,
obligate heterotrophs.
Describe the following: Archaea, extremophiles, Hyperthermophiles, Halophiles
Describe the relationships and general characteristics of the following
terms/clades: Diplomonads, Trichomonada (Parabasalids), Kinetoplastida,
Trichonympha (Hypermastigophora), Flagellate, Protozoa, Ciliophora,
Apicomplexa, Choanoflagellida, Euglenophyta, Chrysophyta, Bacillarophyta,
Desmids, Dinoflagellates, Diatoms.
Describe the relationships and general characteristics of the following
terms/clades: Amoeba, Foraminifera, Actinopoda, Radiolaria, Heliozoa, Slime
mold, plasmodium,
Describe the relationships and general characteristics of the following
terms/clades: Algae, Phaeophyta, kelp, Rhodophyta, Chlorophyta
Describe the relationship between the following: thallus, blade, holdfast,
pneumatophore, and stipe.
Sample multiple-choice questions:
In general, how do algae and protozoans differ?
a. All protozoans have cilia and all algae do not have cilia.
b. Algae are free-living, and protozoans are parasitic.
c. Protozoans are autotrophic, and algae are heterotrophic.
d. Algae are photosynthetic, and almost all protozoans are heterotrophic.
e. Algae are prokaryotes, and protozoans are eukaryotes.
Groups of seaweeds can generally be distinguished on the basis of _____.
a. color
b. size
c. whether they are multicellular or unicellular
d. whether they have true leaves, stems, and roots
e. whether they are autotrophic or heterotrophic
Biochemistry can be used to identify many prokaryotes. For example, gram-positive bacteria
have a cell wall composed of a thin layer of peptidoglycans that retains the purple dye, crystal
violet—as a result, they stain a dark purple color. Is this statement True (a) or False (b).
Other questions may include: short-answer, matching, short-essay
Other test requirements and tips:
Arrive on time and prepared, yet well rested. Bring pencil, eraser, and Scantron # 882.